March 30, 2025

Crazy Love: Chapter 9 – “Who Really Lives That Way” (pgs. 153-157)

Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.

1 Corinthians 11:1

Using this verse as the basis for this chapter in Crazy Love, Chan tells the story of people who sought to live their lives fully surrendered to God.  Let’s take a brief look at the examples on pages 153-157.

Marva J. Dawn: Marva’s life is a reflection of her belief that small acts of faithfulness can have a profound and significant impact on the world.  She has written many books and all the profits of her books go to support charities.

Rich Mullins: A talented musician with much success in the music industry, Rich moved to a Navajo reservation to teach music to the children who lived there.  Rich never knew how successfully his albums sold because the profits from his concerts and albums went directly to his church, who paid him a small salary and gave the rest of the money away.

Rings:  Rings is an ex-convict, ex-addict, and ex-alcoholic.  Since he turned his life over to Jesus, his home is the cab of his pickup truck.  He uses his monthly check to buy food, then drives to the beach and makes meals for the homeless.

Rachael Saint: When Rachel was eighteen, a wealthy woman offered to make Rachel her heiress if she would be her companion for the rest of her life.  Rachel knew she couldn’t accept the offer of a comfortable life spent sipping tea and conversing.  After many years, Rachel finally went to live with the Waorani people, and translated the New Testament into their language.


Just reading about those people inspired me.  Without a doubt, they lived their lives following the example of Christ as they served others.  They are now being read about in Mr. Chan’s book all over the world.

If you are like me, you personally know people who radically lived their lives for Jesus, and impacted their generation, yet their names never made it inside the cover of a book that has sold over a million copies. 

Would you bear with me as I pay tribute to a couple of  people who played a big role in my salvation and spiritual growth?

Edgar Bethany: It was under his ministry that I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. One never forgets their moment of salvation, nor the person who lead them to the Lord.

Paul Radke: A man of wisdom, who taught me the importance of accepting people of all backgrounds in order to share Jesus with them. 

David Berkeheimer: You might say it was under his ministry that I began the process of becoming healed emotionally and spiritually.

Melbab Berkeheimer: She was my mentor that paved the way for me to begin a teaching and writing ministry.

Sylvia Thompson: A lady with the gift of prophesy that spoke many encouraging words into my life during trying circumstances.

Yes, because of these five people giving of themselves, my life was changed.  They did it without wanting any recognition, but I have always wanted to honor them publicly in some way.  Never have I dreamed that I could actually send their name to the other side of the world. But, because God had been preparing one woman to make this possible, I have been able to do just that! Christi Wilson, the Founder of Girlfriends Coffee Hour opened the doors for me to reach across the globe through my writing.  

Christi Wilson: A woman with a heart for online Bible studies that encourages women across the globe to develop a deeper walk with the Lord by studying His word.  She radically lives her life for Jesus to be a vessel that is impacting this generation.


My prayer is that I will be an influence to others in some way and when I get to heaven, someone will say to me: “Thank you for giving to the Lord! I am a life that has been changed.”

Be Blessed, 




Let’s Pray: 

Father God, we ask that You open our hearts to the convicting power of the Holy Spirit to show us where we can best serve You and impact our generation.  In Jesus’ name I pray.  Amen.

Your Assignment:

What legacy would you like to leave?



Our next Online Bible Study

“Girls with Swords” by Lisa Bevere begins March 24th.  

To join us for this amazing study, click on the picture above!

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