March 29, 2025

GCH:decaf — Meet Robin!

Hello Decaf!!!

I am so LOVING getting to know all of you! Amazing…this week, we have had the opportunity to meet Amber and Diamond, Michaela, so far, and now I have the privilege and honor of introducing to you all a very awesome young lady ; ) My kiddos and I enjoyed meeting and having lunch with her last month. She was with her mom and dad, and the young ladies (their parents) that she enjoys playing soccer with, in the tournaments that she competes in all over the U.S.! Is that amazing or what?!!! I think she has the coolest Mom ever 😉 She is pretty cool herself!! Have you guessed who my person is yet????

The young lady that I have the honor of introducing to you is none other than….Robin Bolme!

Robin is 17 years old and she lives in Smyrna, Tennessee…I’m going to get to visit there one day really soon.  😉

Robin in the sun

Robin’s favorite musician is Matt Redman and 10,000 Reasons is her favorite song. I am going to have to check him out for myself! Courageous is her favorite movie of all time! Castle is her favorite TV show and ANY sport on ESPN is what she loves to watch. On Saturday mornings, she also loves playing soccer, soccer, soccer…did I say soccer?!!! My kids and I tried to catch her in action at one of her tournaments, here in Memphis, but it was raining so hard on that day, that we decided to wait until the next time to go see her!

Robin’s favorite style to wear is Jeans, T-shirts, and flip flops (Toms occasionally). She likes to EAT and be active! The eating part reminds me of her visit here to Memphis! We met her parents, her and her teammates and their families at Hueys restaurant! We had never been there before, but I will tell you that everyone had a GREAT time!!! Adults and all!! When you are finished eating, you can take your toothpicks that they place in your sandwiches and you can place the toothpick in your straw and you can blow them up out of the straw at the ceiling. The ceiling is made of this special material that will hold the toothpicks, and I was told by Mama T that at the end of the year, they have a contest to see who can guess how many toothpicks are there and whoever guesses the closest, wins; and the money raised is then given to the charity that was chosen earlier that year. How amazing is that?!! Can I say that Robin was the Queen for that day!!! My Justin tried to keep up, but he was no competition for Robin…he came close….NOT!!! LOL!! Just by spending that time with her, I could tell that she LOVES a good competition  : )

Sole Mio, an Authentic Italian restaurant, is her favorite place to eat. I will have to say that I will have to find that restaurant as well, and check it out. We definitely have that in common…just love me some Italian food!!!! Yum, Yum, Yum!!!

Robin stated that the one thing that changed her life was “God blessing her with the ability to play soccer well. (I have to agree) She said that it has shaped what her life looks like and who she is.”

I have to share something with you girls about Robin that I found out through the grapevine ; ) Robin has the wonderful opportunity to play soccer on a US National team in Austria this summer!! How AWESOME is that!! This kid Rocks!!! A small select number of students are chosen each year to play, and Robin was chosen to be the Goalie!!!! She loves to travel, but she is a little nervous about traveling abroad, and not knowing anyone. I could understand that. Let’s send up prayers for Robin, that she goes and meets lots and lots of new friends!!! What an AWESOME opportunity that God has Blessed her with!!!

Congrats Robin from ALL of us here at GCH: Decaf!!! May God continue to take you higher and higher, in the name of Jesus!



If you are interested in joining us in our GCH:decaf Teen Girls Ministry, please email for more information.

We’ll be starting our next online Bible study soon! So be sure to keep checking back for sign-up details to be posted soon!

If you are interested in sending Tonya a private message in regards to this blog, please email her at:

GCH:decaf – Meet Diamond

Meet my beautiful




I have been a fan of this young lady for several months now.  I have been watching her…  not in a creepy way (I hope), but really watching to see what she is made of.  We began this online teen ministry and this girl named Diamond signed up.  She was very quiet, at first.  Then one day out of the blue (to me anyway) Diamond posted the most mature, profound question and response I think I have ever seen.  While we were studying “A Daughter’s Worth” we were talking about dating and how that fits into our lives.  One day this awesome girl posted a statement that blew me away with her insight and maturity.  After I did this interview I realized that Diamond was 12 when she got this revelation from God to her heart.  I was immediately drawn to her.  I can’t wait for you to “meet” my friend Diamond.

This sparkly beauty is 15 years old and lives in Lexington, South Carolina.  I have family in South Carolina so I can’t wait to go for a visit and see Diamond on the way.  Look out girl!

We talked a little about music and she brought up this band that I keep hearing about:  One Directionor something like that.  I have seen the pictures of these guys and they are rather unfortunate looking.  I really hope they can sing.  LOL  There are several girls in our group that like these boys!!!!  Hmmmm  I may need to check them out a little better.

NOW, when we got to Christian artists, Diamond and I think a lot alike.  She loves  tobymac and so do I.  I have seen him in concert several times and I plan to see him again in February when he is in Nashville.  Diamond has pretty good taste in her tunes!!!

We talked about TV and movies a little.  She loves, loves, LOVES the movie Grease (I’m sure the original one with John Travolta and Olivia Newton John) and she goes “old school” Will Smith with the Fresh Prince of Bel Air for her favorite TV show.  I have to admit that I have seen Grease more times than I probably should and I have seen ALL of Fresh Prince (even when it was new, LOL).  Those kids sure did get into some crazy trouble.

Diamond’s favorite thing to do with friends is just to spend time.  I love that.  Time is monetarily free, but is priceless.  It doesn’t have to cost you money to have friends.  They want your time and attention, so just hang out.

On this next topic of food, I must say Diamond surprised me.  I know she is from South Carolina and I know my family in South Carolina can COOK.  I love South Carolina Barbeque (especially the mustard sauce) and macaroni cheese pie.  When I asked Diamond what was her favorite food she said…  Chinese (and more specifically at China House restaurant).

So then I got this funny picture in my head of Diamond at China House in NERDY glasses listening to tobymac and I just had to laugh.

Our pastor shared a scripture with us and I thought about Diamond again.

It was 2 Peter 1:5-9, “For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love.  For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.  But if anyone does not have them, he is NEARSIGHTED and BLIND, and has forgotten that he has been cleansed from his past sins.”

Then that brings us to the Bonus Question:  “What is one thing that changed your life?”

To that Diamond answered a very mature “The one thing that changed my life is when I realized that dating isn’t everything. God showed me this 3 years ago.”  That is what Diamond shared with the GCH: Decaf group back in the beginning of our first Bible study together.  This one statement told me that Diamond was listening to what God had to say to her about her life.  She took it to heart and applied that truth to her relationships.  Diamond doesn’t need a boy to make her feel complete, she has her relationship with God in first place.  Not only did she hear what God said, she was willing to share that knowledge with the other girls in the study group.  I love that!  Every experience is useful if we share it with others and help lead them to the truth of Jesus.

Thank you Diamond for being a light in our last study!!!  You are one very special young lady.  I can’t wait to see how God uses you in our “not a fan” study that begins in February.  I can already tell that you are not a fan.  Keep on teaching us how to be committed followers of Jesus.  Love you girl!!!

Mama T


We begin our next study on the book by Kyle Idleman, “not a fan”.  We will be working from the red, Teen Edition book and the Follower’s Journal.  Get your books now and be ready to start the study on February 4th.

If you are interested in more information about GCH:decaf, email us at:

If you would like to send a personal message to Teresa, you may email her at:


GET READY!!!!! 2013 is Almost Here

Welcome Back, EVERYONE!!!  2013 is almost here and we are READY to get started in a BIG way.  We just completed our very first online Bible study of “A Daughter’s Worth” by Ava Sturgeon.  We had approximately 30 girls and lots of women participating in our ministry in 2012.  As our study came to a close, we were looking forward to Christmas and then the New Year.  We had time off from school for winter break in the United States and summer break in South Africa.  Is that not a wild concept???  Christmas is still Christmas, but it’s winter on one side of the world and summer on the other!  We have gone from a brand new online ministry to a ministry that is being read and has participants in over 100 countries across the globe.  God is SOOOOO good!

Do you think that when Jesus told the disciples to “Go and Tell the World” he would know that we would have the internet and Facebook and friends all over the world that are as close as our keyboards and phones?  The original disciples and followers of Jesus walked from city to city.  They floated a boat from coast to coast.  It wasn’t as easy to tell the world about Jesus as it is today, BUT THEY DID IT!!!  You know how I know they did it?  Because if they hadn’t, you and I would not know the name JESUS.  We would not be here, in this place, in this time if the followers of Jesus had not GONE and TOLD about the Savior of the World.

Over the next few weeks, the month of January, we are going to get to know each other.  We are going to see just how much we have in common, no matter where we live.  The central, most important thing we have in common is JESUS.  I want to “hear” you guys talking and getting to know one another.  I have had the chance to “meet” some wonderful friends here at Girlfriends Coffee Hour and my teen friends here at GCH:decaf are THE BEST!  I have even gotten to meet some of the girls and ladies face-to-face.  That has been so much fun.  Megan, Tina and I are going to start meeting with girls in our area to help the friendships grow.  I want you guys to form your own groups and send us pictures, videos and stories of how you are sharing GCH:decaf and Jesus with your friends and your community.  Jesus said, “Go and Tell the Good News”.  Let’s DO IT!!!

We are going to be studying the teen book “not a fan” by Kyle Idleman and working through the teen edition Follower’s Journal.  You will need both books to keep up and get the most out of our study.  We are going to look at our relationship with Jesus and see what our relationship status is.  The book starts out telling us that believers fall into TWO (2) categories:

1.  The “I Like Jesus on Facebook” group, and

2.  The “Why does Facebook even ask about religion?” group.

I liked this book from the start.  No nonsense, no church-y words, just real life.  We are going to learn a new term:  D.T.R.  (Define The Relationship).  Every girl knows that when you have a crush you want to know if that special someone likes you too.  It doesn’t take very long before you want to define the relationship (know where you stand).  We are going to do that with our relationship with Jesus, too.  He already knows how HE feels about us.  He loved us so much that he came to earth as a baby (Christmas) and died (Easter) for our sins so that we can live with Him forever.  While He was here, he taught average, normal, lost people about himself and His Father in Heaven.  Then He told them to spread the word.  The story of Jesus started with 12 disciples who followed Him and has grown to believers that cover the globe.

As we finished the study of “A Daughter’s Worth” by Ava Sturgeon, we hope that you have a better understanding of who you are to God and why Jesus came to save you.  Some of you shared how your lives were being changed and we are very thankful for that feedback and for the difference Jesus makes in your life.  The leaders were definitely changed and grew closer to the Lord and each other through this study.  We ask you to go a little deeper and define your relationship with Jesus.  Find out just how deep your crush on Him goes.

In addition, we are going to have TWO (2) age groups in GCH: decaf.  The older group will have ladies from 18-24 years old and we call them VENTI.  The younger group is for young ladies 12-18 years old and is called GRANDE.  We want you all to feel comfortable talking about relevant life issues in an age appropriate way.  The fellowship group is open to all ages, so we will get to “see” all our friends and chat and giggle with each other.  Tell all your friends.  There will be a contest coming in January and the student with the most referrals gets cool prizes.  The leaders are already recruiting and want to compete too (SMH, smh).

I cannot tell you all just how excited we are to be offering “not a fan” beginning Monday, February 4th, 2013!!!!!  My relationship with JESUS is the most important one in my life.  I hope you D.T.R. and see that it is the most important in yours as well.  Get your books.  Begin READING the RED book and we will begin the Follower’s Journal on February 4th.  Same great bloggers, same great schedule.

Let the NEW YEAR begin………………………………………….

Much LOVE to you ALL,

Mama T


If you are interested in joining us in our GCH:decaf  Teen Girls Ministry, please click the sign-up form button at the top of our webpage. Just follow the instructions on the form and hit submit. We’ll be happy to add you to one of our Online Bible Study Groups! Please email for more information.