February 22, 2025

Girls With Swords: Chapter 1 – “Women As Warriors” (pgs 8-12)


Sometimes we have to sit down and look at the reality of the situation. The reality of the situation we are in today is not only biblically supported, but it is supported by the world as well, by what we see on a daily basis. The author of this book pointed out gendercide, a very real threat to women in some areas; there is also sex trafficking and sex slavery. I sit with my daughter and watch TV, or look through her pre-teen magazines.  What I see and hear scares me—the methods of communication the world uses are teaching our daughters to be self-centered, superficial women who place their value in the latest brands, and the ability to find the perfect man. It doesn’t stop there, I see the same when I’m in the aisle at the store looking through the women’s magazines. What is the world telling us to focus on? What is the world telling us to place our value in?

There is a lot of pressure on women.  There is quite a bit expected from us: we hold down jobs, we raise families,we are to do it on our own as an independent woman, we are to look beautiful. We are distracted at every turn. No, gendercide doesn’t directly affect all of us in our hometowns, but like Lisa said when writing this book “your birth location just means you will be targeted in a different way.” The reality of the situation is that we have a target on our backs, we are women, we are Christians, and we are determined to take up our swords and fight back. These three combined make us a very real threat to Satan and he will do what he thinks he can do to throw us off of our path.

And then there is a bigger reality than the one I just spoke of—the reality that we have God on our side, the reality that His promises are stronger and more powerful than any threat Satan has made. “There is no way we can or should fight this battle alone.” We don’t have to, we don’t need to, and we can’t. We NEED God’s heavenly support.

We as women are faced with a choice, “Will we be an unarmed civilian, victim, prisoner of war or a hero”? Where will we stand? What will our position be?

Ephesians 1:11-14

In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will, in order that we, who were the first to put our hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory. And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory.

We have been chosen. ladies. We need to look at the reality of the situation, we need to decide where we stand, and we need to take a position. There is a target on our back, but the swords we hold are bigger and stronger than the weapons being thrown at these targets. Our swords, our prayers must not be influenced by what is around us; they need to be powered by looking to the One who created us to be warriors.


Psalm 62:5-8

Yes, my soul, find rest in God;
my hope comes from him.
Truly he is my rock and my salvation;
he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.
My salvation and my honor depend on God;
he is my mighty rock, my refuge.
Trust in him at all times, you people;
pour out your hearts to him,
for God is our refuge.



Let’s Pray:

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the swords You have placed in our hands.   Thank You for showing us a bigger reality, Your bigger reality. Your protection and love are more powerful than anything Satan can lay in our path. Lord I pray for boldness when we pick up our swords!  I pray that our prayers hold a power we could never have imagined because they are powered by You. Lord, You created us to be warriors; You gave us the power to be warriors, to make a difference and to take a stand. Thank You for this gift and thank You for Your protection and power.  In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.


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Girls with Swords: Chapter 1 – “A Target” (pgs 6-7)



When I think of being a TARGET I start looking for a place to hide.  That means something or someone is looking for me to do me harm or disrupt my peace.  Time to duck and cover, put on the armor, bring up the defense shields.  Being a target can’t possibly be a good thing. can it?  What if I’m targeted for a promotion?  Targeted for an honors program or award?  The targeted recipient of favor from God?  Either way, something has made me a target to someone and they are coming after me.  While I am hiding I think I’ll try to figure out what made me a target in the first place.

The Bible doesn’t tell us much about the exact struggle Satan had with God while Satan was still one of God’s angels.  It does tell us enough to know that Satan had a pride and rebelliousness about him that made him question God’s wisdom.  God then cast Satan and a third of God’s angels, who had decided to follow Satan, out of heaven to roam the earth.  Satan took a third of God’s messengers with him when he fell.  Satan is still looking to steal souls from God.  The Bible calls Satan a thief and tells us his purpose in John 10:10, “The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life” (NLT).

We must have something of value if Satan wants to steal from us, kill us, and destroy us.  What could that be?  He has dominion over all the earth until Christ returns to claim…His own…to Himself…and then all those SAVED in CHRIST will LIVE with God FOREVER.  Hmmm…. Something Satan can no longer do because of his bad attitude and unwillingness to work with others.  (Isaiah 14:12-14)  Satan’s only “job” is to separate humans from relationship with God.

Here are a few of the reasons I found for Satan to put a TARGET on us:

  1. We are a target simply because we are human.
  2. God loves us and created us for a relationship with Him.
  3. Satan cannot fix his problem himself and be returned to a relationship with God.
  4. If he can’t have a relationship with God, then neither can we.  NAH! NOT! Whatever!
  5. Satan knows that every soul close to God is capable of great and wondrous things.
  6. Satan knows how the story ends.
  7. Satan is fighting to keep God’s precious creation distracted, distressed, and demoralized so that we don’t experience the fullness of our place with Him in heaven.

I admit to being human AND to God loving me and wanting a relationship with me.  I acknowledge the fact that Satan has NO POWER to fix his relationship problem with God, and he holds no authority over my life either.  Just because he messed up his opportunity to serve God doesn’t mean I let him distract me from the perfect plan God has for ME.  I’m glad I know how the story ends, too, because I now have the power to choose to follow Jesus, to live for Him, and to bring other humans along the path with me.

The only point here that I haven’t really addressed is that with God I am capable of GREAT and WONDROUS things.  Who?  Me?  Satan knows who I am.  Do I?  We, you and I, are daughters of the King of Kings.  We have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb of God.  We are fitted for GLORY.  We have supernatural potential to be whatever God needs us to be.  All we have to be is willing and ready to serve when He calls our name.  To God, we are a HERO!!!!!  No wonder Satan is throwing darts at us.  No wonder when we are on a God-journey the stresses in our life get stronger.  No wonder when we are pursuing a life patterned by Jesus, our kids go haywire, our car dies, the dog runs away, we lose our job, fail a class, the house is a mess, and we are out of groceries with no money to buy any.

In our book, Lisa Bevere says, “I believe that the attacks on your life have much more to do with who you might be in the future than who you have been in the past (p. 7).  This one statement made me realize that God created me for a purpose in this time.  I have a choice to fulfill that purpose and live a rich and satisfying life that God wants to give me or I can let Satan steal, kill, and destroy me.  I get to CHOOSE.

I choose to be a Christian.  A Christ-followerAn Anointed One BelovedA Royal Daughter of the King.   I choose to grow in my faith, strengthen my walk, and lead others to Jesus so that they may have a rich and purpose-filled life as well.  I choose to draw a weapon against the evil one and do everything in my power (given to me by the Holy Spirit) to prevent Satan from stealing one more soul from fellowship with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  I choose to be a HERO!


Let’s Pray:

Heavenly Father,  We thank You for choosing us for relationship and purpose.  We thank You for Your love and protection from the fiery darts of the enemy.  We know they are meant for a distraction from our true purpose, and that is to light the path to lead others to You.  We thank You for the confirmation from the enemy when we are on the right path and are a threat to his evil ways.  Lead us to the purpose You have planned for us so that we can live a rich and satisfying life in Your will.  We choose You.  Use us how You will.       AMEN

Put on the WHOLE Armor,
