February 24, 2025

Living Water

Jesus replied,”If you only knew the gift God has for you
and Who you are speaking to,
you would ask Me, and I would give you living water”
John 4:10

We don’t know her name and we don’t know how old she is but her conversation with Jesus is the longest one recorded in the Bible.  Jesus intentionally chose this particular well as His resting stop.  He was tired from traveling.  His disciples went into town for food so He waited for them there.  As we all know, this was planned.  He knew she would be there.  She had a clay jar to fill up with the water from Jacob’s well.

Now, Jews weren’t supposed to talk to Samaritans and men weren’t supposed to talk to women without their husband being present.  But Jesus didn’t pay attention to those rules and He spoke to her directly.  He asked her for a drink.  She replied,  “You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman, how can You ask me for a drink?” Jesus responded with the verse (4:10) above—that the water He was offering was Living Water and that she would never thirst again.  Of course, she didn’t understand.  She asked Him where His rope and bucket are and she wanted to know where He would get this water from.  Jesus took the time to minister to her and share with her His love and the life that was intended for her.

Jesus replies,”Anyone who drinks this water will soon become thirsty again.
But those who drink the water that I give will never be thirsty again.
It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.”
John 4:13

Of course the woman wants this!  She asked Him for the water, so that she doesn’t have to come to the well ever again.  I imagine that she doesn’t enjoy the looks of other people and the shunning from the other women, for she lived a life of sin.  So Jesus told her to go get her husband and she replied,’I don’t have a husband.’ Jesus responded, ’You’re right, you don’t just have one husband, you have five husbands and you aren’t even married to them. You’re just living with them’.  She is floored that He knew all about her and she asks if He is a prophet and a couple of other questions about Samaritans and Jews.  Can you imagine what the people around them were thinking?  Don’t you know that Jesus didn’t care what they thought?  All He cared about was her and wanting her to know that she is loved and that she was forgiven and that He cared about her.

Jesus gravitated towards the mess of other people’s lives and loved on the ones the world considered unloveable.  And because He did this, she had a new story to tell to anyone who would listen.   She knew there was a Messiah coming but she didn’t know she was talking to Him.  Jesus told her eventually and the disciples returned and, of course, they asked why Jesus was talking to her.  (Did they even need to ask?)  Jesus loves her.  The story ends with the woman leaving her jar beside the well and running back to her village telling everyone to come and see the man that told her everything she ever did and that she believed was the Messiah.  So all sorts of people came from her village to see Jesus.  I imagine there were quite a few lives changed that day, all because Jesus showed this particular woman grace and love.

I don’t know what your story is but I do know that Jesus does and He loves you in spite of who you are and what you may have done.  And if you are a Jesus follower, I pray that you will go to those who are hurting and those who aren’t in your circle of friends.  If we simply stay in our comfort zones, then we will not have the opportunity to share the love of Jesus.  This is the most important decision that anyone will ever make.  This world is so full of hurt and hatred that we as His children really need to be the hands and feet of Jesus and move toward the mess of others lives. In the end, all that matters is what Jesus thinks of us. The world may shun us for choosing to love the sinners, the gossipers, the thieves, the adulterers and the addicts of the world but we are all sinners and we all fall short.  But His grace is free to all who want it!  And then life after life will be changed and all who hear will want to tell anyone who will listen about our Jesus.

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What about you?  Do you want His grace today?  Do you want this living water that Jesus is offering you today?  If so, then all you have to do is ask.  Start by saying:

Dear Jesus, I know that I am a sinner.  I need Your forgiveness and grace.        I believe that You are the Savior and You died to save me.  I want You to come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior.  Thank You for your love for me.  In Your name I pray, amen.

If you just prayed this prayer for the first time or, if you have rededicated your life today, we want to celebrate with you!  It’s the first day of the rest of your life!