December 31, 2024

Life’s Healing Choices: Chapter 5 – How to Cooperate with God’s Change Process

Let’s go ahead and admit that we KNOW we need change or we wouldn’t be in this group right now, right? We wouldn’t be going through this painful process of reliving our past mistakes and confessing it all to a friend, right? I remember when I came to the end of myself and realized I definitely had a drug addiction problem, I was addicted to painkillers.

It was Spring Break 2001 and I was home with the children; we were supposed to be enjoying each other. I had planned all these fun activities yet I couldn’t function. I had taken the last four pills that morning and my body was screaming for more. I did not have any and I had to think quick. That is how insane my life was then—before surrendering to Jesus. I spent all my time thinking about it, driving to get it, lying to doctors, lying to family, sitting in waiting rooms; all the while knowing this isn’t what God created me for.

In this chapter we read a lot about our thoughts becoming our life. What you think about most will become your god. If that’s true—and it is—why not place our thoughts on Him? Read and study His word and know what His plan looks like for our lives. I remember being extremely frustrated that I couldn’t will myself back into a healthy way of life. I remember thinking that I had lived my life before without drugs so why is it so hard to get back there? I had to have help.

When I came back from treatment, the only thing that had changed was the drugs. I came home to the same place, the same people. and the same problems. Which proves what the author says, that the drug is only a symptom of a bigger problem. It starts with something; for me it was self-esteem. I never felt good enough. I didn’t believe His truth about me, that I was created in His image, and that I am just as I am supposed to be. His masterpiece. I had everything physically going for me, a huge house, nice car, 4 children, a husband that loved me, physically fit, and when I looked in the mirror, I liked what I saw physically. But spiritually there was something missing.

Change doesn’t happen overnight. We did not get here overnight and we will not heal overnight, but little by little as we change our focus from inside us to Jesus, we will be transformed to who He created us to be.

I needed help to learn to live again and He sent me a close friend who literally gave her time every day for 9 months, except weekends. She came from 8 am-4pm and held my hand as I learned to do the simple things—washing clothes, keeping a tidy house, cleaning out the clutter, cleaning out my car, taking care of my children’s needs and my husband’s, making beds. It may sound crazy to you but I had never focused on running a home like Jesus wanted me to. My friend made me a schedule and I followed it. She changed my life, and the life of my children. Don’t you see? God sent her to me! He answered my prayer and physically guided me through her. He can do anything if you ask.

Our God is a selfish God. He wants all of you, not just most of you. He must be your focus. I remember a time in my life when my prayer list was all petitions for me and my life. I thought I was focusing on Him by prayer, yet my prayer life was all about me. You have to be careful not to become selfish in your prayer life. Praise Him! Thank Him! Worship Him! A simple prayer that has become a daily for me is this: empty me of me so that I can be filled with You.

This chapter gives you steps to changing your focus. Make sure you read them, study them, look up the verses that are in each step and keep them in a safe place. And lastly, make sure you allow Him to be your pilot.  We’ve proven that our willpower is not enough to change our behaviors, but He is. So let’s allow HIM to continue the work He started in us when He created us. Let’s walk so close to Him that we can touch His garments.

Character defects, my friend, cannot be improved, they must be removed and He alone can do it.

I leave you with some words from your God:

The Lord said, for you must go wherever I send you, and say whatever I tell you and don’t be afraid of the people, for I will be with you and take care of you, I, the Lord, have spoken.  Jeremiah 1:7, 8

You will always reap what you sow. Those who live only to satisfy their own sinful desires will harvest consequences of decay and death- But those who live to please the Spirit will harvest everlasting life from the Spirit.  Galatians 6:7, 8

Please try His way. You can always go back to your way if His doesn’t work for you, you know? It’s your choice.  I choose Him.

Let’s Pray:

Dear Lord, we praise You and love You and worship You today. Lord, you are our Stronghold, our strength, our tower, our Creator and King. You are perfect and Your ways are amazing. You provide our every need, even in the desert. You are our Living Water and with You we will thirst no more. I pray for each one of these precious ladies in this study…You alone know their hearts and You know their needs. Please reveal Yourself to each one today in an amazing way; let them feel Your presence, in Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Your assignment:

Read through the steps listed in this section and write the verses in your journal. Tell us your favorite one or the one that spoke loudest to you. Praying for you always!!!


If you are interested in joining us for this amazing study, click HERE. Once we receive your registration, we will email you further instructions.

If you would like to email Kim regarding this post, please do so at:

Crazy Love: Chapter 5 – Serving Leftovers to a Holy God (pgs. 90-94)

In this part of the chapter Mr. Chan really challenges us to re-think what we are offering to God. Are they leftovers? Or are what we offer truly given out of a heart solely wanting to give the best of everything we have to God, our first fruits? Is it the best we can give? I know I was really convicted when I read this! I am examining everything.  I was thinking about when I get up in the morning,  Do I quickly pull out my Bible and give God the first minutes of my day before everything comes crashing in? Or I do I think about what’s on my plate today and put it off ’til later when I think I might get a minute? (Honestly, I never find that minute!)

I grew up in a family of seven people. Because my dad grew up on a farm, dinner was always a big meal. Lots of meat, boiled potatoes and veggies. Most of the time both parents had to  work and we had five growing kids. There was always a little something left over to put in the refrigerator for another day. Once a week at our house was “leftovers night.” YUK!  I hated leftovers! Not all things you warmed up the second time tasted good. In fact, I didn’t like most of them. It was always a race with my brothers to get the best of them. Dry meat, soggy vegetables and fried potatoes were not my favorites. Sometimes I just skipped dinner because I didn’t really care for anything on the table. To this day I try to cook just the right amount of food, so there won’t be any leftovers. Can you tell I’m not a fan??

If I am giving to God the kinds of things I don’t like or skip because I don’t even like them, what does that say about how God feels about them? What does it say about me? I think it says that I’m serving Him things that are sub-standard. OUCH!!! It calls into question my commitment and love for Him. Do I really love God and put Him first in all I do and say? Or do I feel like a liar, as Mr. Chan says? If I am to represent what love is to other people, how can I truly do that when I haven’t first given the best to the Author of love?  It’s very humbling when you think that God has already given us His sacrificial best in Jesus, doesn’t it?

In 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 we read the example of what God means by real love. Francis Chan challenges us to put our names in place of the word “love.”  How do we measure up against these words? I’m afraid I fail miserably at times in this. I am committed, though, to work at this more and more. I want to love like God loves me. With an abandon and an unreserved feeling!  I want “Perfect Love” to reflect out of me…so people know it’s God.

Mr. Chan also shares a line from Mark Buchanan’s writings. He says, “Physical sickness we usually defy. Soul sickness we often resign ourselves to.”  Did any of you get the flu this winter? How many of you got a flu shot? There is no vaccine for soul sickness. I had the stomach flu for a week and a half. By the time I was done I was weak, tired, and just wanted to be done with it. I fought it every step of the way. I didn’t want to be sick! Why don’t I fight “soul sickness” with the same resolve? Why don’t I come out with my spiritual dukes up and fight it with all my might? I don’t want to be like the church in Laodicea, I need to acknowledge that I desperately need what Christ has offered. And what Christ has offered is a real commitment, real love—no leftovers! It’s the “shot” for soul sickness that is there for the asking. Can we ask Him for it? Who knows what could actually happen when we are giving God all the first fruits of our life without holding anything back? It gives me “Holy Ghost Shivers” just thinking about it! Now to put it into practice….

In Christ, Donna


Let’s Pray:

Father God, today we pray for our hearts to be willing to give You our first fruits not our leftovers. We pray for Your cure for our Soul Sickness. We dedicate ourselves to truly love and show love to others the way You have authored it. Touch every woman reading this today and help us all to renew our commitment to You. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Your Assignment:

Substitute your name in the verses in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8.  Pray over it and have God reveal to you how you can change the way you measure yourselves in these verses. Ask Him to show you how it can be done. It could be life changing. Share with us, if you wish, how God is leading you.


If you are interested in joining this amazing online Bible study for Crazy Love, click HERE to sign up. Once you are registered, you will receive an email with further details.

If you would like to email a private message to Donna in regards to this blog, please email her at:

Captivating: Chapter 5 – Further Assault – What’s Going On

I love history.  I love to know how things were in time past, and how those things affected present times. I think that knowing about history is vital to understanding the world today; I feel that the same applies for us as people. Our history explains so much of our present.  It answers a good deal of the “why” questions, as individuals and as women as a whole. Our history may be different depending on the generation we were born in, the country we call home and even our family dynamics, but there is one common factor: women have not always been the most liked or respected of God’s creations. Stasi and John go as far as to use words such as “special hatred” and “diabolical” when referring to society’s general opinion of women.

No, the thought of our history does not bring on a warm fuzzy feeling, and it leaves me scratching my head in wonder of how thoughts and opinions could come to pass in the first place. But, like so many other things in life, I don’t have the answers and there is only one thing I am left to do. Turn to God.

There are three things that I can rely on when it comes to explanations I wish I had, but don’t.

1.         God allowed this history to be what it is for a reason.

2.         God knows what He’s doing.

3.         He’s doing it for a reason.

Romans 8:28

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

Despite what our history was…or how it leads those around us and in society to see/feel about women…please rest and be assured that God’s plan is playing out.  His will is being done and we are living according to His purpose.  Don’t look past the history, don’t look past the influence it has on our world today, and don’t overlook God’s hand in that history.

With love,



Let’s Pray:

Dear Lord, we don’t know why things happen in this life. We don’t understand why people think the way they do, or have the opinions about women that they have. What we do know is that Your will is being done. “All things work together for good to those who love God.” Thank You for this promise.  Thank You for Your love.  In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Your Assignment:

Our history has been a troubled place. How has the past of women shaped your way of thinking, if at all?


If you are interested in joining this online Bible study, please click HERE.  Once we receive your registration, we will email you further details.

If you are interested in sending a private message to Tonya in regards to this blog, please email her at:

Life’s Healing Choices: Chapter 5 – Why Does It Take So Long to Get Rid of Our Character Defects?

There are four main reasons why it’s hard to change the defects in our lives:

1. Because we’ve had them for so long.
2. Because we confuse our defects with our identity.
3. Because every defect has a payoff.
4. Because Satan discourages our efforts to change.

All my life I have been a very anxious person. I have always felt I did not belong or fit in. I always felt disconnected and unloved by my father. I have felt like a burden to my husband and all of our family. I have felt like I’m not good enough, or smart enough, to hang out with or be accepted by my husband’s friends or around those he worked with because they were so smart and had much more education than me. I have felt shameful for things I have done out of my addictions. I have felt unworthy as a person and that I don’t deserve to be happy or to be loved. I have felt afraid to love, trust, and have intimacy with my husband because I did not feel this growing up from any male figure. I have even gone so far as feeling embarrassed at Bible study when asked to turn to a certain book because I had no idea if it was in the front, middle, or back; and therefore I felt I was ignorant.

So now you understand why I am the way I am. Of course, I needed to take Xanax and drink, because of my horrible anxiety. Of course, I needed to hide and avoid everyone, because I don’t fit in. Of course, I had to distance my heart and stay as far away from intimacy with my husband, because he might abandon me like my dad had done. Of course, I’m afraid to trust because of all the bad relationships that have disappointed me and hurt me. Surely you understand, too, right?

Now you can see why it’s been so hard for me to let go; because if I did, then who am I? Who will Leslie be without anxiety, depression, shame, guilt, fear, jealousy, envy, hatred, loneliness, bitterness, and unworthiness? I had no clue what it would feel like to want to live…to feel like a good mom and wife—or, especially, God’s child? Do you see where I am going with this? I honestly had lived my 38 years believing all of these defects are who I am and that I will always be this person who would always be depressed, a worthless person, and bound to be ill and miserable for the rest of my life or until I would finally take it. My life was hopeless and that’s who I was—just a miserable hopeless person. And, although life was excruciating, I couldn’t imagine things differently.

I remember just how frightened I was when I became sober. I was so fearful to face things without using something to get me through it. Emotions were almost unbearable to feel without that Benzo or glass of wine. It was so hard being alone in the house because the voices that I hid from were much louder and frequent in a quiet house. I was so afraid to be in certain rooms of my home because I remembered withdrawals and hallucinations that I experienced there. It was so hard to come home from outpatient program and do my assignment of looking in the mirror and telling that image looking back at me that I love me and I am a good person.

Letting go of these defects was not easy. I actually enjoyed the attention I got because of my illness. I felt wanted and loved when family members called and checked on me. I liked receiving cards and seeing my name on prayer lists. I actually liked being able to not speak to my dad because I wanted to have power over him feeling sad and abandoned because of all the years I felt that hurt. I liked being constantly pitied when I would do destructive things to myself because that not only got me much more attention from my family, but attention from doctors, also. For me, a life I was miserably comfortable in at least had a payoff. How about you? What payoff do you get by not letting go of your defects?

John Baker says in this chapter, “Satan constantly tries to fill our minds with negative thoughts. He is the accuser. He whispers in our ear, ‘This will never work; you can’t do it, you’ll never change.‘” Have you been hearing this alot?

When I started seeking Christ these whispers were constant, loud, almost paralyzing at times. I learned to rebuke Satan, and almost every 5 seconds I was doing so in the name of Jesus. Satan would stop for a few moments and start right back up. Being fragile and not trusting in God very much, I spent my days feeling weak and tired. Satan told me I would never be well, I would not stay sober, I was a loser, I had no real friends, that my husband pitied me and that he had lost hope in me. I had thoughts that my kids might be scared from seeing my actions and addictions. And that I did not have a real relationship with God because He did not love me enough to save me and take me out of that hell I lived. Why did I have to hurt so badly for so long? Does God not love me?

John8_32Please listen very carefully, ladies…SATAN IS A LIAR!!! There is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he shows what he really is like. The devil was a murderer from the beginning. He has never been truthful. He doesn’t know what the truth is. Whenever he tells a lie, he’s doing what comes naturally to him. He’s a liar and the father of lies (John 8:44 God’s Word Translation). Baker states, “But counteracting Satan’s lies is the truth that sets us free.” Jesus said, “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). As we begin to grow in God’s truth and voluntarily submit to every change God wants to make in our life and allow Him to remove our character defects, we will discover the happiness of doing what God requires. So what are you waiting for?


Father, we come to You today ready to submit to all the changes You want to make in each of our lives and remove our character defects. We ask that You reveal to us defects that we have lived with for so long and have become part of who we are. Help us to let go of these things. Lord, help us when Satan tries to discourage our efforts to change by trying to fill our minds with negative thoughts, and instead focus on the truth, Lord. For we know the devil is a liar and the father of all lies. Lord, we ask for Your help; and we thank You for Your forgiveness and love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Your Assignment:

Find a quiet place and ask God to reveal to you your biggest character defect. What has been the payoff keeping it and not letting it go?

If you are interested in joining us for this amazing Online Bible Study, click HERE to sign up.

Once we receive your registration, we will email you further details.

If you would like to send a private email to Leslie in regards to this blog, please email her at:

Captivating: Chapter 5 – The Whole Story (A Special Hatred intro)

I can relate to Stasi’s story during the introduction of this chapter—not in relation to gardening—but to various other “assaults” in my life.  I can recall the first few events happening, words being said; in other words, the first few “hail stones” falling. I can recall watching the damage happening from afar but feeling as if I was powerless and couldn’t do anything. And I remember standing in the middle of the destruction, asking myself question after question. The loudest question being “Why?

I am a firm believer in taking time in stepping back to look at the whole story. Taking the time to see all the who’s, what’s, when’s, where’s and why’s of a situation.  It doesn’t mean that I am going to change my opinion of a situation or change my actions, but I like to know the whole story.  In school when we were told to read a passage, I would read some above and below that passage to get a better understanding. When I read a Scripture in the Bible, I do the same. I read a few more verses above and below the highlighted one.

Looking more into the story at either end can answer questions we are holding in our minds, it can clarify confusion, or bring a hidden part of the situation to light. When I’m reading, I like to find one or two things in the material that especially stand out to me, that touch my heart. Today it was these words:

“But, in order to understand the lingering doubts in your own heart regarding your femininity, in order to understand why it is so rare to encounter a truly alive and vibrant woman, you must hear more of the story.”

We must hear more of the story. While doing this can answer questions and help to reveal some of the unknowns, it can also bring to light things we have tried so hard to forget. I urge each and every one of us to be willing to look at more of the story—more of our story.  I take great peace in knowing that this journey may be tough at times, but the Author of our stories is walking along with us.

All who hate me whisper against me,

Imagining the worst for me.

Psalm 41:7 (NLT)

Read more of the story…

I know you are pleased with me,
for you have not let my enemies triumph over me.
You have preserved my life because I am innocent;
you have brought me into your presence forever.

Psalm 41:11-12 (NLT)


Let’s Pray:

Dear Heavenly Father, our stories are sometimes things we choose to hide. To step back and look at the various assaults in our lives can bring pain that we have tried hard to hide, and forget. As we see in Your Scriptures, Lord, looking at the whole story can bring peace and understanding; it can bring healing. Give us courage and peace as we walk these journeys, as we look more into the story to find answers for questions we have had for a lifetime. Thank You, Lord, for walking with us. Thank You for not leaving us to do this alone. In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

Your Assignment:

Looking into more of the story can be an intimidating task. What is your initial reaction on doing this? On looking at the whole story?


If you are interested in joining this online Bible study, please click HERE to sign up.

Once we receive your registration, we will email you further details.

If you are interested in sending a private message to Tonya, please email her at

Captivating: Chapter 5 – A Special Hatred (Reading Assignment)

Happy Sunday, Ladies!

This week we will be reading and sharing on Chapter 5: A Special Hatred. We will be looking at the way the enemy fights so hard against women. In order to live the life that Jesus wants us to live, we must be aware that we have an enemy who is busy trying to steal, kill, and destroy our lives. Let’s stand up to this assault and really embrace this chapter.


Monday: Tonya – A Special Hatred (Intro)
Tuesday: Tonya – Further Assault through What is Really Going On Here
Wednesday: Carissa – A Special Hatred through On a Human Level
Thursday: Michelle – There Is Hope
Friday: Edwina – Weekly Review


Father, we stand in expectation for what You have for us as we begin week 5. If we are struggling, help us to let our fears go.  We know that the enemy is trying to steal our joy.  We strive to live completely in You and for You.  Show us the lessons we can learn, and grow us in ways we can’t even imagine.  In Your Name, we pray.  Amen.


If you are interested in joining us for the “Captivating” Online Bible Study, please click HERE.

Once we receive your registration, we will email you further details.

Seeking His Face in Your Lonely Place

Today’s blog is a little bit different than my typical Saturday blogs.  I decided to take a week off from the Letters from God series to share with you something that the Lord showed me this week that truly changed not only my heart, but my perspective on some things too.  I am so excited to share with you what the Lord taught me.

Let’s pray together before I share: Heavenly Father, we come to You today asking You to join our hearts together with Yours.  Lord, help us to get rid of all the lies and yuckiness that tries to make its way into our hearts.  Please fill our hearts with Your never ending, never fading love and truth.  You truly are our heart’s Desire.  I pray that eyes are opened, hearts are changed and You are praised!  Only You are capable of such miracles.  Lord, I am giving all of the control over to You, guide my finger tips with Your words.  I pray You alone get all of the glory forever and ever, Amen.

It all started with the word “lonely.”  How many of you detest the feelings associated with that word?  Really think about it for a moment.  What are the first feelings that come to mind when you hear the word “lonely?”  Prior to four days ago, the first thing I feel when the word is brought to my attention is this sad, depressing, pathetic feeling of never having anyone and simply dreading the next time that word will become my reality.  The best way to describe loneliness in my life (prior to four days ago) is a black cloud right above my head darkening my heart every time I end up in a solitary place…alone.  This is not me being dramatic…this is me being honest with you.  I remember crying out to God with tears, big tears streaming down my face because the thought of being alone…again…was just too much for me to bear.  I quickly learned that I am never alone because God is always with me, and that truly brought so much comfort to my lonely places, but it did not cure my loneliness.  As much as I hate to admit it, sometimes even knowing the truth is not enough for me to feel it in my heart.  Is anyone with me on that?

I happen to know for a fact that I am not alone in this struggle, no pun intended.  It is a fact that every person struggles, at one point or another, with loneliness.  I am writing this today to show you hope in your lonely placesI am here to show you we all have the cure for loneliness already within us!  I believe God wants to share with you how to take your knowing His truth one step further—feeling His truth in your heart!

Four days ago I read Luke 5:15, 16 “Yet, the news about Him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear Him and to be healed of their sicknesses.  But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.”  This verse has opened my eyes and changed my perspective on loneliness.

I believe with all of my heart that those two verses found in the Book of LIFE will open YOUR eyes and change YOUR perspective on loneliness TOO, if you let them!

When Jesus was walking around on the Earth in the flesh, being Jesus, He drew crowds of people to Him.  I imagine He did not have to worry about being alone; someone always desired to be near Him.  Jesus embraced those crowds and did amazing miracles and helped so many find healing and freedom through God’s perfect power.  We also see that Jesus chose lonely places to spend time with God in prayer!  WOW!!  Does this realization pull on your heartstrings???  It pulled on mine, big time.  Jesus DESIRED lonely places to spend time with God!!!  Here we see the pure form of the word lonely.  Lonely places are meant to be spent with God.  Loneliness is supposed to be a time for prayer with our Father in Heaven.  What is it that our hearts want when we are alone? Is it a crowd?  Surely God will be our crowd when we are alone!

LonlinessKnowing this, can you see so clearly now what we have let Satan do with this word.  We have given Him control over our loneliness.  It is so bad that sometimes you do not even have to be alone to feel this pain of loneliness through your soul.  Satan uses loneliness against us!  He will try so hard to keep us from spending time with God.  He will fill our hearts and thoughts with lies about the world loneliness and everything associated with it.  The last thing Satan wants us to be doing in our lonely places is to be spending that time with God.  Instead of praying in our lonely places we are simply sulking in our loneliness.  We become distracted in this time by lies.  Loneliness ends up pulling us further away from God when it was designed for just the opposite: to draw us closer.  How awesome would it be for God to look down on us from Heaven and see that in our loneliness we are no longer turned away from Him, but looking up at Him seeking His face!  How awesome would it be to give God control of our loneliness instead of Satan!

The way to feel God’s truth and not just know His truth in our hearts is to make the choice to feel.  If you know God’s truths and desire to feel the benefits, you must let those truths REIGN IN YOUR HEART WITH GOD! 

Thank You Jesus for opening our eyes.  Thank you for our lonely places!

Be Blessed, 



If you would like to send Diane a private email in regards to this blog post, please email her at:

Captivating – Chapter 4 Weekly Review

On Monday we learned from Tonya that our fathers made a mark on our lives.  Some of those marks were better than others. But our Heavenly Father has the biggest impact of them all. Remember, despite the happenings of our childhood (good or bad), God created us in His image, and with His heart.

On Tuesday Tonya reminded us that we do not live in Eden, and that the world we live in is a troubled place, ready to hurt at any turn. But rest assured that we have God on our side. The Bible states it clearly: He is here to heal the brokenhearted, to set us free from the bonds of our wounds.

On Wednesday Carissa shared with us that God is waiting for us to trade in those evil messages that try to control us. He wants to exchange those negative messages for His messages of affirmation, love, beauty, strength, boldness, self-worth , and perfection in Him.

On Thursday Michelle said that God does not want us to live in shame. Shame makes us hide, makes us think that we are not worthy. As daughters of the King, we need to fight these thoughts that do not speak God’s truth into our lives.

Wow, girls, I don’t know about you, but I could totally relate to this chapter. I had my fair share of hurts and disappointments, but God…. Even at the age of 41, my mother’s words can still do some serious damage, I mean really serious damage, you know what I mean? Have you been there? I was the child who got her food right at the end when there was no more meat left in the pot, but God…. I was the ugly one in the family, the one no one noticed except for when I did something wrong. But praise God for His wonderful love and healing promises. Praise God that I was able by His grace, to turn those hurts into wonderful opportunities to bless my 13 year old daughter. I am determined not to allow the enemy to steal my joy.

Before we close, I want to share a video with you.  I love the words in this video “This is where the healing begins, when the Light meets the dark.”  God loves us so very much, ladies.  Do you know that?  I mean, do you really know that?  He wants to heal you, to heal the past hurts and wounds.  This is where the healing begins is when the dark meets the Light, as the song says.  Allow Him in, to give you the FREEDOM you’ve been yearning for!  Let His Light come through!!

Be blessed!



If you are interested in joining this Online Bible Study, please click HERE. Once we receive your registration, we will email you further details.

If you would like to send a private email to Edwina in regards to this blog, you may email her at:

Captivating: Chapter 4 – Wounded Femininity – Unholy Alliance


Shame is a powerful word.  To me, it is one of those words that means so much more than the definition reveals.  According to, shame is “The painful feeling arising from the consciousness of something dishonorable, improper, ridiculous, etc., done by oneself or another.”  The painful feeling; yes, pain being the key word.  Many of us have had something unpleasant happen to us in our lives.  Something that makes us feel “less than”—less than what my family needs…less than what the boy is asking for…less than what God wants from me.  It is what we do with those feelings that define our outlook.

When we turn those feelings of “less than” into BELIEFS that we actually are less than, then shame is bornGod doesn’t want us to live in shame.  Shame makes us hide, makes us think that we are not worthy.  Not worthy of meaningful friendships, not worthy of voicing our opinions, not worthy of love.  We are not even comfortable in our own skin.  We are so worried we will get hurt again; we just pack ourselves away and play it safe.  This is a very lonely place to be.  As daughters of The King, we need to fight these thoughts that do not speak truth into our hearts.

Created for MoreAs Romans 10:11 tells us “As scripture says, ‘Anyone who believes in Him will never be put to shame.’”  This is the life He has for us if only we believe.  Some of us may have trust issues, even with God, but now is the time to change that.  Start praying today, right now, and ask God for forgiveness for putting your trust in yourself rather than in Him and then ask for His help.  He wants you to be free of any feelings of inadequacy.  You were created for more.  You are His creation.  No matter what you have done, no matter what pain you have endured, no matter where your thoughts have taken you, once you confess your sins He sees you as pure as snow.

As we read in Isaiah 1:18, Come now, let us settle the matter, says the Lord. Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson they shall be like wool.  Let it go, my sisters!  Free yourself to live completely in the life the Lord intended for you.  This is my prayer for you.


ABBA Father, thank You that You love us no matter what. Please forgive all our sins and, Father, please help us to forgive ourselves and overcome all the unnecessary feelings of guilt and shame.  Thank You for hearing and answering our prayers. In Your Holy Name we pray, Amen.


Our wounds often cause us to feel shame and hide ourselves. Do you ever feel this? In what ways are you aware that you are hiding these days?


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Crazy Love – Chapter 4 “Profile of the Lukewarm” pgs. 77-81

Over the last two days, Martha and Donna have taken us through the profiles of a Lukewarm Christian. I’m going to finish up the last three mentioned in the chapter and then end the post with some closing thoughts.

“Lukewarm people feel secure because they attend church, made a profession of faith at age twelve, were baptized, come from a Christian family, vote Republican, or live in America.”

I often come back to the Book of Acts when I think of the label of “Christian.” Jesus’ disciples were first called Christians in Antioch (Acts 11:26). They did not name themselves. Scripture tells us they were called Christians or “Christ-ones.”  Something they were doing made them stand out. We see a glimpse of this in Acts 2:42-47:

All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals, and to prayer…And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had. They sold their property and possessions and shared the money with those in need. They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity–all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people.”

Chan says that “We are not safe just because we wear the label Christian.” Indeed. We must continue to strive toward the Acts 2 model of what a “Christian” is. Our lives should demonstrate that we are followers of Christ rather than any vocal expression of naming ourselves a “Christian.”

“Lukewarm people do not live by faith; their lives are structured; so they never have to.”

Did this one hit you where it hurts? I know it did for me. I have control-freak tendencies. I like to plan for things and do not like it when things do not go according to MY plan. Boy, did the Holy Spirit do some convicting when I read this section! Living by faith is TRUSTING God even when you do not know what is going to happen. I did not expect my infertility diagnosis and it took me a very long eight years to realize that God was not punishing me; rather He loves me and has a plan and a purpose for my life. I just had to put my TRUST in His ultimate plan. I had to have FAITH. It is a continual, daily process of laying down my need to control and letting God do His work. He cannot work if we do not let Him.

“Lukewarm people probably drink and swear less than average, but besides that, they really aren’t very different from your typical unbeliever.”

Have you ever worn a mask to hide your true self from others? Have you ever tried to hide your true self from the One who knows you the best–your Mighty Savior? As much as we try to pretty ourselves up on the outside, God wants what is on the inside. He wants to change us from the inside out; He wants our hearts. Will you let Him in to help cleanse and rid you of anything that is holding you back from a full, rich relationship with Jesus Christ?


Now that we have investigated the profiles of a lukewarm person, Chan points us to 2 Corinthians 13:5: “Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves.” This is not an easy task. I know it is hard. You may be feeling anger or hurt or conviction. Accept the feeling and let it inspire you to action. Whatever feeling comes over you regarding any of the profiles mentioned, journal through your reaction–why did it make you feel that way? Pray through it. Let God into those hurtful places. Remember, He cannot do His best work if we do not let Him in.


All or Nothing_Crazy Love

As Chan notes, we are all growing. Not one of us is perfect except Christ alone. But, it is important to remember what Christ has called us to do as His believers; as those who claim His name. We should not be content with our “just good enough” status to get into Heaven. Read through the Gospels. Let Jesus’ words soak into your being. His commands are not easy, but they should inspire us to act in accordance with the faith we believe in with our whole hearts.


Let’s Pray:

Lord God, we do not want to be lukewarm in our faith. Reveal to us how we can better ourselves to serve You in the Kingdom. Strengthen us and give us courage to face the tough questions and work through them. With You, all things are possible. We want to be on fire for You, Lord. Renew a passion in each of us for Your Word and our faith, Lord. Help us to grow daily and not to become stagnant believers. We love you, Lord. Amen.

Your Assignment:

Of all the lukewarm profiles we discussed, which one spoke to/convicted you the most? What is one action step you can take today to move forward in that area?

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