February 23, 2025

Walking Fear Free


The Lord is with me I will not be afraid what can man do to me?
The Lord is with me He is my Helper I will look in triumph on my enemies.
Psalms 118: 6-7

So numerous are the types of fear that assail us that volumes would have to be written to name them.  Daily we are subject to feelings and emotions that are both positive and negative.  It is imperative that a fear in our life be acknowledged and dealt with.  If not, no matter how diligently we endeavor to walk with God, we will be troubled again and again by a concealed enemy at work in the soul.  But those who take refuge in the Lord are assured that He is with them to give help and strength.

In Joshua 1:9 the Bible says “Have I commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”  We have an assurance in the Lord that He will help us to triumph.  Trusting in the Lord is the surest thing we can have.  In Jeremiah 1:8 the Bible also says “Do not be afraid of them for I am with you and will rescue you declares the Lord.”  Jeremiah was only a youth at the time of his call; he experienced intense anxiety and fear at the awesome thought of speaking the Word of the Lord to the elders of Judah.

If you will surrender your life to Jesus Christ and live for Him; if you will take up your spiritual weapons and begin launching them against the fears that grip you; if you will persevere in faith, believing that the Spirit of God is working with you to bring freedom—you will discover fears leaving you and a whole new dimension of life opening before you.  You will indeed experience the reality of walking in fear free.

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Father, we thank You,  we bless you, for You are the great God—the Great I AM.  We acknowledge Your love for us.  We embrace Your help to us whenever we face adversaries.  This is love that we can appreciate and sing praises for.  Be praised and be magnified, Lord!  In Jesus Name, I pray.
