February 22, 2025

I Am


There’s no space that His love can’t reach
There’s no place where we can’t’ find peace
There’s no end to amazing grace

Take me in with Your arms spread wide
Take me in like an orphan child
Never let go
Never leave my side

I am
Holding on to You
I am
Holding on to You
In the middle of the storm
I am holding on
I am

Love like this
Oh, my God, to find
I am overwhelmed
With a joy divine
Love like this sets our hearts on fire

This is my resurrection song
This is my Hallelujah come
This is why it’s to You I run

Songwriters: David Crowder and Ed Cash
The Crowder Band

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The name of God when it’s revealed seems to be a very big moment in history.  He says “I AM.”  That evokes the idea of His presence, of being in His name.  For me that is one of the greatest hopes of the Christian faith.  No matter where you are in life, you live and breathe in the very presence of God and He has given access to Himself.  The Creator of the universe has given access to us and that’s gorgeous.  So many times I forget about that and I need to be realigned to that reality.

–  David Crowder
(click here for the story behind the song)

Life is full of storms…unplanned changes…unexpected detours.  Some storms are bigger than others.  But how we get through those storms depends on what we are holding onto and, more importantly, Who is holding onto us.

Listening to David Crowder talk about this song, I had a light bulb moment.  I Am is the ‘Great I AM’.  He is holding onto us!  He holds us more tightly than we could ever hold on to Him.  He never lets go of us.  Isaiah 40:13 (NLT) tells us “He will carry the lambs in His arms, holding them close to His heart.”  Isaiah 41:13 (HCSB) states “For I, Yahweh your God, hold your right hand and say to you: Do not fear, I will help you.”  I AM holds us close to His heart.  I AM takes our right hand like a Father and leads us through the storm.  He never leaves our side.

This is what I need to remember as I deal with the curves life is throwing me right now.  Just thinking about I AM holding onto me gives me chills and makes me smile at the same time.  He is my ‘resurrection song’.  He is my ‘hallelujah come’.  That’s why it’s to Him I run because

There’s no space that His love can’t reach
There’s no place where we can’t find peace
There’s no end to amazing grace

I’ve Always Loved You


I don’t know how to explain it
But I know the words would hardly do
Miracles and signs and wonders
Aren’t enough for me to prove to you

Don’t you know I’ve always loved you
Even before there was time
Though you turn away
I tell you still
Don’t you know I’ve always loved you
And I always will

Greater love has not a man
Than the One who gives His life to prove
That He would do anything
And that’s what I’m gonna do for you

 Songwriter: Mac Powell / Performed by Third Day with Josh Wilson

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This song was more than words to a dear member of my family.  It was as if God was speaking directly to her.  On her worst days, this song would come on the radio and she would smile through tears.  How encouraging that when the whole world is crumbing at your feet and everything that you held dear is gone, that the Creator of the universe is wildly, madly in love with you. He always has been and always will be.

Sometimes He has to really work at making us believe it—that no matter what we do or don’t do, He will never stop pursuing us.  Miracles and blessings come our way, and yet on a hard day, we question.  Why do we still have so much doubt?  We hear all around us that if God loved us that ___ wouldn’t have happened, or that divorce wouldn’t have gone through, or that your child wouldn’t have become sick, or even worse, died.  We will never know the answers to those hard questions. Not on this side of Heaven.

What we do know is that He is Sovereign and His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts.  We know that even if we could rewrite the story, we would choose His way.  We only see what is in front of us.  There is a bigger picture and all of the things we trudge through  do have a purpose.  Maybe one person was saved through your example. Jesus stopped for the one, right?  And even if just one person asked Jesus into his or her heart, wasn’t it worth it?

All of this life is doable, simply because He does love us. There is so much hope in those four letters…and joy and peace.  I challenge you today to find all the ways He loves you.  Write them down and look at them when those bad days come (and believe me, they will).  But your hope is in Him.  And He is really all you need.

Here are some verses that I encourage you to write on index cards and place them where you will see them and be reminded that He has always loved you.

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son,
that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16

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For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, saying to you, “Fear not, I will help you.”
Isaiah 41:13

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The Lord your God is with you,
He is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you,
He will quiet you with His love,
He will rejoice over you with singing.
Zephaniah 3:17

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Let us pray: Dear Lord, You are amazing, wonderful, and loving.  You are Sovereign and You are good.  You have always loved us, even when we feel we do not deserve it.  You sent Your Son to die, so that we don’t have to work to be saved, we just are when we ask.  The veil was torn and now we come to You as we want.  No temples, no walls, no harsh judgment… only sweet love and forgiveness and grace.  Remind those who forget often.  Let them know that they are loved by You!  We thank You and we praise You.  In Jesus’ name, amen.