February 22, 2025



The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit;
a broken and contrite heart, O God,
You will not despise.
Psalm 51:17

God is looking for men and women who are willing to come to the point of accepting their wrongs, their sinful nature…and repent.

This psalm is a repentance psalm which was cited after David saw that he had missed the track and wanted to get back to God and to renew their relationship. David knew, “If I am to prosper and walk in God’s abundance of blessing I need to reunite myself with my God.”

Even today, what God wants us to do is to reunite ourselves to Him.  And for our relationship to be intimate.  If you love someone you will do what that someone wants you to do.  We can tithe, we can give love offerings, we can give firstfruits, we can sacrifice our time in prayer and fasting; but if our hearts are not clinging to the mind and will of God then we lose out and there is nothing we can gain.

Check out the following Scriptures where God is explicitly saying He doesn’t need our sacrifices but, rather, our hearts.  Let us give our all to Him!

The multitude of your sacrifices—what are they to Me, says the Lord, I have more than enough of burnt offerings or rams and the fat of fattened animals….
Isaiah 1:11

…For I desire mercy not sacrifices and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings.
Hosea 6:6

Even though you bring Me burnt offerings, I will not accept them.
Amos 5:22

With what shall I come before the Lord and bow down before the exalted God? Shall I come before Him with burnt offerings….
Micah 6:6

I therefore pray that we yield ourselves to Him and be righteous rather than give sacrifices that the Lord does not receive.

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Father, I thank You that You hear us when we pray.  We thank You for the revelations in the Scriptures.  By Your grace, Lord, cause us to seek You more and do Your will and please You rather than offering sacrifices that are useless in Your sight.  We pray for forgiveness of our sins and iniquities.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.