February 23, 2025

“I Am” Chapter 1 – Day 2: Old Testament God

To be honest the concept of the Old Testament God is somewhat intimidating to me…it always has been when it comes to my personal studies and even when listening to sermons in church. I always ask myself how I can apply the Old Testament lessons and the Old Testament God to my life today.

 Malachi 3:6 (NKJV)

For I am the Lord, I do not change;
Therefore you are not consumed, O sons of Jacob. 


Well, there it is!   There’s the answer to my question. He does not change. The Old Testament God is the same as the New Testament God who is the same as the God of today.

That’s easy enough to understand but sometimes (well, a LOT of times) I need to be reminded who the I Am is, and I need to be reminded that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  I need to be reminded of this not because there is a lack of His beautiful creations around me, and not because I don’t see His blessings every time I look into the eyes of my children.  I am grateful for these reminders because it is so easy to become caught up in the goings-on of the day, and in the busyness of the day that I begin to lean on myself rather than rely on God. Days when He seems far away.


When I looked at the verses listed today I saw where I can use them each day.  I was reminded who the I Am of the Old Testament is.  I love how there is a starting point to go back to when it seems as if He is so far away.  The statements listed below are only a few of the reminders He gives us:

  • I Am the Lord your God, I do not change.


  • I Am who I Am.

God is God and always will be

  • I Am the Lord in the midst of the land.

Our lands, homes, work, even the grocery store

  • I Am the Lord who heals you.

Headaches, sore throats, emotional pain, our loved ones. Anything and everything.

  • I the Lord your God am a jealous God.

He wants to be Number 1

  • I Am gracious.

His grace and mercies are new each day

  • I Am the Lord who sanctifies you.

Forgiveness and redemption

“Because God is creative, organized and thorough, He has given us markers and clues as we read His Word.”  These markers and clues are reminders of who He is, reminders of how much He loves us, reminders of who we are within who He is.

This week my personal goal—a goal that I invite everyone to join me in—is to pay attention to the I Am statements within the Old Testament. Let’s highlight, underline, write on note cards the I Am statements that we find, and then begin to better understand who He is. I want to go back to the beginning and be reminded of the I Am of the Old Testament.


Let’s Pray:

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for reminding us of who You are.  Like a parent who reminds their child throughout the day, You remind us of who You are and of Your love for us. As You said in the Book of Malachi, “I do not change.”  Lord, through this study, please open our hearts and allow us to remember who You are.  Allow us to draw into our hearts the beauty and truth of Your words.

In Jesus’ name we pray.


“I AM” Chapter 1 – Day 1: Introductions


“Hi, my name is Teresa and I AM ____hmmmmm_____.”  I AM one of those people who would rather not be in the spotlight.  It makes me uncomfortable.  I look at those people who can talk to strangers, speak in public, and smile during awkward moments—and I AM in awe.  Literally.

To me, those people are butterflies.  I am a moth.

  • They are comfortable.                                   I AM self-conscious.
  • They are graceful.                                           I AM clumsy.
  • They are special.                                             I AM…me.

THEY are butterflies; I AM a moth.

And then…God showed me something very special.  He created the butterfly and the moth with care.  Neither winged creature is lacking anything for its existence.  Did you notice this?  Did you also notice that there are MANY more moths than butterflies?  Somehow that fact made me feel better.  Maybe I notice those butterflies because there are fewer of them, not because they are better or more needed than me.  After all, God did create more moths than butterflies.  Didn’t He?

“Our differences make us beautiful and unique. 

We have the same Creator God who wants to show us who He is.”

I was envious of those butterflies until I saw myself the way Jesus did.  This Bible we have and the world we live in are God’s introduction to us.  He invites us to get to know Him.  He is God, “The Great I AM.”  The identity of God in the Scriptures is truth.  Any question or doubt I have can be answered in the Word.  When I doubt my purpose or position in this world, all I have to do is look to Him.

He is the True Light that draws this moth to Him.  Butterflies flit around in the day being all graceful and pretty.  The sun is their friend.  We could stop and watch them for hours.  Moths are also visible in the day, but are most noticeable at night when they are seeking a light source.  We all need the Light source.

Both creatures crave the light.  One is not better than the other.  Butterflies make me think of sunshine while moths make me think of electric bug zappers.  You know bug zappers, don’t you?  In the southern U.S. they are very common.  (Electric bug zappers control flying pests by drawing them to the light and then frying them.)   As I expressed this thought to a friend, she reminded me of a very important truth.   “Bug zappers are FALSE light…you, my moth-y friend, are drawn to the TRUE Light.”

I AM a moth with a purpose.  I want to be known for seeking the Light.  Recently one of my friends shared a picture of a moth she found in her garage.  I saw myself in that moth.  Look at it and see if you see yourself in it, too.

Clymene Moth compliments of Jane Dixon, Photographer

Clymene Moth
compliments of Jane Dixon, Photographer


We bear the mark of the One we serve.  Who has placed their mark on you?  Do you know the “I AM?”  Come with us as we seek the TRUE LIGHT together.  This journey is for moths and butterflies alike.  Our world would not be the same without either of these winged creatures and it will not be the same without you and me.  Let’s discover who we are and Who we belong to.

We all have a purpose in the Kingdom of God.  I AM honored to walk this path with you.  As God began to reveal the truth to me about Who I AM, I realized a few things.

I AM…  

A moth

A mother

A child

A child of God

A dearly loved child of God

Hi, my name is Teresa and I AM Beloved by God!!!


Father God,

I thank You for these friends You have given me to walk this path with.  Thank You for revealing Yourself to us so we may know You.  You are our TRUE LIGHT and we seek You only.

Thank You for Your love and for the purpose You have placed in our lives.  We want to seek the TRUE light and live.  Keep us away from the false light of the worldly “zappers.”

Be with us as we learn about Your character as You reveal Yourself through Scripture.  Tell us once again who we are to You.  We belong to You.  We love You.


What’s Next for Girlfriends Coffee Hour?

Now that our Girls with Swords study has been completed, what’s next for GCH?  I’m glad you asked!

1)  We are very close to releasing our next online Bible study, titled “I AM“, written by Teresa J. Bolme.  You may have read some of Teresa’s blogs right here, every Monday, for the past 12 weeks, as she blogged for the Girls with Swords study.  She has spent many hours writing this next study, exclusively for GCH!  You won’t find this study anywhere else on the World Wide Web!!  It can only be found HERE!  If you have not already registered for this study, please CLICK HERE to be taken to the Registration Page.

2) “I AM” is in the final editing stages, and we are anticipating the release date of July 3rd.  When that happens, we will make an announcement right here and give you instructions on how you can purchase and download the study!  Remember, to purchase the study, all you have to do is make a donation to GCH in ANY AMOUNT to help us cover the ministry and website costs that we incur; AND this gives us the ability to offer free Bibles to those who don’t have one.

3)  When you purchase and download your copy of “I AM“, you will want to store it in a 3-ring binder, or take it to an office supply store to have it bound.  I am planning to take my study to the office supply store and have them bind it, so it will stay neater and more functional.  I’m really trying to figure out how I can get an actual signed copy of “I AM” from the author!! (hint hint)

4)  Everyone who has registered so far has already been placed into our GCH Fellowship Group.  Please don’t confuse this group with the actual Facebook Chat Room, which is where we will dig deeper into the “I AM” study.  The Fellowship Group is where we…well, fellowship!!  It’s a place to just let your hair down and have some fun!  It’s a place to make some new friends, share your favorite recipes, show pictures of your cute little animals, or even the kids/grandkids.  We share devotionals, and prayer requests in the Fellowship Group, as well!  It’s really just a place where faith, friends, and fellowship flourish!

5) Toward the middle of this week, we will start adding you to the actual study group (Facebook Chat Room).  THIS is where you will go each day to get that day’s reading assignment, and the link to the blog lesson that is posted for the day.  You will read the blog, and if you want, you can comment there; but you will come back to the Chat Room to dig a bit deeper into the study, and discuss it more as a group.  This is an awesome place to really ask your questions about the study, and allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you through what is shared in this group!  If you are not on Facebook, you will just read and comment on our blog each day.

6)  You will want to set aside some time every day, Monday thru Friday, to check into the FB Chat Room to see what your daily reading assignment is, and t0 find the link to the blog lesson for the day; maybe use this as your devotional time each day.  A lot of women use the GCH blogs as their morning devotional.  It’s a great way to start the day!  One word of advice:  Don’t give up on the study if you begin to fall behind on the study.  Just take some time to get caught up, and/or jump in right where we are in the study, and catch up later!  Just don’t quit!  We try to encourage women to stay on board even if you have gotten behind!  We all do that, but we are here to help you get back on track again!

What will you need for the study?

1. The “I AM” Bible study, of course.  Without it, it will be impossible to follow along!  You will need the book!

2. Your Bible

3. A journal

4.  Pen & Highlighter


So let’s run through this one more time:

  • The study will be released for purchase & download on Wednesday, July 3rd!  
  • Be sure to have the study downloaded no later than July 7th.  If you have any problems with purchasing or downloading the study, PLEASE email us at GirlfriendsCoffeeHour@gmail.com.
  • Have all your study tools on hand & ready for when the study begins July 8th!
  • You are more than welcome to invite your friends to join us, but REGISTRATION ENDS JULY 7th.

We look forward to studying God’s word with you through this amazing study “I AM“.

God bless,

Christi Wilson, Founder of Girlfriends Coffee Hour