February 22, 2025

Ten Ways to Stick to an Exercise Program #8 – Keep an Exercise Chart

I know a woman who lost over 20 pounds and increased her exercise from walking .5 miles a day to consistently walking 3 miles a day.  No matter rain or shine, she was up each morning walking.  How did she stay motivated to stick to an exercise program?  One way is that she kept an exercise chart.  Each week, she logged her weight and kept a daily record of her exercise.  What a motivator for the days she did not feel like exercising to look back over her logs and review her progress.

Who else did she motivate?

Me!  As her 11 year old daughter, she inspired me. I remember, rain or shine, my mom was out walking the streets early each morning after she spent daily quiet time with the Lord.  Because most mornings it was still dark in our large neighborhood, her tracks were made by simply walking up and down the street for three miles. After each workout, she logged her exercise including the progress of her weight in a written journal.  My mother did not have to tell me how to develop discipline and perseverance when things got tough.  She modeled them for me.

One of the things I have noticed with my clients, as I work with them to create their personal fitness and food design, is that sometimes their motivation for exercise can dwindle about half way through their program. One of my suggestions is to keep a journal.  It can be done in a notebook but, with today’s technology, it can be done on a smart phone or personal computer as well. I recommend tracking several things after exercise.

  1. Your type of exercise, distance, time and intensity.
  2. Your feelings such as peaceful, confident, fit or energized.
  3. Your weekly weight.

On the days you don’t feel like exercising, it can be motivating to look back and see how far you have come in your fitness.  You can see that you are now walking or running farther, working at a faster pace or at a harder intensity.  You may be reminded of the benefits you receive that can be quickly forgotten whether it is weight loss, a peaceful mind and heart, energy or a new found confidence.   Seeing it in writing can be motivating.

Number eight on our ten ways to stick to an exercise program,

Keep an Exercise Chart

 It might teach you something about yourself and be an example to the lives of those around you.

To download your FREE copy of a Weekly Exercise Chart, click HERE:


In Good Health,
