February 22, 2025


I see the work of Your Hands
Galaxies spin in a Heavenly dance, oh God
All that You are is so overwhelming

And I hear the sound of Your Voice
All at once it’s a gentle and thundering noise oh God
All that You are is so overwhelming

I delight myself in You
Captivated by Your beauty
I’m overwhelmed, I’m overwhelmed by You

And God, I run into Your arms
Unashamed because of mercy
I’m overwhelmed, I’m overwhelmed by You

I know the power of Your Cross
Forgiven and free forever You’ll be my God

And all that You’ve done is so overwhelming
I delight myself in You
In the Glory of Your Presence
I’m overwhelmed, I’m overwhelmed by You

And God, I run into Your arms
Unashamed because of mercy
I’m overwhelmed, I’m overwhelmed by You

You are Beautiful, You are Beautiful
Oh God, there is no one more Beautiful
You are Beautiful, God you are the most Beautiful

You are Wonderful, You are Wonderful
Oh God, there is no one more Wonderful
You are Wonderful, God You are the most Wonderful

Yes, You are Glorious, You are Glorious
Oh God, there is no one more Glorious
You are Glorious, God you are the most Glorious

I delight myself in You
In the Glory of Your Presence
I’m overwhelmed, I’m overwhelmed by You

And God, I run into Your arms
Unashamed because of mercy
I’m overwhelmed, I’m overwhelmed by You
I’m overwhelmed, I’m overwhelmed by You

There is no one more Beautiful
God You are the most Beautiful  

 Sung by Big Daddy Weave  (Music and Lyrics by Mike Weaver/Phil Wickham)

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Have you ever just heard God’s voice so clear, over the noise of all that is around you?  As we were coming home the other night from our anniversary dinner, kids included, this very song came on and I felt His presence.  I heard His voice and I was overwhelmed.  I immediately went to iTunes and found it and downloaded it so I could be taken away to that place again. A place that I literally felt like I was sitting at His feet and looking at the glory that shone around Him and I was calm. Isn’t He just amazing?

Just to see the work of His hands, the green grass and color splashes all over in the different flowers. To see the oceans and the sandy beaches and the sea shells that make perfect homes for the sea critters. Only God. And to hear the sound of His voice, in loud yet gentle ways, is so overwhelming. The thunder and lightning and rain at just the right times. I’m in awe of our Creator.

“Lord, the way You wait patiently for us to find our way home after a hard, tiring road we took, and the grace and mercy that are ours for free, a gift from You, the Lover of our souls. The Cross that Your Son died on to save us from our sins, so that we could live free here on earth and one day go to Heaven to be with You for eternity, is so overwhelming and we are forever grateful!”

When the chorus plays, I turn it up really loud and I can’t help the tears that fall at the sound of His name, “God, all that You are, is so overwhelming…I delight myself in You, captivated by Your beauty, I’m overwhelmed by You…God, I run into Your arms, unashamed because of mercy, I’m overwhelmed by You…You are beautiful, oh God, there is no one more beautiful…You are wonderful, oh God, there is no one more wonderful, You are the most wonderful!”  Chills run down my spine that the Lord of everything is in love with me and that He is overwhelmed by me and I by Him. And He loves you so much.  So today, find a phrase of this song, write it on a notecard in big letters, and place it somewhere that you will see it and be reminded of all that He is and all that He has done and the love He has for all of us and the love you have for Him. I pray you hear Him today….

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Let us pray:  Oh Lord, all that You are is overwhelming. Your beauty is beyond compare and Your mercy is so freely given even though we don’t deserve it. Thank You for open arms that wrap us in them and shelter us from this world that sometimes is too much. And may someone hear today from this song, the hope and the message that You want for them to hear. We love You and we praise You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

A Daughter’s Worth: Week 11 / Day 3 – Be Prepared to Wait on God

Today’s blog post is brought to you by Jordan Spring.
My jaw dropped when I saw that this is my topic for the week… The Lord KNEW that I was the one who needed to write about waiting on Him! I say that because I have been in a season over the last two-ish years, a season in which I have had to wait on Him.
“Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart. Wait for the Lord.” Psalm 27:14
I have known since I was 13 that I loved leading worship, but it wasn’t until I was 17 that I decided I wanted to go to ministry school to pursue it. I started researching ministry schools and Bible colleges that offered classes for worship leading. Meanwhile, my family started struggling with our finances. I found a Bible college in Texas that I was really interested in, but nothing seemed to work out for me to go there.
So I was back at square one, after spending what was supposed to be the first semester of my freshman year at home, asking the Lord where HE wanted me to be. I spent an entire day on my face, praying and reading the Word. I really felt peace in my heart that He was going to reveal to me where I was supposed to go.
The next day a friend of mine texted me and told me about this ministry school in Birmingham, Alabama. I immediately looked it up on the computer and requested more information. I got a phone call the next morning from a lady on staff and when I tell you I KNEW right then that I was supposed to be there, I am not lying. I had a PEACE and an EXCITEMENT in my heart that I had not felt about the other school. I found out about the school in February and made plans to go to school in August.
I made steps toward leaving home, but because of our financial situation, I was very limited to what I could do. I also needed a car, which I knew my parents could not afford. I continued to trust the Lord, and I trusted that He would send me to school when He knew it was the right time. July came around and I just knew that it was not possible for me to go to school the following month.  Thank goodness I listened to the Lord! He blessed me in the CRAZIEST ways for being obedient to Him.
During this semester there have definitely been times when I have wanted so desperately to be in school, learning more about my calling. But I trusted the Lord. And I would have never DREAMED that He would have GIVEN me a car through a precious friend!!! And that might have never happened if I had gone to school this past August.
I am still waiting on the Lord’s timing for me to go to school. I thought that all I needed was a car in order for me to get there, but the Lord has really revealed to me that I need Him to say, “okay, GO!” So I am waiting again this semester, not because I am lacking anything, but because I know that this is not when I am supposed to be there. And I know that when I do get there, it will have been SO worth the wait because it will have God’s BLESSING and His hand will be ALL over it!!
Pray with me~
Lord, thank You for loving us enough to keep us in “waiting room” seasons, because You know what is best for us. You know when we are not ready, and You open doors when we are. I pray we never stop trusting You just because we can’t see a way out of the waiting room. You are so good.

If you are interested in joining us in our GCH:decaf Teen Girls Ministry, please click the sign-up form button at the top of our webpage. Just follow the instructions on the form and hit submit. We’ll be happy to add you to one of our Online Bible Study Groups! Please email GCH_Decaf@girlfriendscoffeehour.com for more information.

A Daughter’s Worth: Week 11 – Fulfilling Your Purpose

Week 11 — Fulfilling Your Purpose

Did you know that you, yes YOU, were created to do good things for the Lord, for such a time as this?  Ephesians 2:10 tells us, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago”.  God knew before you were even born that you would do good things!  He already had those things planned out before you were even thought of!  Isn’t that something to think about?!?!

So how do we know what those good things are that He has planned for us to do?  It starts by seeking Him first.  Being ready and willing to seek Him, to hear Him, and to follow Him.

This week in Week 11, that’s exactly what we are going to talk about….”How do I fulfill the purpose God has for me?”  So let’s start by looking at our Reading Assignment for this week.  If you are behind on the study, I would encourage you to catch up as quickly as possible.  This is really going to be an amazing chapter this week!


Monday, Day 1: Be ready to hear God’s voice

Tuesday, Day 2: Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit

Wednesday, Day 3:  Be prepared to wait on God

Thursday, Day 4: Be willing to accept “yes” or “no”

Friday, Day 5: Be confident of God’s involvement

And then Saturday, Coleen will have Week 11 about the Lord’s Prayer!  This has been an awesome series!  I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have!


And now a word from Morgan:

Hey Girls,

Hope you have been a awesome time in this study!  This next week is all about fulfilling our purpose on Earth, which I know may sound strange to some of you, but we have a purpose we were put here on Earth for a reason. Which to me blows my mind, this week we will be talking about how we need to listen to God when He talks to us, And that we also need to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit, and follow His lead.

We will also talk about just being confident that God is at work in us, and to also be willing to hear “Yes” or “No” from Him, which is hard at times, but I know that over this next week we will grow closer to God, and listen to His Call for our lives!

Have a Blessed Week Everyone!

Christi & Morgan


If you are interested in joining us in our GCH:decaf Teen Girls Ministry, please click the sign-up form button at the top of our webpage. Just follow the instructions on the form and hit submit. We’ll be happy to add you to one of our Online Bible Study Groups! Please email GCH_Decaf@girlfriendscoffeehour.com for more information.