March 30, 2025

What Really Matters by Wellness Coach Crystal Breaux

This week, I was fortunate to have time to sit on my porch one afternoon to relax and just read and meditate on Scripture as my kids played. To be honest, I purposely made things simple for me that day so I could enjoy that time.  Instead of going to the gym or killing myself with a work out, I had enjoyed a long walk at home.  Instead of killing myself in the kitchen, I prepared a simple and healthy meal in the CrockPot for our evening dinner.  Instead of thinking I had to work extra hours for my job or it would never get done, I gave my timeline to God; and instead of thinking I had to plan every minute of the day to entertain my kids, I realized they truly love “just playing” outside.

What I realized is this:  when I focus on the basics—the simple things of life—I’m able to enjoy what really matters.

As a Fitness and Food Designer for Busy women, I have seen many women who are chasing so many different things that it keeps them from enjoying the basic things of life and ultimately keeps them from living a healthy life physically, mentally and spiritually. 

Has life become so busy for you that you are no longer focusing on what really matters? Has your lack of time for “busy work” become an excuse to not exercise?

 Could it be that you are:

  • Trying to please other people instead of looking to please God which can keep you from feeling confident in who you really are in Christ.
  • Trying to be something you are not instead of learning what God created you to be which can keep you constantly busy, yet never feeling successful.
  • Attempting to do too many things at once instead of giving attention to one thing and left feeling exhausted with no energy for yourself, family or career.
  • Focusing on succeeding in things that are really not important so that you feel like you are failing over and over,  or are not good enough.

I love what Francis Chan says in the book Crazy Love, “Our fear should not be of failure, but at succeeding in things in life that really don’t matter.”

These are things that can keep you so busy that you are unable to enjoy what really matters. Life can be easier when you focus on the basic needs of life, which allows you to be:

  • physically fit with proper diet and exercise
  • spiritually fit by spending time with God
  • mentally and socially fit by doing what you are called to do

Ask yourself this question:  “What is keeping me too busy and keeping me from what really matters?”

To Your Health,

Coach Crystal



One Step to a Consistent Healthy Lifestyle

We have been talking about starting an exercise program. However getting started with any new way of eating or exercise program is not the hard part.  It’s consistency, which is evident since 60% of Americans drop out of a program within the first six months.  So how do you stick to it with so many distractions in a busy world? One step to a Consistent Healthy Lifestyle is to create a healthy vision for yourself.

Follow me for one minute.

Think about something in your life that you really wanted and worked hard to get.  It may have been a college degree, savings for a home, promotion in a job, or respectful children.  Did those things just happen?  I would guess not.  You had a vision of what you wanted.  And, because it was very clear, you took the appropriate steps to make it happen.

Why do we think being fit physically, mentally, and spiritually will just happen?

It doesn’t.  We must have a vision of what we want for health.  A personal vision will allow us to:

  • Stop trying to do what everyone else does
  • Know the specific and realistic actions to take
  • Give assurance and peace that the right steps for a healthy diet and exercise are being done

I love the Bible story in Nehemiah 6.

Nehemiah had a vision to build the wall of Jerusalem and nothing would stop him.  He was clear on what needed to be done.  He was not chasing the latest trend or trying to do whatever one else was doing.  He had a vision and nothing could stop him as he clearly states in verse 3.

“I am carrying on a great project and cannot come down.”


My Personal Healthy Vision

When I think of myself at my best physically, mentally, and spiritually, this is what I see:

  • I am looking and feeling healthy
  • exercising 4-5 times a week
  • spending daily quiet time with God and my family

To fulfill that vision, which is an ongoing process not a check off, I know there are certain steps I need to take each day. I need to say “no” to certain things and let go of unrealistic expectations.  Having that vision helps me be consistent because:

  • I am motivated to have it which makes it a priority.
  • I want to look and feel healthy, not perfect. Comparing myself to others would only leave me feeling like a failure and giving up.
  • Allows me to realize that I cannot attempt unrealistic exercise regimens at THIS time in my life because it may interfere with family time. I choose exercise programs that work for my family.
  • Reminds me that I have to spend time with God and He will show me the right path to take.

You can be consistent

You can consistently exercise and follow a healthy diet no matter how busy you are at this time of your life. It starts by having a healthy vision of what you want for your life.  Once you have that vision, you can have a clear design with the steps to take in a consistent exercise program and a healthy diet.

To Your Health,

Coach Crystal
