March 8, 2025



They’ve made me feel like a prisoner
They’ve made me feel set free
They’ve made me feel like a criminal
Made me feel like a king

They’ve lifted my heart
To places I’d never been
And they’ve dragged me down
Back to where I began

Words can build you up
Words can break you down
Start a fire in your heart or
Put it out

Let my words be life
Let my words be truth
I don’t wanna say a word
Unless it points the world back to You

You can heal the heartache
Speak over the fear
(Speak over the fear)
God, Your voice is the only thing
We need to hear
(We need to hear)

Words can build us up
Words can break us down
Start a fire in our hearts or
Put it out

Let my words be life
Let my words be truth
I don’t wanna say a word
Unless it points the world back to You
(Back to You)

Let the words I say
(Let the words I say)
Be the sound of Your grace
(Sound like Your grace)
I don’t wanna say a word
Unless it points the world back to You

I wanna speak Your love
Not just another noise
Oh, I wanna be Your light
I wanna be Your voice

Let my words be life
Let my words be truth
I don’t wanna say a word
Unless it points the world back to You
(Back to You)

Let the words I say
(Let the words I say)
Be the sound of Your grace
(Sound like Your grace)
I don’t wanna say a word
Unless it points the world back to You
(Back to You)

Words can build us up
Words can break us down
Start a fire in our hearts
Or put it out

I don’t wanna say a word
Unless it points the world back to You

Hawk Nelson
Written by Jonathan Steingard,  Matt Hammitt, and Seth Mosley

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We can use our words to build up or to tear down.  It is our choice.  I am sure we all have heard words that have torn us down in our past.  We often repeat what we hear or what we believe we hear.  God did not give us those words.  

Why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you?
Everyone who comes to Me and hears My words and does them, I will show you what he is like:
he is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock.
And when a flood arose, the stream broke against that house
and could not shake it, because it had been well built.
Luke 6:46-48

When we hear those words that have torn us down repeating in our minds, we need to rebuke them.  We need to repeat the promises God has told us about who we are in Him.

  • We are His adopted sons and daughters
  • We are loved
  • We are cherished
  • We are not beyond His help
  • We do have a hope in God through His Son Jesus

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Father, thank You for the promise of Your Son and for the promise of being Yours.  Help us to see through the lies and deceit constantly echoing in our minds.  Give us the strength to turn the lies to right thinking in You and embracing Your promises.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

Drops In The Ocean


I want you as you are, not as you ought to be
Won’t you lay down your guard and come to Me
The shame that grips you now is crippling
It breaks My heart to see you suffering

‘Cause I am for you
I’m not against you

If you want to know
How far my love can go
Just how deep, just how wide
If want to see
How much you mean to Me
Look at My hands, look at My side
If you could count the times I say you are forgiven
It’s more than the drops in the ocean

Don’t think you need to settle for a substitute
When I’m the only love that changes you

And I am for you
I’m not against you
And I am for you
I’m not against you

I am for you,
I’m not against you

Hawk Nelson
Writers: Jon Steingard; Jason Ingram; Matt Bronleewe

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Do you hear God speaking to you through this song?  God says, “I want you as you are … come to Me … it breaks My heart to see you suffering.”

Then Jesus said,
“Come to Me,
all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens,
and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28

‘Cause I am for you
I’m not against you

Be strong and courageous.
Do not be afraid or terrified because of them,
for the LORD your God goes with you;
He will never leave you nor forsake you.
Deuteronomy 31:6

For the LORD will not reject His people;
He will never forsake His inheritance.
Psalm 94:14

If you want to know
How far my love can go
Just how deep, just how wide

Then Christ will make His home in your hearts as you trust in Him.
Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong.
And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should,
how wide, how long, how high, and how deep His love is.
May you experience the love of Christ,
though it is too great to understand fully.
Then you will be made complete
with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.
Ephesians 3:17-19

The Lord says, “I will rescue those who love Me.
I will protect those who trust in My name.
When they call on Me, I will answer;
I will be with them in trouble.
I will rescue and honor them.
I will reward them with a long life
and give them My salvation.”
Psalms 91:14-17

If you want to see
How much you mean to me
Look at my hands, look at my side
If you could count the times I say you are forgiven
It’s more than the drops in the ocean

But the Lord our God is merciful and forgiving,
even though we have rebelled against Him.
Daniel 9:9

He has removed our sins as far from us
as the east is from the west.
Psalm 103:12

Once again You will have compassion on us.
You will trample our sins under Your feet
and throw them into the depths of the ocean!
Micah 7:19

Don’t think you need to settle for a substitute
When I’m the only love that changes you

He is so rich in kindness and grace
that He purchased our freedom with the blood of His Son
and forgave our sins.
Ephesians 1:7

Open your heart,
It’s time that we start again

But if we confess our sins to Him,
He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins
and to cleanse us from all wickedness.
1 John 1:9

They found grace out in the desert,
…out looking for a place to rest,
[they] met God out looking for them!
God told them, “I’ve never quit loving you and never will.
Expect love, love, and more love!
And so now I’ll start over with you and build you up again…
Jeremiah 31:2-4 MSG

Do you see, my sisters, how much God loves you?!  In all these Scriptures and so many more, God tells us “I LOVE YOU!” There is no substitute for God’s love expressed in Jesus’ willingness to come and die for us. What love! He is always for us. He’s never against us. He always wants to forgive us. When shame grips us, when we are suffering, Jesus says, “Open your heart, it’s time we start again.”


  *   ~   ♥   ~   ✞   ~  ♥   ~   *

Lord, thank You for expressing over and over again “how wide, how long, how high, and how deep” Your love is for each of us.  You are so rich in kindness and grace, that You forgive us more times than there are “drops in the ocean.”  Help us to always accept Your love and forgiveness.  Help us share this good news with others.  In Jesus’ precious Name, Amen.



You never promised me that this would be easy
I never knew that anything could be this hard
I wanna trust that You know what You’re doin’
But right now, I’m just fallin’ apart

It’s hard to see it when I’m livin’ in the moment
But Your love’s still written on my heart
I get lost when I feel the wind blowin’
I gotta cling to who You are
‘Cause You are good
Even when You’re not understood

No matter how many skies fall down
I’m covered under the peace I’ve found
You’re my Shelter when there’s nowhere else to go
No matter how many times I break
You promise always to keep me safe
You’re my Rescue when I’m spinning outta control
You are faithful, faithful
You are faithful, faithful

I’m leaving doubt and sorrow in the distance
I’m gonna trust, and cast my fears aside
My life’s a work that I know You’ll finish
I know I’m gonna be alright
It’s You I’ll chase
Even when I can’t see Your face

No matter how many skies fall down
I’m covered under the peace I’ve found
You’re my Shelter when there’s nowhere else to go
No matter how many times I break
You promise always to keep me safe
You’re my Rescue when I’m spinning out of control
You are faithful, faithful
You are faithful, faithful
You are faithful, faithful
You are

And oh, oh, oh, oh
My God is always faithful
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
(My God, my God)
And oh, oh, oh, oh
My God is always faithful
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
(My God, my God)

No matter how many skies fall down
I’m covered under the peace I’ve found
You’re my shelter when there’s nowhere else to go
No matter how many times I break
You promise always to keep me safe
You’re my rescue when I’m spinning outta control
Lord, you are faithful, faithful
You are faithful, faithful
You are faithful, faithful
You are

Listen while you read! 

~ Written by Jonathan Steingard and Sam Tinnesz  / Performed by Hawk Nelson ~

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God’s promises to be faithful!  I can look back over my life and count numerous times of God’s faithfulness in my life…I bet you can too.  Then why is it, when we are faced with a big trial or maybe lots of things coming at us at once, that we tend to forget His Faithfulness in our lives?

I love how this excerpt  describes God’s faithfulness all throughout Scripture. It is from ‘Expositions of Holy Scripture’ by Alexander Maclaren.

He is faithful, worthy to be trusted, as His deeds show.

Faith is our attitude corresponding to His faithfulness. Faith is the germ of all that He requires from us. How much we need it! How firm it might be! How blessed it would make us!

The thought of God as ‘faithful’ is, like a precious stone, turned in many directions in Scripture, and wherever turned it flashes light. Sometimes it is laid as the foundation for the confidence that even our weakness will be upheld to the end, as when Paul tells the Corinthians that they will be confirmed to the end, because ‘God is faithful, through whom ye were called into the fellowship of His Son’ (1 Corinthians 1:9). Sometimes there is built on it the assurance of complete sanctification, as when he prays for the Thessalonians that their ‘whole spirit and soul and body may be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord’ and finds it in his heart to pray thus because ‘Faithful is He that calleth you, who will also do it’ (1 Thessalonians 5:24). Sometimes it is presented as the steadfast stay grasping which faith can expect apparent impossibilities, as when Sara ‘judged Him faithful who had promised’ (Hebrews 11:11).

Sometimes it is adduced as bringing strong consolation to souls’ conscious of their own feeble and fluctuating faith, as when Paul tells Timothy that ‘If we are faithless, He abideth faithful; for He cannot deny Himself’ (2 Timothy 2:13). Sometimes it is presented as an anodyne to souls disturbed by experience of men’s unreliableness, as when the apostle heartens the Thessalonians and himself to bear human untrustworthiness by the thought that though men are faithless, God ‘is faithful, who shall establish you and keep you from evil’ (2 Thessalonians 3:2, 3). Sometimes it is put forward to breathe patience into tempted spirits, as when the Corinthians are comforted by the assurance that ‘God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able’ (1 Corinthians 10:13). Sometimes it is laid as the firm foundation for our assurance of pardon, as when John tells us that ‘If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins’ (1 John 1:9).

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Heavenly Father, I pray for each woman reading this blog that they would remember Your faithfulness in the midst of the toughest of trials.  Thank You for the promise in Romans 8:28 that You ‘work all things together for good for those who love You and are called according to Your purpose.’  In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

It’s All Because Of Crazy Love…..

If you’re reading this, God brought you here for a reason. I hope you know that in your dear heart, precious sister.

I’m Megan and it is so very nice to meet you! I’m one bold Jesus Diva and I love that our Divine Creator has crossed our paths so intentionally as we begin 2013 and prepare our hearts for Girlfriends Coffee Hour’s latest online Bible study for women…. Crazy Love.

Have you heard the song “Crazy Love” by Hawk Nelson? If not (and even if you have…) PLEASE drop everything you are doing and watch this music video:



I’m not sure if Hawk and Francis are friends or even if they even know about each other, but the lyrics of this song so perfectly encompass what the Crazy Love journey is all about.

“They say it sounds insane, we say that we’ve been changed

By the power of crazy love

This world, it looks at us like we’re ridiculous

Maybe it’s all because of crazy love”

Have you been changed?

Maybe you got saved last week or maybe you were saved back in 1975…. I don’t know your story, but I am eager to learn it! Maybe you were changed for the first few years, but lately you have struggled with not “being of this world.” Is that you? I know that I have lived through those seasons and it is so hard because you KNOW what you SHOULD be feeling inside and you CRAVE it…. you NEED it, but it can be so hard to find your way back. Relationships take TIME….. and building our relationship with our Heavenly Father is no different from any other earthly relationship we have. I am so excited to see your time with Him change and grow as we go through this study together. If you invest your precious time and give God all you have through these next weeks, people will surely be saying that you sound INSANE from the power of God’s CRAZY LOVE!


Do people look at you like you are ridiculous?

I had a very limited amount of shopping time before Christmas which had me out in the stores in the hustle and bustle of the busy season! I think you can imaging that many of the check-out lines I homesteaded in were full of some pretty cranky elves. One circumstance I found myself in, many of my fellow shoppers were actually visually and verbally upset with me for not “losing it” with the frazzled worker. I actually ended up crying with her and praying over her cash register with her because I was so sad for how frustrated she was. One woman actually told me that I was “crazy.” I’ll be honest with you, it felt good! While I have my moments just like every other human, I know that God was up there smiling and happy with my job well done… and what a stand for His Kingdom! You might think I’m crazy too, and that’s okay….. but by the end of this study, my prayer is that you would, in a heart-beat, jump out of line and lay hands on that machine along with me! In Jesus’ name!

It’s all because of crazy love, dear sisters… and it IS contagious! Bless you for taking this bold stance in faith and know you are not alone! <3


Megan 🙂


Hey there, ladies! Just a quick note from me (Jennifer) to say I am so excited to begin this study with each and every one of you! The depth and breadth of God’s love for each and every one of us surpasses anything we can even imagine. How does it feel to know you are LOVED that much? To know that no matter what you’ve done or think you’ve done, that God still loves you with an all-consuming love and desires a deep, personal, intimate relationship with you?

I know some of you may read that and think “He wouldn’t love me if He knows what I’ve done”. Let me tell you, sweet sister… God already knows what you’ve done. And He loves you anyway. He is just waiting for you with arms wide open. He is waiting for you to run to Him and begin walking alongside Him and do this life together.

Are you ready?

Are you ready to experience what God’s crazy love for you is all about?

Our study begins this Sunday, January 6, 2013!

What you will need:

  • Your Bible
  • A copy of the book CRAZY LOVE by Francis Chan (hardcover, paperback, ebook – whatever you choose!)
  • A notebook, pen, and highlighter to take notes while reading!

How the study will work:

Every Sunday, I will post your weekly reading assignment.

Mondays-Thursdays, right here on the the blog, a member of the women’s blogging team will post their thoughts regarding that day’s reading assignment. Read the day’s assignment in the Crazy Love book, come and read the day’s blog post, leave a comment for the blogger. Then head over to our SECRET Facebook group and discuss what you’ve read! The FB group is where we will dig deeper into what we are reading. This group is private and no one outside the group will be able to see what is posted.

Fridays – Weekly wrap up and study video

Saturdays – off/catch-up day (if needed)

If you have not yet joined the study, there is still time! Head on over to our sign-up page and get registered! We can’t wait to study along with you!

Much love and blessings,
