January 22, 2025

A Daughter’s Worth…… A Giveaway!!!

Happy Monday to each of you, my precious sisters in Christ!!!

I have a video message for you today AND information on a giveaway!!!



We will be giving away 2 copies of the book for our very first Bible study A Daughter’s Worth by Ava Sturgeon!!! How do you enter to win?!?!?!?

1. Tell your friends about the Bible study! You can call, txt, email, FB, etc…. any of your best girlfriends that YOU think would benefit from this online Bible study!

2. Have them send an email to teens@girlfriendscoffeehour.com to sign up for the Bible study and have them give us YOUR name as referring them.

3. The two people who refer the most people to the Bible study WINS a FREE copy of the book!

We are opening up our secret fellowship group on Facebook today so get ready to make some new friends who love the Lord!!!! 🙂

Thank you and be a blessing today! <3

Megan 🙂

Psalm 145:4-6, 11-13 

4 One generation will commend your works to another;

they will tell of your mighty acts.

5 They will speak of the glorious splendour of your majesty,

and I will meditate on your wonderful works.

6 They will tell of the power of your awesome works, and I will proclaim your great deeds.

11 They will tell of the glory of your kingdom and speak of your might,

12   so that all men may know of your mighty acts and the glorious splendour of your kingdom.

13 Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures through all generations.

The LORD is faithful to all his promises and loving towards all he has made.