February 22, 2025

The One Who Remains Faithful


On that day this song will be sung in the land of Judah:
We have a strong city. Salvation is established as walls and ramparts.
Open the gates so a righteous nation can come in—one that remains faithful.
You will keep the mind that is dependent on You in perfect peace,
for it is trusting in You.
Trust in the Lord forever, because in Yah, the Lord, is an everlasting rock!
For He has humbled those who live in lofty places—an inaccessible city.
He brings it down; He brings it down to the ground; He throws it to the dust.
Feet trample it, the feet of the humble, the steps of the poor.
The path of the righteous is level; You clear a straight path for the righteous.
Yes, Yahweh, we wait for You in the path of Your judgments.
Our desire is for Your name and renown.
I long for You in the night; yes, my spirit within me diligently seeks You,
For when Your judgments are in the land,
the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭26:1-9‬ ‭HCSB‬

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Every day there are reminders that we are not home yet. That the enemy is still prowling around and people are believing his lies. In the past 24 hours there have been shootings and a campus here in the south is on lockdown because of a hurting soul who thinks violence is the answer.

Are you asking “Where is God in all of this?”  He’s exactly where He was when His own Son died on the Cross.  The question is…are we close to Him?  If God moves, He invites us to go with Him.  He never leaves us.  Will you accept  His invitation?

Fear is a lie from the enemy to keep us in pits of all kinds.  Psalm 23:4 says that no matter what we walk through we have His protection.  We might feel like we can’t make it another minute but His Word is so full of hope and promises that carry us through.  As long as we cling to Him and wait on Him we will never grow weary of doing His will.  We might get tired and worn out physically but our spirit will never slow down.

God is the only One to cling to in this world of uncertainty.  The absolute  certain thing is this: one day Jesus will come back to get us and take us with Him.  He died so that we can live free of all the worldly stuff that’s meant to destroy us.  If we are with Him, we will survive and thrive.

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Are you in a hard place today?  I urge you to take His hand and go wherever He leads you because…

  • where He is…is awesome
  • where He is…is peaceful
  • where He is…is your Home!

Lets pray!  Dearest Lord, we praise You for how awesome You are! Thank You for loving us enough to send Jesus to die in our place.  In this world it is so hard; I lift up all who are hurting today.  Fill the lost spaces with Your presence and help us keep our eyes on You.  We love You!  In Jesus’ Name, amen.