February 22, 2025

Give Me Faith


I wanna feel the strength David felt
With a rag and a rock, knowing that he couldn’t fail
And I wanna trust that would lead me up a hill
To give my only son, if I knew it was Your will
I want a faith like that, God give me faith like that

To speak Your word and mountains move
To reach beyond all I can do
‘Cause You’re doing things I cannot see,
So I’m gonna trust You and believe
You are all I need, give me faith

When my heart’s about to break
Don’t know how much I can take
And my soul is like a ship, overtaken by the waves
I need the courage to walk on the water and be strong
Like Peter in the storm until I fall into Your arms
I want a faith like that, God give me faith like that

I believe You’re strong enough to save
I believe every promise You’ve made
And when I just don’t understand,
You hold my world inside Your hands

I’ll speak Your word and mountains move
I’ll reach beyond all I can do
‘Cause You’re doing things I cannot see,
So I’m gonna trust You and believe
You are all I need, give me faith

Royal Tailor
written by: Tauren Wells, Blake Hubbard, David Cox, Jarrod Ingram

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I play music in my car almost constantly. And while most of my selections create a sense of peace and calm in the mornings with an uplifting beat as we began our journey, there are times when some songs do more than this.

Over the past few months faith has been at the center of my thoughts and prayers.  I have cried to God asking Him to give me strength, asking that He open my eyes to situations that will require me to walk in faith.  I read stories of heroes and heroines of the Bible walking in their faith…and great things happening!  But here I was—I felt faithless, helpless.  I didn’t know how to be like David, or like Peter.  I felt as if I did not have even an ounce of faith to stand on.  It was a scary place filled with what feels like very little hope.

I was talking to my husband and he reminded me that all God asks for is faith the size of a mustard seed.  I went and googled what a mustard seed looked like; and realized that a mustard seed was truly all I had.  I realized that I could be like David and tackle the Goliaths of my own life, and I could walk up the mountains in my life, move them, making the sacrifices necessary, all because I did have faith like that little mustard seed.  And slowly (and not without days of questioning) I realized that God was all I needed.  Some days my faith was shown by simply saying the name of Jesus when I did not know what to do.

All this week I have been seeking direction in finding a song to share in this blog. I wanted something different—something that spoke not only to my own heart but one that would speak to the heart of the women who read these words.  While driving I heard this song but kept missing the title.  Finally I caught it and pulled up the lyrics.  These words mirrored what I have been feeling, what I have been praying about.  They shared my fears, concerns, and shortcomings, but they also gave me hope.  The last nine lines of the song express what I want to and can tell myself daily.  These are truths I am making an intentional choice to stand on.

I believe You’re strong enough to save
I believe every promise You’ve made
And when I just don’t understand,
You hold my world inside Your hands

I’ll speak Your word and mountains move
I’ll reach beyond all I can do
‘Cause You’re doing things I cannot see,
So I’m gonna trust You and believe
You are all I need, give me faith

These words are my mustard seed.

He replied, “Because you have so little faith.
Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed,
you can say to this mountain,
‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move.
Nothing will be impossible for you.”
Matthew 17:20

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Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank You that mustard seed!  You can do great things with something so small…this fact amazes me daily.  Forgive myself and others who have allowed our fears, our shortcomings, our life in general to hide the truths in the words of this song.  You are enough, and because You are enough, we are enough.  Because You stand by Your promises, we can move mountains, whatever they may be.  You are all we need Lord!  You and our mustard seeds.  In Jesus Christ’s name we pray.  Amen.