February 22, 2025

God Hears


But certainly God has heard me; He has attended to the voice of my prayer.
Blessed be God, Who has not turned away my prayer, nor His mercy from me!
Psalms 66:19-20

When we speak, God hears us. He hears us when we speak in everyday conversation. He hears us when we talk to him through prayer. Even when we think God is not listening—He is. God is omnipresent. He is aware of everything.

I remember both times that I was pregnant with our son and daughter. I prayed for a boy when I was carrying our son. I almost jumped off the table when the ultrasound technician told us we were having a boy. I fist-pumped when God answered my prayer for a little girl. I wouldn’t have minded another boy, but I asked God to let His will be done. I told God if He wanted us to have a little girl then to please let the baby be a girl. That must have been what God wanted because that was how He answered my prayers. I have several friends who have sons. Each time that they had their last child and were wanting a girl, I prayed for them to have a girl because they were praying for a girl. There was only one mom that He gave a boy instead of a girl. (But then, of course, I was not the only one praying for them.)

My point is that God listens to us all. He does not turn away from us. He is our heavenly Father. He loves us all. God is not going to turn from us at any time. God is listening to us even when we are not in prayer. He knows our heart. He knows our wants, needs, and desires—even when we do not tell Him directly.

Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud:
and He shall hear my voice.
Psalms 55:17

No matter what time of the day or night we talk to God, He will hear us. I talk to God whenever I want or need to. I will talk to Him when I drive, take a shower, or just about anytime I want to. Thanks to the death of Christ, I can talk to God anytime I want and in a way that I can. God hears me no matter the way in which I talk to Him.

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Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your wonderful listening and answers to our prayers. The answers may not be the ones we want, but they are the ones that are best for us. You know us better than anyone here on Earth. Thank You for Your love and mercy. In Jesus name, Amen.

If You Are Silent…



My children at school know I don’t tolerate tantrums or crying as a form of communication, so most of them don’t do either.  However, I have one little boy whom, depending on his mood, will throw the biggest tantrum and it’s always in regards to little stuff.

If I ask him to sit at the table and he doesn’t want to, he cries and jumps up and down, and then throws himself on the floor and kicks the air.

During his tantrum, I give him a blank stare and allow him to throw said tantrum for about two minutes. And then I go into action. I laugh, and then, I sit in his chair.  He does not like that. He’ll stand up and say, “No,no. My chair.” And I tell him, “Well, if you aren’t going to sit in it, I will.  Are you ready to sit down?”  And he always says, “Yes.”

I pray to You, O Lord, my rock.
Do not turn a deaf ear to me.
For if You are silent, I might as well give up and die.
Psalm 28:1

When I first read this verse, I laughed. To me, it seemed like the psalmist was throwing a tantrum and that “giving up and dieing” was a bit extreme.  I could imagine myself sprawled out on my bed, talking to God about some “very pressing matter” and feeling like my world was going to end if I didn’t get an answer…NOW!

Life can get tough. I’ve definitely had my fair share of moments that have caused me to stop and contemplate giving up.  Sometimes we need those moments because they help us refocus.

Listen to my prayer for mercy as I cry out to You for help,
as I lift my hands toward your holy sanctuary.
Psalm 28:2

We know God is good.  We know our circumstances are not always good.  We also know that our less than favorable circumstances, even the ones that make us feel like giving up and dieing, do not impose on our God’s character.  Instead our God is willing to use these moments to reflect His goodness.

The Lord is powerful; He gives victory to His chosen one.
Psalm 28:8 (NCV)

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Thank you, Lord, that in our circumstances Your goodness shines through.  You are awesome! Forgive me for those moments when I decide to throw a tantrum instead of resting in Your word.
