March 28, 2025

Today, Tomorrow, and Eternity


Come, my children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord.
Whoever of you loves life and desires to see many good days,
keep your tongue from evil and your lips from telling lies.
Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.”
Psalms 34:11-14

Have you noticed how unruly and ungodly our own culture, society, world, etc., have become?  It is slowly degrading everyday.  It makes me wonder what kind of world my grandchildren (if my kids decide to have kids) will see.  Faith is being attacked from every angle.  God and Jesus are being taken from the public eye while other faiths can keep themselves out in public view.

Yet, if you look around, there are still plenty of people who fear the Lord.  The Lord will teach those who are getting rid of Him that they should fear Him.  The final punishment will be one that they probably can’t even imagine because they have not been taught how to fear the Lord. The Lord is perfect.  And the Lord is jealous…as the Israelites found out many times before.

The Israelites turned from God many times.  They ended up in slavery in Egypt.  Cities were destroyed because they became intertwined within the cultures that had accepted the Israelites into theirs.  Sodom and Gomorrah paid the ultimate price—complete destruction.  If we continue on the path we are on today then our culture, society, world, etc., is looking at its own destruction from God’s power soon.  Jesus will return for God’s children, and the end will come.

For those of us who fear the Lord and accept His blessings and teachings, the end will be great.   We will see many good days here on Earth, but we will see an eternity of good days in Heaven.   God’s children’s lives are immortal if they have accepted the one true Savior, Jesus Christ.  Just think about these verses:

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through me.
John 14:6

Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord
and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Romans 10:9

By accepting the Lord, by fearing the Lord, and receiving blessings from the Lord, we will have many good days here on Earth and in Heaven.  We must turn from evil to good and seek God.  If the rest of the world would do this then maybe there would not be so much disaster and heartache in our world today.  Maybe our children would get the examples they need instead of the ones they don’t need.

* * * * *

Dear Lord, we thank You for our earthly days.  We look forward to the days we will spend with You in eternity.  We believe that Jesus died for all here on earth.  We pray that this message of love and sacrifice reaches everyone.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Safety in the Lord


Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day,
Psalms 91:1 and 5

God has placed within man the instinct of self-preservation.  There is then a kind of fear that is a natural reaction to threatening circumstances and situations of impending danger. At such times the body pumps adrenalin into the bloodstream, releasing a sudden super-burst of mental and physical energy to face and combat danger.

However, God made man to be fear free.  It was not His intention that we should be afflicted by rebellion, disease, loneliness, fear, or death.  Nor can we blame God for the afflictions in which we find ourselves.  Adam, the first man, chose to disobey the clear-cut directive of His Maker and, with that act of rebellion, man became separated from God.  The light within ceased and darkness came.  The joy of God’s Presence was replaced by sorrow and with the absence of peace came fear.   So fear is a natural consequence of our separation from God.  It afflicts us all until we turn back to God and know a restoration of relationship with Him through Christ the Son of God.  This is why the psalmist stated in verse 1 of Psalm 91 that, “He that dwells in the secret place of the most High shall rest, or abide, under the shadow of the Almighty.”

What does it mean to “dwell in the secret place?”  It is being in Christ, for He is the only Way, Truth and Life.  And once we are in Christ we shall not be afraid for the ‘terror of night; nor the arrow that flies by day’ (Psalm 91:5).  The Bible assures us that when we are in Christ and Christ in us we are complete.  Matters of fear can not slip up. Psalm 91:5 is explicitly saying “You shall not be afraid ….”  And specifically it is talking of night and day that we shouldn’t be afraid.  The psalmist had a revelation that without dwelling in Christ anything can happen during the day and at night.  This psalm offers security for God’s children who abide in Christ and His word that nothing can happen to a faithful servant except by God’s permission. This truth does not mean there will never be unpleasant or difficult times but that as long as we make God our Lord and our Refuge, in everything that happens to us God will work for our good.  As Christians we face struggles but the word of God makes us aware of the armor of God available to us for protection.  For our struggles are not against flesh and blood but against ‘the rulers, the powers, the world forces of this darkness, the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12). Let us dwell there…for there we will be safe.

* * * * *

Our Father, who art in Heaven, we come before You with thanksgiving in our hearts knowing You are our Shield at all times.  May Your Name be glorified now and forever more…in Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen!!

Fixing Your Eyes on Him


Psalms 141:8-9
But mine eyes are unto thee, O God the Lord; in thee is my trust; leave not my soul destitute. Keep me from the snares which they have laid for me and the gins of the workers of iniquity.

Our God is a Sovereign God who by His mercies offer His divine protection to His very own. If you are born of Christ you are called His sons. We can ask God anything at anytime as long as we are able to realize who He is and how great He is. If we make God too small in our lives He will be as such; but if we live with faith and trust in Him we can pray and He will answer us and deliver us from workers of iniquity.

We have all experienced situations that seemed impossible to handle at the time. When things seem hopeless and you feel you are at your worst, that is the time to turn to God and seek Him with everything you have. You may feel you are alone in your circumstances but God is a ‘very present help in times of trouble’. While the facts of your situation may look bleak, the truth of God’s Word brings light, hope and deliverance. As long as we fix our eyes on Him…as long as we depend on Him. You can’t handle life’s challenges alone, and God doesn’t want you to. He loves you and as long as you believe this in your heart, you have access to His Divine intervention.

Let us pray to this faithful God. When we pray it is like we are calling Him to intervene in our situations the way David prayed. Don’t allow the devil to deceive you that God won’t help you. The enemy wants to steal your confidence in God.

I want to encourage you today, that no matter what you’re going through or facing, God knows your situation. He is willing and able to provide for you, protect you, and bring you to an expected end.  All you have to do is take refuge in Him and trust Him. Ask God today to help you and fix your eyes on Him. Look away from everything that distracts and focus on God. Never give up! Never throw in the towel! Never surrender! God will help you. God will see you through and you CAN live and walk in victory.  You can avoid and overcome the snares and gins of the workers of iniquity.

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your loving kindness. May You help us today to fix our eyes on You for You are the solid ground. In Jesus name I pray… Amen.