February 22, 2025

Season of Gratitude



But thanks be to God!
He gives us the victory
through our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 15:57

‘Tis the season to be grateful.  All around are commercials about gifts and then there’s the occasional “I want that!”  We stress and we try to figure out where the money will come from to buy these gifts and think that ‘if we had just kept Christmas about His birthday’ there would be more joy.  So today, as we enter into this season, may we focus on just being grateful for the gifts that He has already given us.

See, before the Christmas tree, there was a Baby.  He was born in a manger, made of wood from a tree, and He was surrounded by His parents and the animals of the barn.  His coming is the greatest gift of all.  That little tiny Baby would grow up to take the big sins of all the world and nail them to the cross with Him.  He would die and rise again, and then ascend to Heaven to prepare our home.  And while we are in this place…as we wait for His second coming…we count all the ways that He loves us.

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, His love endures forever.
1 Chronicles 16:34

And because of this love, we have a joy that goes beyond circumstances.  Just sitting in His presence brings a warm feeling and so much love for Him.  He doesn’t promise a life without heartache and trouble, but He does promise that He would go before us and with us through it all.

I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace.
In this world you will have trouble.
But take heart, I have overcome the world.
John 16:33

“For everyone born of God overcomes the world.
This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.
1 John 5:41

Then comes a peace that passes all understanding.  In horrible sickness and trials, we can rest easy knowing that He has it and will carry it for us.  He is able and He will make a way for us.  When the way seems so dark that you cannot see to take the next step, trust His hand to guide you.

Surely the Lord is in this place, and I wasn’t even aware of it.
Genesis 28:16

He is with you and that is the best gift of all, and definitely something to be grateful for.  So as Thanksgiving approaches,  I encourage you to look for the gifts that right now are all around you.  And find something each day to be grateful for. It is the season of lists; so, instead of making lists of things wanted, make lists of things that you already have and make sure you thank the Giver for it all.  He is such a good God and all He gives is good.  So today we praise Him for all the many blessings and those to come…and for Jesus Christ, His Son, who came to save us all from everything we will ever do and all the sins we have committed.  To give grace freely even though we haven’t earned any.  These are the best gifts to start with, things to be grateful for, on the top of your list!

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Do you know this God…the Creator of this whole world and the Creator of you? Oh friend, you need Him and all you have to do is ask Him to come into your life and all will be changed. Pray this prayer with me:

Dear God, I know that I am a sinner.  I am in need of a Savior.  I believe that You sent Your Son to die for my sins so that I am forgiven.  I will live eternally with You.  Come into my heart and be my Lord.  In Jesus’ name, amen.




Joy IS Possible…Right Where You Are

Surely the Lord is in this place, and I wasn’t even aware of it

Genesis 28:16

November 22,2011.  There was a note, and a knock, and some boxes; and our lives were packed in two cars and a U-Haul. It was Thanksgiving Eve and we were in a hotel room overlooking the Pensacola Bay. Not a plush hotel room or a suite, just two double beds and some orange carpet and 1970’s curtains. Musty smells replaced turkey smells and loud noises outside replaced the familiar sound of family. No Charlie Brown Thanksgiving playing on TV or parades…but we still had each other.

We got creative and played games. The kids had a blast as they were so excited to be in a hotel for the first time. They had no idea what was really going on. See, as long as their father (and mother) were there, they felt safe. Thanksgiving came and we broke out the Pringles and gummy worms and had a feast. We thanked God for all we had and for being together and for loving each other. God was still blessing us and loving us. We took walks outside and watched some movies and prayed and fellowshipped. Kyle and I continued to pray for a miracle. We never once wondered where God was in all of this…we knew He had to be up to something.

Just as we were thinking this was the end of a beautiful season of living in a dream place, God was starting something new here. We received a call from a friend and in that call was a huge dose of hope! Shortly thereafter, we loaded the kids back in the car and drove back over the bridge to a precious house on the beach and we have been there ever since. God knew all along and He had a plan. And it was much better than we could have ever imagined.

When you praise Him through it all and thank Him for all you do have, it opens up the heavens for more blessings. God works in mysterious ways and His ways are not always understandable. But He is always trustworthy. If you are wondering why you are where you are today or you are wondering where God is at this moment—He is always with you.  He always loves you.  He always keeps His promises. There is hope today and there is always something to be grateful for. Remembering to give thanks is what causes us to trust and to believe.  Live the prayer of Thanksgiving and you will always live the power of trusting God.  Joy is always possible right where you are.  And just like my children, when we are with our Father, we know we are safe, no matter where we are.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving and be a blessing to someone today!!

Let us pray: Dear Heavenly Father, We thank You for all the blessings You bestow on us daily, hourly, every minute of the day we are blessed by Your grace. Lord, You give so much and we take so much for granted. Help us to remember that this is not all there is. And that we are living for eternity and we are not Home yet. Help us to keep our eyes open and ears open to see and hear of anyone who is in need and may we not hesitate to give until it hurts for it was in someone being obedient to You that saved our family years ago. Comfort those who are hurting today and draw especially close to them during this season. You sustain us and You keep us in perfect peace. We love You and we praise You. In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.