February 22, 2025

A Daughter’s Worth: Week 11 – Fulfilling Your Purpose

Week 11 — Fulfilling Your Purpose

Did you know that you, yes YOU, were created to do good things for the Lord, for such a time as this?  Ephesians 2:10 tells us, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago”.  God knew before you were even born that you would do good things!  He already had those things planned out before you were even thought of!  Isn’t that something to think about?!?!

So how do we know what those good things are that He has planned for us to do?  It starts by seeking Him first.  Being ready and willing to seek Him, to hear Him, and to follow Him.

This week in Week 11, that’s exactly what we are going to talk about….”How do I fulfill the purpose God has for me?”  So let’s start by looking at our Reading Assignment for this week.  If you are behind on the study, I would encourage you to catch up as quickly as possible.  This is really going to be an amazing chapter this week!


Monday, Day 1: Be ready to hear God’s voice

Tuesday, Day 2: Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit

Wednesday, Day 3:  Be prepared to wait on God

Thursday, Day 4: Be willing to accept “yes” or “no”

Friday, Day 5: Be confident of God’s involvement

And then Saturday, Coleen will have Week 11 about the Lord’s Prayer!  This has been an awesome series!  I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have!


And now a word from Morgan:

Hey Girls,

Hope you have been a awesome time in this study!  This next week is all about fulfilling our purpose on Earth, which I know may sound strange to some of you, but we have a purpose we were put here on Earth for a reason. Which to me blows my mind, this week we will be talking about how we need to listen to God when He talks to us, And that we also need to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit, and follow His lead.

We will also talk about just being confident that God is at work in us, and to also be willing to hear “Yes” or “No” from Him, which is hard at times, but I know that over this next week we will grow closer to God, and listen to His Call for our lives!

Have a Blessed Week Everyone!

Christi & Morgan


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