February 22, 2025



Before I bring my need
I will bring my heart
Before I lift my cares
I will lift my arms
I wanna know You
I wanna find You
In every season
In every moment
Before I bring my need
I will bring my heart

And seek You
I wanna seek You
I wanna seek You
I wanna keep You
I wanna keep You
More than anything I want
I want You


Before I speak a word
Let me hear Your voice
And in the midst of pain
Let me feel Your joy
Ooh, I wanna know You
I wanna find You
In every season
In every moment
Before I speak a word
I will bring my heart

You are my treasure and my reward
Let nothing ever come before
You are my treasure and my reward
Let nothing ever come before
I seek You

Lauren Daigle

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First.  You know this is one of the most taught-on subjects in the church.  It is something we’ve heard said—and have said ourselves—all of our lives.  But for some reason it is one of the most difficult things to do.

Seek God first.  

We get our coffee first….we scan facebook first…watch the news first…pour our heart out to a friend first—all before seeking God.  I am very guilty of this.  I make excuses saying that I have no time, no energy, I can take care of it myself….  But the One I need to be putting first is often an afterthought when the situation or circumstance becomes too big or when the pain is too strong.  The sweet, simple words of this song remind us that before everything we put Him first.

In every season, in every moment…” Ladies, this week let us make an intentional effort to put God first.  Let us seek Him in every season and every moment.  Let Him be our first line of defense.

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Let’s pray: Lord, how refreshing it is to know that You are our ‘first’.  Before we have to worry about what to say or how to say it…before we worry about what we’re going to do…You are always here for us to look to for guidance. Lord, please forgive us if we have neglected this.  Forgive us for looking to ourselves rather than to You.  Thank You for still remaining.  Lord, we will seek You first!  In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.