February 22, 2025

God’s Perfect Provision

encouragementbloggraphicromans15Then the LORD said to Moses,
“I am going to rain bread from heaven for you.

The people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day.
This way I will test them to see whether or not
they will follow My instructions.”

Exodus 16:4

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The story of God supplying the children of Israel with manna is a beautiful example of God’s perfect provision.  He had allowed His children to hunger and starve in a desert…and they pretty much were without hope of finding food anywhere else.

It wasn’t His intention to starve them; He really could have met all their needs in a different way.  Have you ever wondered why He didn’t produce crops or just place a farm in their midst?  Or He could’ve taken their appetites away or allowed them to fill up on much less.  Or maybe He could’ve made them satisfied with just water.  HE is the Creator and He could do anything He wanted to.  But instead, He showed up and met their needs.  God literally rained down bread from Heaven six days a week for forty years to feed His children.

I think the reason He did it the way He did was to show them that it was all Him.  And that He alone was their Provider.  They were surrounded by nothing and yet they had what they needed. In fact, they had more than enough—they had plenty and they never had to ask.  He was testing them, too. In the verse above it says,”This way I will test them to see whether or not they will follow my instructions”.

Did you know that we are far more likely to be obedient to Him when we are in need?  Think of that for a minute:  If you are in Jesus and your life is chaotic and you are lacking in necessities, you are more likely to reevaluate your life and see where there may be an area where you are not being obedient. You may even pray for God to search you and reveal where it is that you need a change.

You may not have all the wealth in the world, but you will have peace and joy in Him.  And because He loves us so much and gave so much for us, we should live a life of obedience to Him—whether we have much or little.  In Jesus we have more than enough.  In Jesus we have a Protector and a Lover of our souls.  In Jesus we have eternal life.  In Jesus we have plenty….

God is so faithful, each and every single day.  He delights in obedience especially when it comes from a heart of love and devotion to Him.  Let’s ask Him to help us to become a child of God who obeys simply because we love Him.

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Do you know this Jesus?  If not, then I ask that you pray this prayer with me today and ask Him to come into your life and be your Savior.

Dear God, I know that I am a sinner and my life is really messed up.  I have been living a life of disobedience and I am ready for a change.  I believe that Jesus is Your Son and He died to save me.  I confess Him as my Savior. I ask that He live in my heart forever and help me to become an obedient child of God.  Forgive me of my sins and walk with me in this life…in Jesus’ name, amen.