February 22, 2025

This is the day….

Psalm 118:24 “This is the day the Lord has made.  Let us rejoice and be glad in it”.

Have you ever really stopped to think about “today”.  Today, the one more day on earth that God has granted you.  The one more day of air that you breathe.  The one more day on earth to spend with your loved ones.

Today, my daughter heard her little one say “mama”, for the first time!  There is nothing sweeter to a mother’s ear than to hear her name for the very first time.  God gave her one more day here on earth, just to hear those sweet precious words.

Today, I will soon be meeting some friends of mine for a fundraiser event.  We are all part of the Christian Motorcyclists Association.  It’s our annual fundraiser ride.  We always enjoy this event because it is filled with food, laughter, prayer, praise & worship!  Hundreds of bikes get together and we celebrate … this is the day the Lord has made!

Today, there is a single mom out there who is struggling to make ends meet.  She’s already working two jobs.  She’s tired.  But, she’s hanging in there, for herself and her kids!  … this is the day the Lord has made!

No matter what our circumstances, we should always choose to give God the glory.   Giving God the glory simply means that you are thankful to Him for giving you one more day …. one more day!  That is something to celebrate!

Maybe life hasn’t always been that easy for you.  Or maybe life isn’t easy at all, today!  But, I honestly believe that we have a choice in how we choose to see our day!  We can give this day power for good or bad, by our attitude.  Our attitude definitely sets our altitude!

When you wake up in the morning and the first thought is “Oh this is going to be a LONG day…..”, and you accept that thought as though it were already, you’ve just given yourself a LONG day!

BUT, if you wake up and think this thought, and you immediately rise up and say, “No it won’t be….THIS IS THE DAY THE LORD HAS MADE & I CHOOSE TO REJOICE AND BE GLAD IN IT”, you’ve set the standard for a MUCH BETTER day!

Don’t let the enemy get to you with negative thoughts and words.  CHOOSE to rise up against those words, and CHOOSE LIFE!  CHOOSE to rejoice and be glad.  CHOOSE to be more than a conqueror.  CHOOSE to believe that with God ALL things are possible!


How about you?