February 22, 2025

Captivating: Weekly Review Chapter 3 – Haunted By a Question

Weekly Review

With her blog on Monday, Tonya said that we often don’t feel like a life-saving lover, a relational specialist, full of tender mercies and hope, especially not when life is overwhelming and we feel caught in the struggle of balance.

But ladies, and this is a big but, we have to remember that on those days when we feel torn and unbalanced, that on those days especially, we need to remember the most that we are God’s. We belong to Him. We have to remember that we are inviting, we are captivating, and we are alluring.

On Tuesday Tonya shared with us that as women we want to be lovely, we want to be captivating. We question our inner “loveliness” in addition to our outer beauty.  As women we have vulnerabilities, we do have the habit of wanting to control situations, we are affected by relational issues, but thank God, He is strong where we are weak!

Tonya ended her blog with the following words,:” Rest assured, God knew what was going to happen; He knew what the outcome would be. He also knew that despite the curse, despite the fall out from the bite, we would be beautiful”.

My friends, you are…. and will always be …. Captivating!

On Wednesday Carissa asked the very important question, how do we deal with fear of being vulnerable? Do we play the defense trying to control our situations and that of others, or are we wallflowers,  preferring to be silent and unseen, thus also controlling the situation instead of surrendering it to God?  No matter how much we try to control or how well we hide, God knows our hearts. He knows  the motives behind everything we do.

She ended her blog by saying that God wants us to know Him. He wants us to know freedom from our fears and past hurts.He wants us to know the depth of His love for us. He wants us to know that in His eyes we are way more than “cute”.

Ladies you are beautiful and irreplaceable. God delights in you because you are captivating.

On Thursday Michelle addressed the issue of ‘ indulgences’. Jeremiah 2:13 refers to it as our ‘broken cisterns’.  What is your ‘broken cistern’? Where do you tend to turn when things get tough?  We were created to be fulfilled by only one thing – the love of God. The time comes when we have to choose who or what will control us. We are given a choice. Will it be God or our own limited personality, or another imperfect substitute?

The good news according to Ezra 9:9 is that ” God has not deserted us in our bondage”.

Today, I want to finish this review with some personal thoughts.  Girlfriends, for years I, Edwina Botha Howard have been in bondage. To me life was all about looking a certain way, wearing name brands and it was just about stuff and more stuff. When I was happy I would shop, when I was sad I would shop, when my husband looked at me the wrong way I would shop. There was just no stopping to the madness. As a teacher I would buy a new outfit after every holiday, and believe me I am not exaggerating.

A month ago or so, I finally came to the realization with God’s help, that by always wanting and buying, I am saying that I am not satisfied with who I am because I could just never get enough. I came to the conclusion that it costs far less to work on the content of my character than on draping my frame with expensive fare.  What I wear and the price tag on my clothing is not of importance, it is what is on the inside. After all, the Word of God says that I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  This is the message that John and Stasi are trying to convey in this book.  You are beautiful!  It doesn’t take “things” to make you beautiful in His eyes!!


I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.

Psalm 139:14




Before we close, I would like to leave you with a personal message from John and Stasi Eldredge on the Beauty of Women.  This is a video of an interview they did on the Joyce Meyer program.  It’s Part 1 of 3.  We’ll share the other two parts in the next two weeks.



If you would like to join us for the Captivating online Bible study, click HERE to register. Once we receive your registration, we will email you further details.

If you would like to email Edwina in regards to this blog post, please email her at: