January 31, 2025

How do I know I belong to God?

Made in Heaven


There are just some things you notice about people that stand out in a way in which you know there is no way they are not related.  One day I saw a momma with her two kids, their facial features were IDENTICAL.  There was no way those precious children were not hers.  My nieces have the same long, blond, straight hair.  They look like twins.  When you see them, you know they belong to one another.  Now on the contrary, you will see that family of red heads along with a blond haired little girl.  Does that blond girl really belong with the rest of the family?  There is no way by just looking at that family you would be able to say without a shadow of a doubt that the blond haired girl is related to the rest of the red heads.

Have you ever felt like the blond haired girl with Jesus?  Feeling like because you do not fit in with the rest of the world that there is no way you fit in with God?  How many times do you think to yourself, there is no way I belong to God?  I am not sure that I am His, and that He is mine forever.   You let doubt sink in, and because you do not think you resemble God in any way, shape or form, you fall into the lie that you are not His, you do not belong to God (He is a red head, you are a blond).

With every lie we sometimes believe, there will always be a truth to go right along with it.  Please listen to this truth and let it sink into your hearts; YOU BELONG TO GOD, HE IS YOURS, YOU ARE HIS, HE CALLED YOU BY NAME, AND CREATED YOU FOR SUCH A BEAUTIFUL PURPOSE!  Don’t just take my word for it, take the Lord’s word for it; lets seek the Bible for this truth!  Isaiah 43:7 says, “Everyone (insert your name here) who is called by my name whom I have created for my glory I have formed him, yes I made him”.  We are literally called, created, and made by God.  God loves us so much!  Anytime you want to believe the lie that you are not God’s precious daughter, remember this truth and let those lies melt away!

Do you think people know you are related to God when they see you?  Do you think you resemble God?  The coolest thing about being in God’s family is that we do not resemble him by looking the same, we resemble him by being different and standing out in HIS love.  We were not created to fit into this world, but rather created for God’s glory by standing out in His love and beauty.  This has to do with our actions, and remaining obedient to Him.  People see Jesus in us when we “act” differently.  Instead of cheating on a test, we study hard.  Instead of teasing kids, we stick up for the bullied.  We stand up for God in a place where people talk badly about Him.  Let us desire for others to know positively when they see us that we are God’s forever and ever, and that they are too- no matter what color their hair-no matter what they have done or where they come from.  We are all made in Heaven, and living in this Earth-for God’s glory.

Let’s Pray:

Lord, I lift every single person reading this up to you!  I pray that you let them stand strong in YOU and accept the truth that YOU love them and that YOU called them by name and have created each one of them for YOUR glory.  I pray you help us to stand out in your beauty, and not be discouraged by being different.  We desire to fit into YOUR life for us.  I thank you so much for this comforting truth: we belong to you, and we are yours forever and ever.  Amen.

I have learned that doubt has a really tough shot trying to sneak in when I can shout it away with the Lord’s powerful words.  Meditate on the power of the Lord’s words in Psalm 24:1 “The earth is the LORD’s (belongs to the Lord) and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.”  Let’s memorize this verse together.  Let us hold onto this truth and use it against Satan when he tries to fill our head with lies! 

<3 Diane


Our secret fellowship group on Facebook  is OPEN, so join us to make some new friends who love the Lord!!!! :)

Please “like” our Facebook Community page here to stay up-to-date on all we are doing for teens over here at GCH: decaf: https://www.facebook.com/GCHdecaf.

Be sure to email our lead barista, Megan, if you would like to join a small group or if you have any questions about the study or this ministry. She would love to hear from you!  Teens@girlfriendscoffeehour.com .

Our first study will start October 1st!  We will be studying A Daughter’s Worth by Ava Sturgeon.

Letters from Grandma

Have you ever had a pen pal? I remember in elementary school that was the thing to do! We were actually required to find and keep pen pals from all over the world. Back then it was hand written letters not emails. I loved having pen pals, but unfortunately the only lasting pen pal I had, was my grandmother. From the time I was a little girl my grandmother and I have been writing letters back and forth. She always tells me, she doesn’t do email and is so excited that I still write to her! I don’t think she knows the excitement I have that my grandmother takes the time to speak truth and love and hope into my heart through her precious letters to me!

My grandmother is the sweetest lady you could ever meet. Her obedience to the Lord is not only captivating but completely inspirational and encouraging to me. She is always ready to talk about her relationship with the Lord and what He means to her in her life. She is always prepared with encouragement she has studied throughout the Bible and daily devotionals. When I look at my grandmother, all I see is Jesus. It is truly amazing. She is such an angel in my life. I look up to her, and truly admire her for the way she lives her life, by following Jesus.

When I was in high school, I bombarded my gram with lots and lots of letters. All of them were filled with the “junk” I had to go through as a teenager. I would pour out my heart to her, telling her exactly what was going wrong in my life. I would tell her about the boys that I liked but never seemed to notice me, the girls that were being mean to me, the fights I was having with my parents, the sadness I felt when my sisters got to do cool things and I was not allowed. Every time my grandmother wrote back to me, it was always exactly what I needed to hear. It was like God himself was talking to me through her letters. Her letters were completely Spirit-filled. She gave me Bible verses that went along with every struggle I had. I called her letters magical. I am so beyond thankful for her letters in my life. God was using and still is using my grandmother to speak truth, hope, and love to my very soul! Where I would be without her letters, I do not want to know! By her sending and sharing what the Lord laid on her heart for me, the Lord saved my life through her!

There is one group of letters that will forever be a part of my memory, ones I look back to and are such a reminder of God’s faithfulness to me. In this particular letter to my gram, I asked her to please pray for me. I told her that I felt distant from the Lord and that we were so far apart. I described to her how lost I felt and that I didn’t think God cared for me or liked me very much. When my grandmother wrote me back, I have never forgotten the words she wrote that spoke directly to my heart, The Lord never leaves us, He waits patiently for us to come back to Him! I am praying for you. There is no way she knew the impact those simple words had in my life.

Well, three years later, I got to write my gram telling her all about the impact they had. How the Lord waited for me, and I am back in His arms! It was the best! I started to realize that not only do I have my grandmother for support and advice, but I have my Heavenly Father to write letters to, and He will always write back!

It is so very important to have friendships with other godly women, women who will lift you up in prayer, give you advice based on what the Bible says not this world, women who will encourage you with the truth of God! I think one thing about GCH: decaf that I am most excited about is having just that! We have the access to letters, and emails, and messages, and private groups where we can all share our hearts and our junk with one another; in response you will not receive judgment or feel ashamed, instead you will feel the power of the Spirit working through the fingertips of each one of us!

How blessed we are to be able to share what the Lord has taught us or showed us about things that someone else may really be struggling with. How thankful we are for a Heavenly Father who never leaves us and is with us in our group! He is writing right along with each and every one of us. I pray that we allow the Spirit to work through our every word we write, that we are able to say what He is guiding us to say, knowing it will help and bless others too. Without His guidance, and leading, we are going nowhere. I desire to get mail from Him daily in our group! I look forward to writing many more letters to HIM with each and every one of you.

Psalm 73:23

The Lord is always with us, he is holding us by our right hand.

Let us pour into our groups what he is pouring into our right hand, LOVE, PEACE, COMFORT, WISDOM, TRUTH, FORGIVENESS, GRACE, and MERCY!

<3 Diane


Remember… we are giving away 5 copies of the book for our very first Bible study A Daughter’s Worth by Ava Sturgeon!!! TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO ENTER TO WIN!!!

How do you enter to win?!?!?!?

1. Tell your friends about the Bible study! You can call, txt, email, FB, etc…. any of your best girlfriends that YOU think would benefit from this online Bible study!

2. Have them send an email to teens@girlfriendscoffeehour.com to sign up for the Bible study and have them give us YOUR name as referring them.

3. The 5 people who refer the most people to the Bible study WINS a FREE copy of the book!

Our secret fellowship group on Facebook  is OPEN, so join us to make some new friends who love the Lord!!!! :)

Please “like” our Facebook Community page here to stay up-to-date on all we are doing for teens over here at GCH: decaf: https://www.facebook.com/GCHdecaf.

Be sure to email our lead barista, Megan, if you would like to join a small group or if you have any questions about the study or this ministry. She would love to hear from you!  Teens@girlfriendscoffeehour.com .

Our first study will start October 1st!  We will be studying A Daughter’s Worth by Ava Sturgeon.