February 19, 2025

God Sees


 If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me
    and the light become night around me,”
even the darkness will not be dark to you;
    the night will shine like the day,
    for darkness is as light to you.

Psalms 139:11 and 12

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We all have that secret sin...you know…the one that, if someone discovers it, we feel they will never love or respect us again.  As believers we can be truly terrified of being found out.  But what if what we thought was a horrific secret wasn’t so bad after all?  What if  all we had to do was confess it to God and ask Him for help us to overcome it?

You see the evil one has a way of playing with our minds.  He makes us think we can’t change.  He makes us think that life is hopeless.  But it is not hopeless.  God created us and He has a vision, a purpose for us.  We need to have the faith to find it, to search for it.

Sometimes we need help along the way.  A person we can work through our thoughts with and verify what we find about ourselves in Scripture.  Always look for a Christian therapist or a friend who has come through similar circumstances.  They will have insights and certain helps for us to help us  walk through our journey to a whole life.

As in the Old Testament when the two prostitutes brought the baby to King Solomon, he used the wisdom God endowed him with to discern the truth (see 1 Kings 3:16-28).  How many of us would have thought to threaten to cut an infant in half to see which mother would beg for the child’s life?

As we struggle with our humanness and our inability to always follow God with our whole heart we must remember—He knows our heart. He knows we want to serve Him and love Him just as He loves us.

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Father, help us work on our trust in You.  Help us to know Your love is unconditional.  Thank You for the opportunity to live for You.  Give us a passion to see past our sins knowing that You have so much more for us.  Let us strive for Your goodness and mercy in all that we do, and to bring the strongholds to You so together we can defeat them.  In Jesus’ name, amen!