March 29, 2025

GCH:decaf — Meet Channa

I have enjoyed reading about all of the young ladies in the Decaf group. We have such a wide range of ages, that it is great to read what makes each one of you unique. After all, isn’t that what God intended? He has gifted each of us with talents and gifts that are still being discovered. Let me introduce you to Channa.


Channa is a lively and beautiful young woman who is currently attending Bethel University on a Choral Scholarship. She has been gifted with a wonderful voice that she aspires to use in ministry once she has finished her college career. Channa is the middle child of three siblings. Her youngest sister is attending high school back home in Rockvale. Channa, when home, is surrounded with a lot of family members. They each vie for her time and attention that does a girl good.

Channa’s favorite group is Sixteen Cities and her favorite song to sing of the group is You Are Someone’s Work of Art. I asked her if she was someone’s work of art and she said no, that she was a work on progress. Aren’t we all, I laughed. Then I asked her what her favorite worship song is and she said Our God by Chris Tomlin.

I asked Channa what stood out to her while reading ‘A Daughter’s Worth’ last year and she said the part about dating and holding yourself pure, keeping to your standards. When she went through the checklist she saw that she had all of the qualities but the young man did not. So that got her to thinking about whether she wanted in that relationship or not. So when she got back to college she made the break and is not looking back.

When I started asking her about whether she was a fan or a follower, she said she was a fan for right now and that she wanted to change that. She wants to get back to attending church while at college and surrounding herself with people that will encourage her in her walk with Christ. Channa wants to make a difference and needs help along the way, just like all of us. She loves making goofy faces and making people laugh. This year she is going to be more intentional with her studies while at Bethel and focus on her school work.



Let’s pray:

Father, I thank You for each and every young woman in this Bible study. I ask that You will use this and other blogs to create a passion to serve You. Help us to see others as You see them and to prepare our hearts and minds to do Your work. We love You God and thank You for allowing us to use this media to further Your kingdom.  In Jesus’ precious name, Amen!


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