March 6, 2025

Love Letters from God by Diane Meyers – “Renewed”

My story is made up of many love letters written from my heart to God’s heart and from His to mine.  I open up to Him with a pen in my hand and a journal in my lap.  The Lord speaks to me through my writings, and I am beyond excited to share with you bits and pieces of different letters I have from God.  I share parts of my story so that God’s love, power, grace, forgiveness, and perfectness may be showcased.  As you read I pray the Lord grabs a hold of your heart and fills you with hope!


Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will it—His good, pleasing and perfect will. –Romans 12:2


Dear God,

Some days I feel like an alien.  I feel so disconnected from this world.  I spend so much wasted time trying to fit in, and it just never seems to work out well for me.  It is like vinegar and water; I just don’t mix well with the rest of what this fallen world has become.  I always craved to be different, but not at the cost of others not liking me or thinking I am weird.    Why do I even care so much what others think of me?  I struggle with this feeling of trying to stand out in Your love but not finding the courage to stand up all the way.  I lack confidence in my differences.  There is a part of me that still wants this world to accept me.  Why, Lord, do I feel this way?  I desire to stand out in Your life.  I know this world is not for me.  I know You have made me new!  Please show me Your way and give me Your courage to find what I am missing.

Love, Wishy-Washy Diane

Love Letters from God


Dear Precious Child of Mine,

Believe it or not, I am happy to hear that you feel like an alien.  I am pleased that you feel disconnected from this world.  This makes Me smile.  This means you are living in line with My desires for you.  You were not created to fit into this world; you were made to stand out in My love.  When people see you, they should be drawn right to your heart, where I am found.  Reaching towards the empty dreams this world has to offer will only leave you further away from standing in My truth.  In order for you to feel like you belong to Me, you must let the thoughts of who you truly are reign in your mind.  The best parts about you are the ones I give you daily, if you only ask.  Ask for My strength and you shall receive, ask for My cleansing and you shall receive.  Ask for My confidence and you shall receive, ask for my courage and you shall receive.  I have created you for a purpose you must not let anyone try to convince you otherwise.  I can guarantee that you will feel weird and out of place in this world, but I can assure you that the more you feel out of place, the more you will feel My perfect love for you.  Do not lose heart, stand firm in the life I have created you for, not the one you may find more convenient living in this world.  This world has nothing for you.  This world will only bring you down.  I am the perfect example of how to live in the world just not of the world.  Focus on Me and renew your thoughts with My truth so you are able to stand all the way up reaching toward Heaven for every little thing that you need to stand out with confidence in a world that so desperately needs My love.

Love, Your Perfect Creator



Thank You.  Two words that do not seem enough for all You do for me day by day.  Are there any words that mean more than ‘thank You?’  All I can do is express my gratitude through my actions.  You are alive in me!  I want to make sure I am showing YOU off through my interactions in the world all day long.  You are the best part about me, and I desire to share that best kept secret with everyone I come into contact with.  Lord, let my love for You be so strong that it never fails.  I know now that I do not want this world to accept me.  I pray this world accepts You, and I am praying that You give me Your strength to be a vessel for others to find acceptance from above in You.  Thank You for all that You do, Lord.  Thank You for understanding.  Thank You for helping me get rid of the lies and hold fast to Your truth!  I love You so much, Lord.  May You see my thankfulness and love for You through the times I am not conforming to this world, but standing out and up completely!

Love, Your Alien

© Diane Meyers 2013


Questions for Reflection:

  1.  Do you sometimes feel out of place in this world, as I do?  How does this make you feel?
  2. What is holding you back from feeling accepted from God above?  Is it lies that are cluttering your mind?  Practice renewing your mind moment by moment. Focus on God and His truths throughout your day.  Journal about the impact this action has on your life.