February 22, 2025

Glorious Living w/ Coach Megan: How to Stay Motivated

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Dear Megan,

How do I stay motivated? To reach goals? I try to lose weight and exercise but I keep losing my ambition. I also am struggling in doing my bible studies.

Thank you.


Oh, my dear…what a perfect question to start off this blog with! This is something almost every single person who comes to me for coaching needs help with, and it is certainly so important in every aspect of our lives! Here are a few ways you can endure success in staying motivated in areas you know God has called you to have focus on. 

1. Accountability

Share your new goal or endeavor with the people closest to you so that they can ask you how it is going and hold you accountable to getting it done. Use discernment about who to share with.  When you share what you are endeavoring to do with someone you trust, you are more likely to stick it out just from knowing that they know and will ask you about it! If you can enlist someone to go on this adventure WITH you, that is even better!

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.

Colossians 3:16

2. Surround yourself with cheerleaders!

This is so important! When you make the commitment to do something new whether it is a new weight loss challenge or start a daily quiet time with the Lord, it becomes so much harder to do if you are surrounded by people who don’t believe you can do it or do what they can to discourage you. Even if your closest circle is full of Negative Nancy’s, that’s okay! Make sure you are keeping in frequent contact with the positive people God has so intentionally placed in your life!

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.

1 Thessalonians 5:11

3. Know you are not in this alone

You are not created to do ANYTHING in your own power. You know that, right? God is with you and wants to walk this out with you every step of the way! Please do not try to do anything alone. <3

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed,

for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you;

I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

Isaiah 41:10

4. Create margin in your day

Are you too busy? That is a big big way we all get unmotivated. If you are going to take on something that will take an hour of your time a day, make sure you make room for that to physically be able to happen. God does not intend for our lives to be so stretched that we don’t even have time for Him! Take some time to really look closely at how you are spending your time and see where you might be able to delegate tasks or delete time-wasters!

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind,

that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Romans 12:2

5. Just do it

Sometimes, it just comes down to those three words…. JUST DO IT! If you know that God has called you to it then He will equip you with all you need to get it done… you need only get out of the way! It really is that simple sometimes, and sometimes the only answer is to JUST DO IT!!!

As long as you are going to do it, you might as well do it right. Right? As long as you are going to show up for work, you might as well do your best on the job. As long as you are going  to raise a family, you might as well make it a happy, well-adjusted one. As long as you are going to have a life, you might as well live a life of excellence and live it with intention!

And if you throw yourself wholeheartedly into everything you do, with a total commitment to excellence, there are no limits to what you can accomplish. It is time to get up and give God 100% no matter what gets thrown your way! Satan would love nothing more than for you to stay right where you are and never move forward toward the life that God has intended for you…. Will you let him win or are you going to do your due diligence and just make it happen?

With God on your side….you’ve got this! 🙂


Megan Smidt, CCLC


If you are interested in contacting Megan about personal coaching, please go to:  www.megansmidt.com


Introducing “Glorious Living w/Coach Megan”

I am so pleased to announce a brand new addition to our ministry.  Many of you know our Co-Founder, Megan Smidt.  You know her heart.  You know her love for helping women.  You know she pours her heart into everything she does.  You know above all else, her love for our Lord Jesus.

Megan wears many hats, one of which is a Certified Christian Life Coach.  Being a Life Coach is Megan’s calling.  It is very evident in how she reaches out to other women, and guides and encourages them in the way God is calling them.  She has an amazing heart, and I am so very blessed to know her, and have her as my partner here at Girlfriends Coffee Hour.

Beginning March 29th, Megan will begin a brand new blog here on GCH, titled Glorious Living with Coach Megan.  This blog is for YOU, our readers, to have your questions about life answered.  Megan will be answering your questions each Friday!  All you have to do is submit your questions to her.  She can address them anonymously, as well.  Email your questions to Megan at Megan@GirlfriendsCoffeeHour.com.  

We’ve set aside some time today for you to get to know Megan a little better.  I’ve interviewed Megan recently, and we want to share that interview with you!  May I introduce Megan Smidt, CCLC….


Where were you born?

Lynwood, CA.

Out of all the places that you have lived, which one is your most favorite?

Tennessee!!! I love having seasons and the people here are amazing.

What were you like as a teenager?

I was… ME!  I loved music, singing, reading, writing, and being with my friends. I wore every color at the same time and I certainly danced to the beat of my own drum. I guess I haven’t changed too much since then!

Did you go to college? If so, what degree(s) do you hold?

Yes, I went to Fullerton College right out of high school and earned an AA degree in Liberal Studies. I then transferred to CSU, Fullerton where I earned Bachelors of Arts degrees in English and Women’s Studies. I went back to school and earned my Christian Life Coaching Certification from PCCCA in 2011.

Tell us about some of the jobs that you have held over the years, and which one is your most favorite?

My first job was “magazine manager” at B.Dalton Booksellers when I was 16. From there, I was manager and buyer for a Papyrus store, and retail manager for Hallmark Creations, Ice Accessories, and Victoria’s Secret. I was a manager and scheduler for Bank of America and most recently, I am Personal Assistant to Yancy (www.yancynotnancy.com) and, I “work” as a Certified Christian Life Coach.

It is hard to pick a favorite because there are things about most of those jobs that I loved, but I would say that working for Yancy has been a whole lot of fun and I LOVE helping people grow in their walk with the Lord and in their life in general as a life coach.

If you could have lunch with anyone that is living or has passed on, who would it be? Why?

Oh, that’s a tough one! I would have to say my gramma. I miss her terribly and even though I had a lot of time with her here on earth, I miss our talks so much that to have one more would just be wonderful.

If money was not an object, and you could do anything that you wanted to do and know that you would not fail, what would you do?

I would travel around the world helping as many people as I could come to have an intimate relationship with God and intentionally live the life God has called them to live. I pray that Craig, our kids and family could join me along the way!

What is your most favorite thing about blogging?

Encouraging people to intentionally live the life that God has called them to live.

Tell us how you came to be a Christian Life Coach.

God told me to. I had been fired from my job and let myself be still and wait for God to show me what He wanted me to do. He showed me this and I had no clue what it even was! So, I began looking into it and, after 6 months of prayer and research, I found the perfect program for what God had shown me. I became certified and have loved every minute of this journey living out my calling!

If there was one piece of advice that you could give the women of Girlfriends Coffee Hour, what would it be?

Do not be content to merely survive! God calls us to a life filled with joy where we are content in every season. It IS possible or God would not command it in His Word! It takes diligence and intentional living to make it happen but, with God, all things are possible!

Explain what your new Glorious Living blog will be about, and how women can submit their questions to you.

I am so excited about this opportunity to help all of my GCH friends! Glorious Living is a weekly blog where I answer questions posed by friends simply sending an email to me at megan@girlfriendscoffeehour.com . The questions can be about anything they might need help with in their life to propel them forward where they might be feeling stuck. This can have to do with relationships, career, values, life purpose, priorities, and their walk with the Lord… Anything, really!  I have already received some great questions and, I am so excited to get started with this new adventure! I pray God works through this blog to help heal and propel women all over the world forward toward the life that God has created them for!

“Glorious Living — Intentionally Living for God” by Megan Smidt, Certified Christian Life Coach

glorious living

Beginning March 29th, 2013, you will see a brand new blog appear on Girlfriends Coffee Hour.  Our Co-Founder, Megan Smidt, who is also a Certified Christian Life Coach, will begin taking questions via email from YOU, and then addressing those questions here on her new “Glorious Living” blog, each Friday!

Megan received her Life Coach certification in 2012 through Professional Christian Coaching & Counseling Academy.  She also has Bachelors of Arts degrees in English and Women’s Studies.

We are super excited about this blog, and feel it will be a great addition to GCH!  Megan has been successfully coaching others for some time now and is very excited to answer YOUR questions, as well!

Some topics you may want to ask Megan about:

  • Learning to manage change effectively
  • Getting unstuck, out of ruts and moving forward
  • Learning to think and see things differently
  • Expanding the capacity to take action
  • Finding clear values
  • Discovering and developing passions
  • Finding a life purpose
  • Building a clearer vision for the future
  • Finding meaning in what you are doing
  • Building self-confidence
  • Learning to relate to people effectively
  • Getting the courage to take risks
  • Getting free of self-sabotaging behavior and destructive self-talk
  • Building communication skills
  • Learning to take responsibility
  • Developing a closer walk with God

You may email your question to Megan at: Megan@GirlfriendsCoffeeHour.com.  If you prefer your question to be anonymous, then just let her know in your email.


2 Corinthians 3:18
But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord,

are changed into the same image from glory to glory,

even as by the Spirit of the Lord.