February 22, 2025

Let the Nations Praise God Together!


May the peoples praise You, O God; may all the peoples praise You.
May the nations be glad and sing for joy,
for You rule the peoples justly and guide the nations of the earth.
May the peoples praise You, O God; may all the peoples praise You.
Psalms 67:3-5

Our great God’s worthy to be praised for Who He is and for the things that have happened in history because of Him, for the things that are currently being fulfilled because of Him, and for the wonderful things that are to come because of Him!  If you follow Christ, how can any day be an ordinary day?

Recently, a friend from college posted on social media the song, How Great is Our God.  The words alone are powerful and true. But what made this particular presentation even more amazing is that Chris Tomlin had worship leaders from around the world on the stage with him, and they were praising God singing with their voices and whole hearts! At designated times, you heard the different languages spilling forth, praising God!  The place was filled with worshippers! (I couldn’t help but wonder if what I was witnessing was a tiny glimpse of what heaven might look like!)

The song starts with the line “The splendor of a King….”  Do you get that God is the King of kings?  He is majestic, powerful, and above all in His rule and reign!  And yet, He is so personal that He hears your deepest thoughts and prayers—even if they are said silently in your heart, not even spoken in a whisper! He is that powerful King, and He is that personal Savior to you, if He reigns in your heart!!!

At one point in the video, there is a man jumping…waiting in anticipation for his part to join in on the singing!  Are we like that?  Are we so in awe of God that we can’t wait to do our part to give Him great honor and glory through song or whatever else He calls us to?  Oh, how I hope so!

TOGETHER they all sang the line, “How GREAT is our God!”  How wonderful is that? VERY! Let’s sing praises to Him together, and let’s do life together when we can.

When I have the great privilege of meeting someone from a different nationality or culture, I hope I always see it as a great move by God’s Hand for me to embrace someone who may be very different from who I am and as an opportunity to build a friendship.  If that person is a believer then, as a brother or sister in Christ, we are family!  It doesn’t matter what language they speak, what clothes they wear, or what color their skin is!!!  And, if they don’t believe, may the Holy Spirit help me to handle this possible relationship in such a way that I may have the opportunity to share Christ or at least show them that a Christian will point the way or shed light in the direction of Jesus.  How?  In the way I reach out, befriend, and love them….  It needs to look as close as it can to how He loves me. (Oh, how I thank Jesus for reaching toward me/us with His love!)

* * * * *

Oh, Lord, help us to reach toward people of other nations and cultures with a heart of love that looks like Yours.  When we extend our hands and hearts toward others, in any given moment, let our hands and hearts look like Yours.  Let us embrace people of different nationalities…like You do…and let us ALL lift our voices of praise and our hands up to You in one extravagant, thankful choir of voices and hearts giving praise that is heard around the world…and, one day, in heaven!  In Jesus’ Precious Name,


Crazy Love: Week 1 Reading Assignment

Hi there friends! Are you as excited as I am to journey through this Crazy Love study?! The time is finally here!

This book was very difficult to section off into daily reading assignments. So if you have any questions about what to read and when, please leave a comment or email me at Jennifer@girlfriendscoffeehour.com.

On tap for today is reading the Foreword written by Chris Tomlin and the Preface written by our author, Francis Chan. There are so many convicting things just in these few pages. I practically highlighted every word! I thought about sharing some passages here with you, but I want you to read it for yourself first and soak in every word. Read through the foreword and preface a couple of times. Let it marinate. Ask the Holy Spirit to work in your heart and speak to you. Be open and willing to change; to think differently. This book very well could change your life.

So, without further ado, here is the rest of our week one reading assignment!


Sunday, January 6th: Foreword/Preface/Chapter 1 Reading Assignment (Jennifer)

Monday, January 7th: Chapter 1 “Stop Praying” pgs. 25-26 (Megan)

Tuesday, January 8th: Chapter 1 “Stop Praying” pgs. 27-28 (Martha)

Wednesday, January 9th: Chapter 1 “Stop Praying” pgs. 29-34 (end at Before the Throne) (Donna)

Thursday, January 10th: Chapter 1 “Stop Praying” pgs. 34-38 (start at Before the Throne) (Jennifer)

Friday, January 11th: Chapter 1 “Stop Praying” Weekly Review and Chapter 1 Study Video from YouTube (Megan)

Let’s pray: Father we bow before you, hearts and minds open and alive in hopeful expectation for what You have for us in this study. Please reveal to us each, individually, the crazy, powerful, immense love that You have for us. Help us to release our doubts and fears to You and receive this love that You so freely give. Show us how to live boldly for You and allow You to do amazing things in and through us. We are at your feet, Lord. In Jesus holy and precious name we pray, Amen!

Your Assignment: Tell us one part of the Foreword or Preface that tugged at your heart. It can be one line, one paragraph, or more. I’d love to know what the Lord brought to  your heart as your read these pages. Once you comment here, head on over to our Facebook group and let’s talk some more!