March 31, 2025

All Things

psalmshymnsspiritualsongskjvI met a woman down the street at the park where my kids play
She was living underneath the trees because it’s pretty hard to find a job these days
We talked about the ups and downs of her life
As the tears filled her eyes she smiled and said something I will never forget

That in all things, all things
Give thanks to the One
Who meets our need before we know we even need it
Because all things are all the things I just can’t handle
So I hand it to the One who takes care of all things

Tweet tweet tweet way up high in the sky fly the little birds
(Without a care in the world)
And how much more does our Father provide for the ones He loves
And I’m ashamed how I complain everyday about things that don’t matter anyway
And it makes me think of the woman down the street who said

In all things, all things
Give thanks to the One
Who meets our need before we know we even need it
Because all things are all the things I just can’t handle
So I hand it to the One who takes care of all things

To the scared soldier there on the front lines
To the cancer patient running out of time
To the father afraid he’s gonna lose it all
To the single mom who doesn’t even know where to start
To the ones who think they’re all out of hope
To the ones who know the sting of death and feel all alone
Cast your cares for He cares for us
And there’s nothing in this life that’s bigger
Bigger than His love

I have a reason to, in all things, all things
Give thanks to the One
Who meets our need before we know we even need it
Because all things are all the things I just can’t handle
So I hand it to the One who takes care of all things

All things, all things
I know You’re taking care of all things, all things
I’m gonna trust You

 Citizen Way
Written by Ben Calhoun

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And we know that in all things
God works for the good of those who love Him,
who have been called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28

What a great promise from God!  Paul is writing to the believers in the Roman church, teaching them, counseling them, growing them in God’s wonderful ways.  We need to be reminded how much God gave for us.  How much He sacrificed for us to be grafted into His family, to serve Him in His command to share the good news of His great love.

Then in 2 Corinthians 9:8 we read this:

And God is able to bless you abundantly,
so that in all things at all times,
having all that you need,
you will abound in every good work.

How cool is that?  “All that you need“, God will bless us with it as long as we strive to do good work for the Kingdom of God.  We had some folks over to the house this past weekend.  One of the people was our youth pastor.  As my husband was introducing the various people, the pastor began to ask about a friend’s salvation status. (Do they believe, do they go to church, how have you done with sharing your beliefs….)  I think we passed with the ‘sharing’ part, but our friend has not chosen to return to church.  Sometimes all we are to do is plant the seed of Truth.  Hopefully someone else will come along and water the ‘seed’ and it will mature and become the follower God has created them to be.

Who of us has planted seeds, watered those seeds, and then helped it ripen?  Each one of us is given gifts to further the Kingdom.  Have you used yours lately?  If we do not exercise our gift, we will lose it.  God will continue to bless us with these gifts we exercise on a regular basis or He will take it and give to someone else.  I pray we will use our gifts and will ask for God to restore to us the ones we have not used in a long while.  How about you?

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Father, thank You for Your sacrifice You gave us many years ago through Your son, Jesus.  Help us to be brave and seek Your gifts and use the ones You have given us.  Give us the courage to seek Your will and not our own.  Help us to not seek approval of men, but Your approval.  Forgive us as we fail, give us the strength to succeed.  In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.