February 22, 2025

Heart Like You

psalmshymnsspiritualsongskjvBurn bright in my life
Burn away the things I hold tight
Give me eyes to see Your Kingdom
The way You want it to be

What can be worth more than You
What do I have I wouldn’t lose
If it means You and I
Look more alike
That’s what I chose

I’d give up the world to find my soul
Pour out my life, give You control
I just want to be what You want me to be
I just want a heart that’s true
A heart like You
I just want a heart like You

As Your waves take shape
All my guilt and shame
Start to fade
And Your love takes their place
I become a well of Your grace, Your grace

I don’t mind the price it costs
I will count all I have as lost
When this fades away, what’s true remains
What can be worth more than You
What do I have I wouldn’t lose

I just want a heart like You
I just want a heart like You

Love And The Outcome
written by: Jodi King, Chris Rademaker, Seth Jones

Then Jesus said to His disciples,
“If any of you wants to be My follower,
you must turn from your selfish ways,
take up your cross, and follow Me.
If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it.
But if you give up your life for My sake, you will save it.
‭Matthew‬ ‭16‬:‭24-25‬ NLT

There is nothing on this earth worth holding onto if it gets in the way of your relationship with God.  Jesus said that we are to leave it all and follow Him just as He commanded the disciples.  Is there something you’re holding onto today?

I remember hearing that whatever we put before Jesus will eventually make us torn.  God created us with an insatiable desire to have Him first in our life and though we may try lots of things, God is our ultimate Stronghold and He is for you.  He wants you to succeed in life; to spread His name to all who will listen and show people that it was worth it when you gave it all for Him.

One day we will see Him face to face and all this will pass away and we will be able to say…it was worth it all.  We will see that God has taken all our guilt and shame away and in its place will be a crown of glory!  Are you ready?

Let us pray: Dear God, You are amazing!  You are the beginning and the end!  You never change!  Oh God, nothing on this earth compares to You.  You are our true Stronghold and our Safety forever.  Thank You for the grace that You so freely give when we place things before You.  Help us to always put You first.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.