March 6, 2025

Our Words


The grass withers, the flower fades,
but the word of our God stands forever.
Isaiah 40:8

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Words.  How do you use your words?  Do you build up or do you tear down?  When you are angry do you say hateful, hurtful things?  As we have grew up, we may have heard words spoken in anger, tearing us down.  But  we can come back from those words.  We can heal from the hurtful words spoken to us.  James spoke of our tongue, saying:

The tongue is a small thing, but what enormous damage it can do.
James 3:5

When we believed that Jesus died on the Cross for our sins, we were made new.  As we read and study the Word of God, our hearts are recreated.  Our past experiences have told us that life can be uncaring, unfriendly.  But our life with Jesus as our Lord  will be vastly different if we choose to learn and discover more of God’s love.

The beauty of God’s Word is it has existed for thousands of years… it ‘stands forever’.  There is nothing which has prevented it from existing.  His words are so powerful, it has been translated to many languages and dialects, enabling people in most all nations to have the opportunity to learn and grow.  God has created pastors to lead us, to teach us, to encourage us.  We just need to sit and learn; then go into the world and share the goods news of the sacrifice Jesus made.

Remember the first time you accepted Jesus as your Savior…the elation, the empowerment you felt when you realized your life was going to be forever.  Do you still have the same passion, the drive to share?  I pray you do.  I pray someone was able to come alongside you and disciple you; and to encourage you with the words of our Father. And that passion within you would grow so you could share His good news with others.

Keep pursuing your passion.  Keep learning, discovering who you are in Christ and you will be rewarded.

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Father, I pray for those who may have lost their passion for You. I ask that they begin to seek You with a renewed fervor to tell others about Your love.  I pray for a light to shine forth, and that we share with others so we can tell them what You have done for us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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About Tina Marin

Tina Marin – Blog Contributor
Tina lives in Murfreesboro, TN with her husband of 19 years. They have two grown kids who are thriving and living on their own along with her mother-in-law who moved in May of 2013. She works outside the home as a payroll administrator. She volunteers at her local church in early childhood ministry as a large group leader, as well as working with the Teens ministry. Tina enjoys learning more about God, and likes to spend time with her family and friends.


  1. Tina, thank you for sharing. As you mentioned, our words can be hurtful and tear down others. Or as followers of Christ, we can choose to ask the Holy Spirit to remind us of God’s Word which stands forever, and build others up with encouragement and life.
    “Keep pursuing your passion. Keep learning, discovering who you are in Christ and you will be rewarded.” I’m so thankful that this happens as we stay in His everlasting Word.
    I prayed with you this morning. Amen. <3