March 14, 2025



Don’t you yourselves know that you are God’s sanctuary
and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary
Pure and holy, tried and true
With thanksgiving, I’ll be a living
Sanctuary for You

It is You, Lord
Who came to save
The heart and soul
Of every man
It is You, Lord
Who knows my weakness
Who gives me strength,
With Thine own hand

Lead Me on, Lord
From temptation
Purify me
From within
Fill my heart with
Your Holy Spirit
Take away all my sin

Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary
Pure and holy, tried and true
With thanksgiving, I’ll be a living
Sanctuary for You

Unknown vocalists
Written by Randy Scruggs, John Thompson
additional lyrics by Lloyd Larson

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About coleen hayden

Coleen Hayden – Director of Women's Ministry - Prayer Ministry Leader - Blog Contributor
Coleen and her husband Robert have been married for 19 years and currently live in the Capital District area of New York State. They have one beautiful daughter, Kassia, who is married to Matt, and 4 delightful grandchildren Elijah, Kaylie Joy, Levi, and Rebekah. She enjoys sewing, cooking, and playing the piano.


  1. Clella Fox says

    Coleen, this chorus has been a prayer of mine many times. Oh, to be a pure and holy place where God can dwell! This is the first time I have heard the other two verses, but I’m adding them to that prayer too. <3

    • coleen hayden says

      yes…a prayer He will answer!!! ( i just love what the verses add to this beautiful worship chorus!) <3

  2. Thank you, Coleen, for sharing this version of this beautiful song. I’ve only heard the radio version, which is also very moving. Just what my heart needs today!!!

    • coleen hayden says

      i’m so glad, LL!!! a fitting lead in, i thought, to the devotionals our sisters will be sharing on 1 corinthians 3:16 ’cause we ARE God’s sanctuary! <3