February 22, 2025

At Calvary


Years I spent in vanity and pride
Caring not my Lord was crucified
Knowing not it was for me He died
On Calvary

Mercy there was great, and grace was free
Pardon there was multiplied to me
There my burdened soul found liberty
At Calvary

By God’s Word at last my sin I learned
Then I trembled at the law I’d spurned
Till my guilty soul imploring turned
To Calvary

Now I’ve giv’n to Jesus everything
Now I gladly own Him as my King
Now my raptured soul can only sing
Of Calvary

Oh, the love that drew salvation’s plan
Oh, the grace that brought it down to man
Oh, the mighty gulf that God did span
At Calvary

Gaither Music
written by William Newell and composed by Daniel Towner

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In Whom we have redemption through His blood,
the forgiveness of sins,
according to the riches of His grace.
Ephesians 1:7

I have a sweet memory of Easter…I’ve got my pink Easter basket with tulle and lots of colored eggs, and I’m holding my mom’s hand as we head into the sanctuary.  Oh, how I loved Easter and the new white Sunday shoes.  But most of all, even at a young age, I loved the message. My God loved me so much that He allowed my Jesus, His Son, to become a man and walk the earth and ultimately die in my place.  After the message the choir would sing and chills would go all over as we sang about this day.

This song takes me back to those days…listen to the story behind the song:

William Newell wrote this hymn about his own testimony of God’s love and grace in his life that began with Jesus suffering and dying on the Cross to save him.  He was a teacher at the Moody Bible Institute and a Bible conference speaker. One day, while he was on his way to teach his class, he came up with the words to this hymn. He wrote them down quickly on the back of an envelope, just as they appear today. He then met with Daniel Towner, Director of music at the Institute, and showed him the words he had written.  Immediately Towner began working to compose a tune.

An hour later, the two met up and actually sang the hymn together. They were so grateful to God for this.  The hymn was published in 1895 in a collection called “Famous Hymns.”  The words of this hymn are sung all over the world in all denominations.  And, at Easter, the words mean just a little bit more.

Mercy was great and grace was free,
pardon there was multiplied for me,
there my burdened soul found liberty…at Calvary

As you listen to this hymn, I pray that you will ponder all that this means for you and maybe write your thoughts down.  He died for you, my friend.  At Calvary, all that you have done or ever will do was nailed to the cross with Jesus.

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Let us pray: Dear God, You are mighty and awesome.  Your love for us is unimaginable and Your grace and mercy are free.  Lord, as we come closer to Easter may we remember that it is not about the pastels and the bunnies but about something far greater—our Salvation.  One dark day Your Son was hung on a cross and died.  You couldn’t look. But on the third day He rose and now He lives and reigns with You. Thank You!  We love You…In Jesus’ name, amen.

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About Kim Spring

Kim Spring - Blog Contributor
Kim lives in Pensacola Beach, Florida with her husband of 22 years and four children ages 20 to 8 years old. She’s been a Cheer Coach, a Personal Trainer, and a full-time mom and wife. She loves writing, exercising, loving on her family, and loving Jesus. She has a heart for spreading the hope that’s in Jesus Christ! Her message to others is that no matter what, there’s nothing impossible when God is your driver.


  1. Clella Fox says

    Kim, I, too, grew up with this beautiful song. I love to sing it still, because the truth of God’s mercy and grace never gets old.
    “Yes, thank You, God, for Your great love shown to us through Your Son, Jesus!”

  2. coleen hayden says

    this song does cause me to ponder…thank you, kim <3