February 22, 2025

The Good Shepherd Cares for His Sheep


Recorded in the Gospel of John, our Lord made seven statements referring to Himself as I AM

I AM The Light of the World
I AM The Bread of Life
I AM The Door

I AM The Good Shepherd
I AM The True Vine

I AM The Way, The Truth, and The Life
I AM The Resurrection and The Life

Each week during this season of Lent, here on the Seeking Him blog, we will be focusing our devotionals on a different aspect of Jesus’ revelation of Himself as I AM.  The aim of Lent should be to prepare our hearts for the remembrance of Jesus’ sacrifice—His trial and torture, the Crucifixion and His death…and above all, the celebration of His Resurrection from the dead.  We pray that this will be a great encouragement to each of you who read them.  And that all of us will consider the significance of Jesus’ words and, through them, be helped as we remember and are thankful for all Jesus went through during the last few weeks of His life on this earth.

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I AM the Good Shepherd.  The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.
The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep.
So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away.
Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it.
The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep.
I AM the Good Shepherd; I know My sheep and My sheep know Me—

just as the Father knows Me and I know the Father—
and I lay down my life for the sheep.
John 10:11-14

In this passage, Jesus declares Himself to be the promised Good Shepherd.  This is also illuminated in a number of Scriptures.  It was spoken of in the Old Testament prophesying of His coming as well as in the New Testament where He Himself now is confirming the prophecies spoken of in the past.

Here are things the Shepherd would do:

  • Psalm 23:1 He ensures we lack nothing.
  • Isaiah 40:11 He tends His flock like a shepherd, He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to his heart, He gently leads those that have young.
  • Ezekiel 34:23 God was saying I will place one shepherd—my shepherd, David. This shepherd being talked of here is Jesus the Messiah who came from David’s line and who laid down His life for the sheep.
  • Ezekiel 37:24  We see the Messiah cleansing the people who would receive forgiveness.

These examples illustrate Jesus’ tender and devoted care for His people. It is as if He is saying “As a good shepherd is toward his sheep, I am toward all who believe in Me—caring, watchful, and loving.”  He was willing to die for His sheep. This emphasizes the uniqueness of Christ the Shepherd…His death on the Cross saves His sheep.

Christ was mentioned as Good Shepherd in John 10:11-14; Great Shepherd in Hebrews 13:20; and the Chief Shepherd in 1 Peter 5:4.

We also, as His followers and believers, are shepherds.  We win souls, we are shepherds of His sheep also.  Others (pastors/evangelists) also shepherd the flock.  Do we sacrifice ourselves for our sheep or we leave them to die of thirst?  We are to take our sheep to the river banks where they can get water (the Word of God).  As true believers we are to care for the sheep, and are to think about the sheep first and then ourselves.

Let us truly take care of the sheep, pray with them, feed them with the Word every day, and follow up with them, so that they should not be in any want.

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Dear heavenly Father, thank You for Your lovingkindness, thank You for who You are.  Indeed we are the sheep of Your pasture and so we are to exercise our calling.  We pray, Lord, that You help us take care of Your sheep You have given us.  May we also help grow the sheep and die to ourselves for them in Jesus’ name.  We pray for Your leading in all we do as we win souls to Your Kingdom.  In Jesus’ name we have prayed.  Amen.

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About Ann Mwafulirwa

Ann Mwafulirwa -- Devotions Team
Ann is from Malawi, Africa, and lives in Lilongwe City. She is the mother of 2 children ages 15 and 11. She loves music and is a Praise Team member at her church. She also enjoys reading the Bible and other spiritual books, and writing.


  1. Clella Fox says

    Thank you, Ann, sharing these good Scriptures about our Shepherd. Thank you also for reminding us that we are Jesus’ under-shepherds, and He has given us responsibility to care for His sheep around us.