March 31, 2025

Light of Lights


Recorded in the Gospel of John, our Lord made seven statements referring to Himself as I AM…

I AM The Light of the World
I AM The Good Shepherd
I AM The Way, The Truth, and The Life
I AM The Bread of Life
I AM The True Vine
I AM The Door
I AM The Resurrection and the Life

Each week during this season of Lent, here on the Seeking Him blog, we will be focusing our devotionals on a different aspect of Jesus’ revelation of Himself as I AM. The aim of Lent should be to prepare our hearts for the remembrance of Jesus’ sacrifice—His trial and torture, the Crucifixion and His death…and above all, the celebration of His Resurrection from the dead.  We pray that this will be a great encouragement to each of you who read them.  And that all of us will consider the significance of Jesus’ words and, through them, be helped as we remember and are thankful for all Jesus went through during the last few weeks of His life on this earth.

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Then Jesus spoke to them again: “I am the Light of the world.
Anyone who follows Me will never walk in the darkness
but will have the Light of life.”
John 8:12 HCSB

“The visible light of the world is the sun and Christ is the Sun of Righteousness. One sun enlightens the whole world.”
– Charles Spurgeon

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines light as “the form of energy that makes it possible to see things.” Isn’t that an appropriate description of Christ?  He lights up our lives with truth and grace.

One of the most important symbols of light in the Old Testament is the pillar of fire.  The pillar of fire is mentioned in Exodus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Nehemiah, Psalms and Revelations.

Nehemiah 9:12 (NASB) states:

…with a pillar of fire by night to light for them the way in which they were to go.

That is what Christ does for us, He illuminates the way for us to go…IF we choose to follow. I love how John 12:46 (NLT) puts it:

“I have come as a Light to shine in this dark world,
so that all who put their trust in Me will no longer remain in the dark.”

We do not have to remain in the dark!  When we choose to trust Christ, the darkness must flee. It is our choice whether or not we continue in darkness.

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Lord, thank You for illuminating my world with Your Light.  Help me to clearly see the path You have lit up for me.  Remind me I no longer have to remain in the dark.  I can remain in You instead. In Your name I pray – Amen, it is so!

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  1. Cynda, I, too, am so thankful that “He lights up our lives with truth and grace.” Thank you for sharing the verse from Nehemiah, it gave me a good visual of Jesus illuminating our way.

  2. coleen hayden says

    i thank you for the reminder that Jesus has already illuminated our way…all we have to do is follow. thanks, cynda! <3

  3. Michelle Stvens says


    Thank you for this wonderful devotional. I am also doing a Lent devotional called These Forty Days and it is very eye opening as well. Last Wednesday my church had an Ash Wednesday Service and I go to a Nazarene Church and for this Lent Season I gave up FaceBook that is where I thought God was telling me where I spent too much of time and not enough time with Him. Be honest I am not really missing and it has not been that hard not to stay away from.