March 31, 2025



Bring your tired
Bring your shame
Bring your guilt
Bring your pain
Don’t you know that’s not your name
You will always be much more to me
Every day I wrestle with the voices
That keep telling me I’m not right
But that’s all right

‘Cause I hear a voice and He calls me redeemed
When others say I’ll never be enough
And greater is the One living inside of me
Than he who is living in the world
In the world
In the world
And greater is the One living inside of me
Than he who is living in the world

Bring your doubts
Bring your fears
Bring your hurt
Bring your tears
There’ll be no condemnation here
You are holy, righteous, and redeemed

Every time I fall
There’ll be those who will call me
A mistake
Well that’s ok

There’ll be days I lose the battle
Grace says that it doesn’t matter
‘Cause the Cross already won the war
He’s Greater
He’s Greater

I am learning to run freely
Understanding just how He sees me
And it makes me love Him more and more
He’s Greater
He’s Greater

MercyMe ~ Bart Millard, Nathan Cochran, Barry Graul, Mike Scheuchzer, Robby Shaffer,  along with David Garcia, Ben Glover

  *   ~   ♥   ~   ✞   ~  ♥   ~   *

Little children, you are of God [you belong to Him] and have [already] defeated
and overcome them [the agents of the antichrist],
because He Who lives in you is greater (mightier) than he who is in the world.
1 John 4:4 AMP

This is another of my favorite songs.  As I was researching it, I came across the story behind the song.  I LOVE the story behind this song…. In a nutshell, Bart Miller’s son has a stuttering problem.  Some of the kids at church were making fun of him.  Bart told his son, “You know what I’ve told you.  That’s not them.  The enemy may be using them, but these kids are good kids.  They’re not coming after you, it’s just the enemy is taking shots at you.  He’s taking shots at you because you’re something special and he’s afraid of something you may do.”

We have all been there, right?  Satan loves taking potshots at all of us, hoping to make us feel less than acceptable.  He distracts us from our purpose by making us feel unlovable and unworthy. atan throws the past in our face, points out our shortcomings and tells us we will never be enough.  But 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NLT) states, “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” And Romans 8:1 (HCSB) tells us,

Therefore, no condemnation now exists for those in Christ Jesus….

We have been given our freedom. We are redeemed.

The enemy loves it when we try to earn grace.  However, we don’t need to do anything for Christ to get right with God.  It has already been done for us.

It is through Him that we have received grace (God’s unmerited favor).
Romans 1:5a AMP

It is all about God’s grace.  We don’t have to try harder or be better to make Christ love us more.  Christ’s love for us is more than we can fathom and it will never change. We have something greater within us already and we need to understand just how He sees us—holy, worthy, redeemed!

So, the next time the devil starts taking potshots at you, remember…

There’ll be days I lose the battle
Grace says that it doesn’t matter
‘Cause the Cross already won the war
He’s Greater
He’s Greater

  *   ~   ♥   ~   ✞   ~  ♥   ~   *

Father, I am so thankful that You are greater than the enemy and that You see me as lovable and worthy.  When satan takes shots at me, remind me there is no condemnation in You—that Your grace is all I need.  In Jesus’ name – Amen, it is so!

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  1. Clella Fox says

    Cynda, thank you for sharing the story behind this song. I’m so thankful for the assurance I have that Jesus is me is greater than the enemy in this world.
    “Amen” to your prayer!

  2. coleen hayden says

    love romans 1:5 and this: “We don’t have to try harder or be better to make Christ love us more. Christ’s love for us is more than we can fathom and it will never change. We have something greater within us already…” <3

    • We try though, don’t we? Just need to keep reminding myself “He’s greater” than anything I have done, am doing or will do. He’s got me covered 🙂

  3. Great share, Cynda. I agree with Coleen and Clella. “There’ll be days I lose the battle Grace says that it doesn’t matter” Amen!