February 22, 2025

Remembering and Deciding


Remember Your word to Your servant,
for You have given me hope.
My comfort in my suffering is this:
Your promise preserves my life.
Psalms 119:49-50

Remember in the Disney movie, The Jungle Book, Mowgli meets the youngest elephant of a herd.  The leader of the herd, the young elephant’s father, proclaims that an elephant never forgets.  However, as the herd is leaving, the elephant’s mother ends up reminding the father that he is “forgetting” their son who is still talking to Mowgli.

Yet, we have a heavenly Father Who does not forget about us.  He brings us hope and love in the midst a life of sin and temptation.  He never leaves our side.  We can call out to Him, and He will answer us in the way that He thinks is best for us.

For the wages of sin is death
but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 6:23

Yet we can find comfort in our Father who does not forget about us or His promises to us.  Remember John 3:16?  God gave us His Son so we would not perish if we believed in Him.  God sent His one and only Son here to die for our sins.  Jesus wiped away our penalty—death—for sinning against God.  Our punishment for sinning is death. However, if we believe in Jesus and proclaim Him as our Savior, our penalty has been paid.  We look forward to eternity in Heaven with God.

God’s promise of eternal life for acceptance of His Son as our Savior is very powerful. The war for our souls has been won once we repent and allow Jesus to come into heart.  It is free.  All we have to do is make the decision and open our hearts.  God’s promise preserves our life and brings comfort to our weary life.  He brings healing and love to our broken hearts.  It is a comfort that we have such a wonderful Father.

*  ~  ♥  ~  ✞  ~  ♥  ~  *

Dear Heavenly Father: Thank You for remembering us—Your children. You created us and know every thought and move before we do. Your love has saved us from eternal condemnation and pain. You bring us comfort, love, and healing. Thank You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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About laurapattillo

Laura Pattillo - Devotions Team
Laura currently resides in Beauregard (Opelika), Alabama. She grew up on Sand Mountain in North Alabama in Jackson County. She and her husband Michael have two children, a daughter, Natalee (2), and a son Thomas (5). Her hobbies include writing, reading, spending time with my family, continually playing catch-up, and camping.


  1. Clella Fox says

    I’m with you, Laura, so thankful that our Heavenly Father “does not forget about us or His promises to us.”
    I’m adding my ‘amen’ to your prayer.

  2. oh so thankful for our God’s faithfulness to His promises! echoing your prayer, Laura. <3