March 31, 2025

Does Your Time Reflect Your Priorities?

my time
After receiving the news that she would have to drive 45 minutes to pick up her 1 million dollar lottery check, a busy woman states that she “does not have time” and will have to decline her winnings.

Can you imagine? Like me, I am sure you are thinking “I would find the time!” It would be important because I know that:

• My life would change
• I would never HAVE to work again
• My kids college would be paid
• I would never have to worry about money again

Without a doubt, picking up that money would become a PRIORITY that day because of the benefits I would receive by finding 45 minutes in my day.

How often do you say ‘I don’t have time for exercise or daily quiet time’? Could you find just a few minutes in your day because you know the benefits you would receive such as:
• Less stress
• More peace
• Better health
• Look and feel better

Let’s be honest…is it that you don’t have the time OR have you not made exercise and daily quiet time a priority?

A priority has been defined as ‘something afforded or deserving attention’.  The truth is we will make time for the things that are a PRIORITY to us, like picking up a million dollars. We will rearrange schedules, cancel meetings, or say “no.” to certain things so that it can be done.

Take a couple of minutes today during lunch, waiting in line, or driving, to think and answer these two questions:

In order of importance, what is really important to you?
(Here is an example of what it may look like.)
• God
• Husband
• Family
• Health
• Career

Is your time prioritized each day around what is important to you….in the same order?

If God is a quick prayer in the car, and there is no quality time spent with your husband or kids, and there is nothing done each day toward your physical/mental health such as exercise and/or quiet time—they may not be your TRUE priorities. Our time demonstrates what is a priority in our life and, just like finding the time to pick up the lottery winnings, we can find time for what we say is important.

Just like taking the time to pick up your money would change your life,
how would your life change if your time was better spent toward your priorities?

In Good Health,

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About Crystal Breaux

Crystal Bush Breaux -- Blog Contributor -
As a Wellness Coach and Fitness Designer, Crystal work’s with busy women to design an exercise and eating plan to fit their personal schedule and lifestyle. With over 20 years in the fitness industry, Crystal has worked in commercial fitness as a personal trainer, group fitness instructor, an educator in corporate wellness, and in an executive leadership position in a hospital wellness center. She has a passion for teaching and encouraging women to have balance in their life physically, mentally and spiritually.

Married for 17 years to her wonderful husband Tim, she has two children, Hannah 9 and Zach 5. She and Tim serve in their church as small group leaders and in marriage ministry. Crystal loves spending time with her family and friends, running, teaching and coaching her daughter’s softball team.

To learn more go to and/or follow her on . For a personal Fitness and Food Design, you can email her at to schedule a free telephone consultation.


  1. coleen hayden says

    such good points, crystal! <3