February 22, 2025

Do You Dream of More Time?

More Time
In the busyness of life, do you dream of more time?  As women, we have so many titles—there is the employee/employer, committee leader, wife, mom, coach, church and/or community volunteer, taxi driver and friend.  Is it possible to give 100% in each role and find time to take care of our spiritual and physical health? In my opinion, the answer is no.

If you find yourself in a constant state of go, here is a question…

Is your busyness keeping you from knowing, and fulfilling,
God’s purpose for your life?”

If the answer is yes, then how do you prioritize your time to know God’s purpose?

Ladies, we will never know the answer until we make time with God each day our first priority through prayer and studying His Word. If we make Him a priority, He will begin to show us how to prioritize our time to fulfill HIS PLAN each day. You may be in a season of your life that you need to give up certain responsibilities, ideas, or selfish ambitions.  He is ready to show you.

Jeremiah 29:11-13 says,
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all of your heart.”

Jeremiah 29:11 is a verse we hear quite often that gives us hope that God has created us for a purpose. However, verses 12 and 13 tell us how we can find that purpose—by SEEKING HIM.  God wants time with us with no distractions.  Just as we want our husband/boyfriend to give us his full attention, God expects the same.

When you give Him your undivided attention, I promise He will show you
• Where your time should be spent each day
• How your time can best be used for His purpose
• How you can use your time to take care of your physical and spiritual fitness

I understand the challenge of knowing when and where to make Him a priority each day.  If you feel that way and dream of more time, I would love to help you. Email me at crystal@yourfitnessdesigner.com to receive a free time assessment called “Fitting it In.”  Within 5 minutes of completing this assessment, you will discover how to find time to focus on your priorities and take care of your physical and spiritual well-being.

Don’t let the busyness of this world keep you from growing with God and fulfilling His purpose for your life.

In Good Health,

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About Crystal Breaux

Crystal Bush Breaux -- Blog Contributor -
As a Wellness Coach and Fitness Designer, Crystal work’s with busy women to design an exercise and eating plan to fit their personal schedule and lifestyle. With over 20 years in the fitness industry, Crystal has worked in commercial fitness as a personal trainer, group fitness instructor, an educator in corporate wellness, and in an executive leadership position in a hospital wellness center. She has a passion for teaching and encouraging women to have balance in their life physically, mentally and spiritually.

Married for 17 years to her wonderful husband Tim, she has two children, Hannah 9 and Zach 5. She and Tim serve in their church as small group leaders and in marriage ministry. Crystal loves spending time with her family and friends, running, teaching and coaching her daughter’s softball team.

To learn more go to www.yourfitnessdesigner.com and/or follow her on www.facebook.com/yourfitnessdesigner . For a personal Fitness and Food Design, you can email her at crystal@yourfitnessdesigner.com to schedule a free telephone consultation.


  1. coleen hayden says

    crystal, i love where you wrote, “… He will begin to show us how to prioritize our time to fulfill HIS PLAN each day.” even in trying to figure out how to have MORE of Him, we need our God’s help and guidance! thanks for your faithful encouragement! <3

  2. Thank you, Crystal, for the encouragement–and the challenge! 🙂