February 22, 2025

God Our Strength


Sing for joy to God our strength, shout aloud to the God of Jacob!
Psalm 81:1

Jacob is an excellent example of a man who knew God gave him strength.  In times of trouble he called on God who helped him overcome the challenges.  He had run away from Esau and met Laban (his uncle who also became his father-in-law.)  He worked for 14 years to get his best wife.  In all those years Jacob endured painful circumstances through his God who gave him strength.
We can also do the same through Christ who strengthens us. We can trust God for His strength.

Blessed are those whose strength is in You, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage.
Psalm 84:5

In Psalm 89:21, God is saying, “My hand will sustain him, surely My arm will strengthen him.” This promise is for you and me. God’s promises are Yes! and Amen!  Let us embrace this truth that His arm will strengthen us.

It is about 2-3 weeks now I have been down with pain inside me due to feeling not favored, and not loved, etc., due to failing in my exams many times in the same subjects.  I could not even stand in prayer because of the pain and disappointment.  But I am here to tell you that I had an encounter with God, Christ Jesus, and the Holy Spirit in their Trinity—Who confirmed to me that this is not the end of the world…and I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. And that God REMAINS God…He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

At first it wasn’t making sense, but later I came to realize that “NOTHING can separate me from the love of God” and so, with that feeling, I am up again. I may have been dropped down but not knocked out!!

I beseech you, my dear friends, we need to give it all to God in prayer and in Jesus’ name. And He WILL answer us. And give us His strength when we are weary. He gives strength to our weak souls.

  *   ~   ♥   ~   ✞   ~  ♥   ~   *

Father, I thank You for Who You were, Who You are, and Who You will be forevermore. You are such an awesome God, the Creator of the universe. The heavens and the earth are full of Your glory. Holy are You, Lord! We glorify Your Holy name. May we always find strength in Christ Jesus Your son. May He give us the strength we need to carry on! We need You more than ever before. Dwell in us always because on our own…we cannot make it. Let Your joy be our strength. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen!!!

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About Ann Mwafulirwa

Ann Mwafulirwa -- Devotions Team
Ann is from Malawi, Africa, and lives in Lilongwe City. She is the mother of 2 children ages 15 and 11. She loves music and is a Praise Team member at her church. She also enjoys reading the Bible and other spiritual books, and writing.


  1. Clella Fox says

    Ann, thank you for your personal example that NOTHING can separate us from the love of God! Nothing means not one thing! That is certainly something to sing and shout about. 🙂
    I’m including my “It is so” to your prayer.

  2. Thank you for sharing how God’s Truth spoke to your heart in your time of need, Ann. What an encouragement for all of us!