February 22, 2025



When the first light brightened the dark
Before the breaking of the human heart
There was You and there was me
Innocence was all I knew
‘Cause all I had to know was You
We were running underneath the trees

I wanna see Your face to face
Where being in Your arms is the permanent state
I want it like it was back then
I wanna be in Eden

I remember how You’d call my name
And I would meet You at the garden gate
How the glory of Your love would shine
And I remember when the stars were young
You breathed life into my lungs
Oh I never felt so alive

I wanna see Your face to face
Where being in Your arms is the permanent state
I want it like it was back then
I wanna be in Eden

To be naked and unashamed
In a sweet down pour of innocent rain
I want it like it was back then
I wanna be in Eden

Where my eyes can see the colors of glory
My hands can reach the heaven before me
Oh, my God I wanna be there with You
Where our hearts will beat with joy together
And love will reign forever and ever
Oh my God I wanna be there with You

I wanna see Your face to face
Where being in Your arms is the permanent state
I want it like it was back then
I wanna be in Eden

To be naked and unashamed
In a sweet down pour of innocent rain
I want it like it was back then
I wanna be in Eden

~  Singer / Songwriter: Phil Wickam  ~
* ~ ♥ ~ ✞ ~ ♥ ~ * 
As you listen to these words, do you feel like you’re in the Garden? I do, and I feel like I am waiting for my afternoon visit with the Creator. Can you even imagine? Every morning, hearing the birds chirping and the wind breeze is just right and the flowers and trees are breathtaking and you fellowship with the Lord. He is your best friend and you get morning and afternoon standing appointments with Him every day.

This song is about the first man, his wife, and their love story with God. In the beginning it was just them and they were always in His Presence. Until that day when it all changed and they saw darkness and sin and they tried to hide from God. And when they were cast out, and Adam looks back 100 years later, he is longing for that time of his life when His Maker was his everything.

Same happens today with us, when we go through something really hard and we have such a bond with Him and He is our everything because we are so weak we can’t do anything by ourselves. Then we get on our feet and life goes on and we forget to have those daily chats. Then we start to long for that time we felt closest to God. We may not long for the hard part of that time but the closeness we had with God…we miss. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

We can have that ‘Eden’ experience daily by really spending time in His Word and really talking with Him like He is there. He IS there and He longs to meet you at the Garden gate. He longs to meet you face-to-face. A quiet time set aside to just be with God is vital to this relationship. Think about it. What if you and your husband, or your best friend, never spent any time together, one on one and you just texted every now and then. How could you be close? Obviously you wouldn’t be. And I don’t have to tell you that life is just better and more joyful when God is center and first.

So today, I challenge you to set aside time to meet with Him. Every day, spend quiet time with Him in the Garden. I personally think that He deserves our first words—the beginning of our day. I think you will find that if you do this, your relationship with God will be unshakable. And there will be a joy beyond anything you can imagine. So, in the comment section, tell us how you are going to do this, where you have this time and what time works best for you…I’m so excited for you! It’s a journey, the best one.

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Let’s pray:  Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for wanting to spend time with us and for creating us with a desire to just be with You. Eden was beautiful and amazing and we can recreate it daily. You have given us trees, flowers, and sunsets. Oceans and sand and artwork everywhere we turn. Help us to never take You for granted. For You are always there, even when we move, You never leave us or forsake us. We love You and we praise You. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

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About Kim Spring

Kim Spring - Blog Contributor
Kim lives in Pensacola Beach, Florida with her husband of 22 years and four children ages 20 to 8 years old. She’s been a Cheer Coach, a Personal Trainer, and a full-time mom and wife. She loves writing, exercising, loving on her family, and loving Jesus. She has a heart for spreading the hope that’s in Jesus Christ! Her message to others is that no matter what, there’s nothing impossible when God is your driver.


  1. Clella Fox says

    Thank you, Kim, for sharing this song. It’s true I want to see God face to face, but I can’t do that unless i spend time with Him. First thing in the morning as I am waking up, I start out with song, reciting Scripture, and prayer. Most times my head is still on my pillow because once I put my feet on the floor I get distracted. :-/ After I get myself (and the dog) taken care of, I sit down to study God’s Word, and the devotionals on GCH. I love spending time in this way, and many times wish that I didn’t have to get on with the daily routines. 🙂

    • Kim Spring says

      thank you for sharing,clella! You always are so faithful in reading and commenting on here. It’s so nice to know that you are so supportive. you and coleen both! can’t wait to one day meet you!D

      • Clella Fox says

        Being committed to read and study these devotionals keeps me on track to have my time with God everyday. Life easily gets in the way if I don’t. I really appreciate all of you who faithfully study and write for GCH, so I should be thanking each of you. 🙂
        What a joy filled day that will be! 🙂 May God continue to bless you, Kim.

  2. coleen hayden says

    i so appreciate phil wickham’s gift that God has placed in him…thanks for sharing this so worshipful song, kim, and for your words of encouragement to draw closer to my God in eden <3

    • Kim Spring says

      oh Coleen, you are so sweet! Such and encourager and mentor. He does have a gift and message that he gets across to all.