February 22, 2025

Meekness…Not Easy but Desired by Christ


We have now entered the season of Lent.  For many Christians, Lent is taken as a time of preparation for the celebration of Easter where God miraculously redeemed mankind by resurrecting His Son from the dead. It is also a time to consider what Jesus said and did; and how we should be living in light of His Words.  ✞ ♥

During this season, here on the Seeking Him devotional blog, we have chosen to focus our devotionals on Jesus’ instructions and admonition communicated in Matthew chapter 5—the Beatitudes.  Jesus said, “Blessed are…” and He went on to give instruction as to how to be “blessed.”  To be ‘blessed’ is to ‘be happy, or to be envied.’   Truly for the Christian, we ARE blessed—oh, how very blessed we are!  Those who observe our lives should clearly be able to tell that we ARE blessed—and that we KNOW it! ✞ ♥

Please consider Jesus’ instructions along with us.  We pray that our words will encourage you and spur you on to be prepare your hearts for the joyous celebration of His Resurrection!  ✞ ♥

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
Matthew 5:5

Lately my children have been talking about some situations at school—injustices, bullies, teachers—that they feel have treated them unfairly.  We have encountered people in the world who are not as nice as we would like them to be…the secretary at the school, the cashier, the server at the restaurant.  And I feel like they are always looking at me to gauge my response and to see how I handle the not-so-cordial behavior of others.  And to be quite honest, a lot of the time, meek is not the word that initially comes to mind.

I’ve read several definitions of the word meek, “…gentle, self-control, tender, and free from pride” are a few that I have come across (like I said, most times this is not me).  So I find myself in a battle when I’m facing these situations and I have little eyes on me. And, no, this is not the first Scripture that comes to mind; but as I was reading through it, I realized that my meekness, or the lack thereof, is constantly on display.

After a disagreement with her teacher, my daughter asked what we were going to do about it.  My response was that there are times in life where you don’t do anything…you don’t fight or argue…and you give it to God and move forward.  Though she doesn’t fully understand this right now, someday she will.  When the Scripture says that ‘the meek…shall inherit the earth’ I like to think of it in the moment.   When I refrain from telling the person who upset me what my flesh wants to say, I’m inheriting the earth, not literally, but for that moment. I’m showing that, even though I could say something, I’m not going to.  I’m going to love them through the situation and move on.  I’m going to ‘Let go and let God’.

But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you.

Matthew 6:33

For most, meekness does not come naturally. Seek first the Kingdom of God. In situations where your flesh is battling to share your thoughts with those who have wronged you, seek Him first.  Pray…go to God…and breathe.

Meekness isn’t easy; but it is desirable by Christ, and that makes it desirable to us.

Let’s Pray:  Lord, to be honest when I think of me being meek, I don’t see it.  I don’t see it in a lot of people these days, but I know it’s possible.  I know that we can operate in self-control, in submission, and in tenderness.  Lord, help us to remember to seek You first when our meekness feels threatened, and that this is another way in which we can display Your light to others.  In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

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About Tonya Ellison

Tonya Ellison — Blog Contributor
Tonya comes to us from Rio Rancho, New Mexico where she lives with her four favorite people, three kids ages 4, 6, and 9, and her husband of seven years, Jamel. Her hobbies include writing and reading, crocheting, and spending time with her family. She earned her BS in Human Services/Management and works as a Bereavement Counselor.


  1. Clella Fox says

    Tonya, thank you for this good word. It’s true that in the flesh I would rather defend myself or my stand, but “there are times in life where you don’t do anything…give it to God and move forward.” That’s hard, but I must try to follow Christ’s example every day in every way. I’m praying your prayer for sure today.

  2. coleen hayden says

    tonya, love your simple (not easy, again!) example to your daughter!!! <3