When there are so many things to do or things we want to do, exercise may become last on the priority list. However, have you ever considered there are things you can get done while exercising? Before dropping your workout for the day, think about how you may find time to exercise with a little multi-tasking.
- Get Organized
For me, before I can get my home organized, my work and daily “to do” list done, I have to prepare what and how it needs to be done in my head. I cannot tell you how many times I have developed a new plan of doing things after thinking about it during a long walk. I get things done, in my head that would not have been done without exercise.
- Time with a girlfriend
Do you have that girlfriend who sends a quick message, “We need to get together for girl time?” Then life gets crazy and there is no time to sit and talk. Oh, the things we get accomplished when I go for a run with my best friend.
We get to catch up on each other’s lives and I usually get help and encouragement with something I have needed, but had not taken the time to stop and ask.
- Quiet Time
So often I hear women say they struggle to have daily quiet time with the Lord. Let me give you a little secret. Jesus does not just wear sandals, He wears tennis shoes. I know this because He has joined me so many times for a run. There have been times when I felt Him and heard from Him the most while praying during a walk right outside my front door.
How would you view your time of exercise if you looked at it as time with God and a way to honor Him?
- Get Creative
Do you have a job that requires creativity or volunteer where someone is looking to you for inspiration? Taking a walk can be an opportunity to clear your head and get inspired with new ideas. Perhaps you struggle with being productive as I do. If that is the case, bring your phone or a small notepad and pen in a fanny pack and jot down those ideas on your walk.
These are all things that can be done while exercising. Think of it as a bargain—two for the price of one. You may be surprised to learn that you can find time for exercise with a little multi-tasking!
In Good Health,
Crystal, I love your simple but effective ways to exercise. Once this cold, wet winter gets out of the way, I plan to put some of your suggestions to use. (I do take the dog out for short walks when I can, but I’m sure these are not enough.)
🙂 Clella, start by walking the dog just a little faster. You can still do two things at once.
Excellent reminders of getting back to the basics…when life gets overwhelming it’s too easy to just stop doing for ourselves. Your tips are great reminders to keep doing for ourselves while serving God where he has planted us! Our health is part of our worship for him…if we are not taking care of our ‘temples’…he is not as effective in our ministries. Thank you for the simplicity and truth you shared!
Shelly thank you. We have to remember that taking care of our body is one day to worship and give Honor to God. You are right
thank you again, crystal, for simple easy to implement ideas! <3