February 23, 2025

Poor In Spirit


We have now entered the season of Lent.  For many Christians, Lent is taken as a time of preparation for the celebration of Easter where God miraculously redeemed mankind by resurrecting His Son from the dead. It is also a time to consider what Jesus said and did; and how we should be living in light of His Words.  ✞ ♥

During this season, here on the Seeking Him devotional blog, we have chosen to focus our devotionals on Jesus’ instructions and admonition communicated in Matthew chapter 6—the Beatitudes.  Jesus said, “Blessed are…” and He went on to give instruction as to how to be “blessed.”  To be ‘blessed’ is to ‘be happy, or to be envied.’  Truly for the Christian, we ARE blessed—oh, how very blessed we are!  Those who observe our lives should clearly be able to tell that we ARE blessed—and that we KNOW it! ✞ ♥

Please consider Jesus’ instructions along with us.  We pray that our words will encourage you and spur you on to be prepare your hearts for the joyous celebration of His Resurrection!  ✞ ♥

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
Matthew 5:3

Jesus was teaching the lost on the side of a hill.  As He was speaking all kinds of people surrounded Him—rich, poor, healthy, sick, loved, hated.  His teaching was for all who would seek Him and His Father.

In researching and thinking about what “poor in spirit” is, I came acoss a study which stated,

“Being ‘poor in Spirit’ is to have a humble and broken/contrite heart
that constantly seeks help and forgiveness
from God for their very existence.”
(Biblesco: Free Inductive Bible Study Lessons)

From the beginning of time, God has wanted a unique relationship with His people. When the people of Israel kept refusing to follow God’s leading, He would bring punishments upon them.  Sometimes these were very painful and then He would show mercy.  The people would repent and turn back to Him for a period of time but would fall back into the old familiar patterns of behavior.

Then God decided it was right for His Son Jesus to come and live among us for a period of time.  The life Jesus lived among us was fantastic.  He obeyed His earthly parents, His Heavenly Father, and learned at the feet of His local teachers.  When it was time for Jesus to begin His ministry, He sought to give it to the Jewish people.  The Pharisees and Saducees had hardened hearts and rejected God’s truth, but Jesus did not stop sharing.  They were more about revenge and keeping rules than in showing grace and mercy toward others.  These people had long since forgotten what it was like to have a ‘humble, contrite heart’.

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As we prepare our hearts for the Easter season let us try to remember the sacrifice He made for us.  Let us remember to be humble and obedient to God’s word and leading of the Holy Spirit.  He will honor us when we honor Him and His Son.

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About Tina Marin

Tina Marin – Blog Contributor
Tina lives in Murfreesboro, TN with her husband of 19 years. They have two grown kids who are thriving and living on their own along with her mother-in-law who moved in May of 2013. She works outside the home as a payroll administrator. She volunteers at her local church in early childhood ministry as a large group leader, as well as working with the Teens ministry. Tina enjoys learning more about God, and likes to spend time with her family and friends.


  1. Clella Fox says

    I agree, Tina, I too want to be humble and obedient to God’s Word and the Holy Spirit’s leading. Psalm 34:18, “The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.”