March 30, 2025

Gabriel’s Message – Sting


The angel Gabriel from heaven came
His wings as drifted snow
His eyes as flame
“All hail” said he “thou lowly maiden Mary,
Most highly favored lady,” Gloria!

“For known a blessed mother thou shalt be,
All generations laud and honor thee,
Thy Son shall be Emanuel,
By seers foretold
Most highly favored lady,” Gloria!

Then gentle Mary meekly bowed her head
“To me be as it pleaseth God,” she said,
“My soul shall laud and magnify His holy name.”
Most highly favored lady, Gloria!

Of her Emanuel, the Christ was born
In Bethlehem all on a Christmas morn
And everyone throughout the world forever saved
Most highly favored lady, Gloria!

Gabriel’s Message  ~  Sting

I first heard this song sometime in the ’80s.  Musically depicting the events told to us in Luke  chapter 1 (verses 26-38, 46-55),  I was originally drawn to the description of the Angel Gabriel and what it must have been like to have been visited by a messenger of God!  Now that I am older and in a different place in my walk with God, I am still drawn to this song, although now focusing on Mary and her obedience.

To me be as it pleaseth God.” – that line always brings goose bumps! In Luke 1:38, Mary says more specifically: “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.”  What beautiful humility!  What a servant’s heart! What a willingness to be a vessel (literally) for God. Surely she had to know the risks, the potential to be shunned and humiliated.  What would Joseph think?  What if he left her? She was a “lowly maiden” – what if she was financially unable to take care of herself and her child? What an amazing trust in God to fulfill His promise to her!  In verses 46-55 we see Mary’s beautiful song of praise:

“My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for He has been mindful of the humble state of His servant.  From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me – holy is His name.  His mercy extends to those who fear Him from generation to generation.  He has performed mighty deeds with his arm, He has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts.  He has brought down rulers from their throne but has lifted up the humble.  He has filled the hungry with good things but has sent the rich away empty.  He has helped his servant Israel, remembering to be merciful to Abraham and his descendants forever, even as He said to our fathers.”

To me be as it pleaseth God.”  Mary’s obedience brought our Savior into the world!  Do I say to the Lord, “May it be to me as you have said”?  May we follow Mary’s example and be as obedient, sisters!  When we do, God uses US as vessels for His divine purpose, and brings blessings to others!

Merry Christmas!

And may God bless you richly with rewards for your obedience to Him!

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About Robin Caddell

Robin Caddell - Blog Contributor
Robin Caddell lives in Murfreesboro, TN with her husband Berry and two dogs, Wyatt and Dyson. In fact, she credits her relationship with her dogs with helping her further understand how God relates to us, as his children!
Robin firmly believes that all of us are capable of being ministers in our own way, with the talents and gifts God gave us, in our own spheres of influence. Passionate about encouraging others, she strives to remind all of the amazing love God has for mankind, and that freedom, abundance and power are available to all of us when we lead a life directed by Christ and the Holy Spirit. Active members of her church with her husband, Robin sings in the adult choir, is a member of the coffee team and teaches two small groups throughout the year – one of which in her home – just for ladies!
In addition to her dogs, Robin loves reading, watching Tennessee Titans football, and is crazy about crafting, cooking and entertaining. She owns a business on Etsy named Little Black Dog Boutique, where she sells handmade dog accessories, all natural treats and fun things for their people! She and her husband are also in the process of building their first home in middle Tennessee.


  1. Robin, thank you for sharing this song which I had never heard before! The message is timely for me. Am i listening for God’s message and direction for my life? Am I saying as Mary did, “To me be as it pleases God?” I do want to be His vessel for His divine purposes. I’m praying that I hear His voice clearly.
    Thank you allowing God to use you to bless others (me!) 🙂

    • robincaddell says

      Thank you, Clella! I love this song precisely for that message – am I pleasing God? I will agree with you in prayer that He uses us for His purposes! And you bless me, too! 🙂

  2. oh, i love mary’s heart!!! may my own heart respond to God in the same way! thanks, robin, for reminding us! <3

    • robincaddell says

      Me too, Coleen! What a humble and unique woman of God. Thank you for the way your heart responds to God! 🙂

  3. What a beautiful reminder of obedience, Robin! Thank you and thank you for introducing me to this song. <3

  4. robincaddell says

    You’re so welcome! 😀