February 22, 2025

Joy IS Possible…Right Where You Are

Surely the Lord is in this place, and I wasn’t even aware of it

Genesis 28:16

November 22,2011.  There was a note, and a knock, and some boxes; and our lives were packed in two cars and a U-Haul. It was Thanksgiving Eve and we were in a hotel room overlooking the Pensacola Bay. Not a plush hotel room or a suite, just two double beds and some orange carpet and 1970’s curtains. Musty smells replaced turkey smells and loud noises outside replaced the familiar sound of family. No Charlie Brown Thanksgiving playing on TV or parades…but we still had each other.

We got creative and played games. The kids had a blast as they were so excited to be in a hotel for the first time. They had no idea what was really going on. See, as long as their father (and mother) were there, they felt safe. Thanksgiving came and we broke out the Pringles and gummy worms and had a feast. We thanked God for all we had and for being together and for loving each other. God was still blessing us and loving us. We took walks outside and watched some movies and prayed and fellowshipped. Kyle and I continued to pray for a miracle. We never once wondered where God was in all of this…we knew He had to be up to something.

Just as we were thinking this was the end of a beautiful season of living in a dream place, God was starting something new here. We received a call from a friend and in that call was a huge dose of hope! Shortly thereafter, we loaded the kids back in the car and drove back over the bridge to a precious house on the beach and we have been there ever since. God knew all along and He had a plan. And it was much better than we could have ever imagined.

When you praise Him through it all and thank Him for all you do have, it opens up the heavens for more blessings. God works in mysterious ways and His ways are not always understandable. But He is always trustworthy. If you are wondering why you are where you are today or you are wondering where God is at this moment—He is always with you.  He always loves you.  He always keeps His promises. There is hope today and there is always something to be grateful for. Remembering to give thanks is what causes us to trust and to believe.  Live the prayer of Thanksgiving and you will always live the power of trusting God.  Joy is always possible right where you are.  And just like my children, when we are with our Father, we know we are safe, no matter where we are.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving and be a blessing to someone today!!

Let us pray: Dear Heavenly Father, We thank You for all the blessings You bestow on us daily, hourly, every minute of the day we are blessed by Your grace. Lord, You give so much and we take so much for granted. Help us to remember that this is not all there is. And that we are living for eternity and we are not Home yet. Help us to keep our eyes open and ears open to see and hear of anyone who is in need and may we not hesitate to give until it hurts for it was in someone being obedient to You that saved our family years ago. Comfort those who are hurting today and draw especially close to them during this season. You sustain us and You keep us in perfect peace. We love You and we praise You. In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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About Kim Spring

Kim Spring - Blog Contributor
Kim lives in Pensacola Beach, Florida with her husband of 22 years and four children ages 20 to 8 years old. She’s been a Cheer Coach, a Personal Trainer, and a full-time mom and wife. She loves writing, exercising, loving on her family, and loving Jesus. She has a heart for spreading the hope that’s in Jesus Christ! Her message to others is that no matter what, there’s nothing impossible when God is your driver.


  1. What a Thanksgiving story, Kim. This will surely give hope and encouragement to others, it did me. Happy Thanksgiving to you in Pensacola. Will be passing through your area real soon.

    • Thank you Martha! Look forward to seeing you soon. Happy thanksgiving to you. There’s always light at the end. Amen

  2. Kim you have been such an encouragement for so many here. So thankful you share your stories of hope and of how great our God truly is. Have an awesome Thanksgiving!

    • Thank you Laurie! We have some stories for sure and they all point back to Him. He rescues us and we share stories so others will know His truth. Happy Thanksgiving!!

  3. “Live the prayer of Thanksgiving and you will always live the power of trusting God.” Kim, your statement popped off the page to me! I believe it, and have experienced it. Thank you for sharing your story of joy, thanksgiving, trust, and provision–what a testimony of hope! God is Good–all the time!
    Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

  4. coleen hayden says

    yes…echoing the thoughts of our sisters! kim, thanks for sharing this testimony of God’s goodness and the important encouragement to recognize we CAN have joy each and every moment in all situations and circumstances. happy and blessed thanksgiving to you and your loved ones! <3

    • Yes we can Coleen! The lessons learned through all this are not replaceable and i wouldn’t trade them for anything. I don’t want to go through it again, but He was always there and carried us through!!!

  5. Kim, I love this. You are such an inspiration!

    • Thank you Brandis! And thank you for taking the time to share. He gives us a story to share and I feel like everyone needs to know that there is hope, always!!!!

  6. Perfect testimony for Thanksgiving any year, Kim! The same sentence Clella mentioned is the one that jumped off the page for me, too! What a blessing you are! Happy Thanksgiving — no matter where you are! <3

  7. Marlo Tipton says

    My sweet Kim- have not seen you since we were at State but so thankful to have reconnected on FB and now your blog. Happy Thanksgiving to you, Kyle and your family. Much love~

    • thank you Marlo! I love reconnecting on Facebook, don’t you? How are you? I hope you are doing really good! Thanks for commenting and for reading. Hope you have a really good holiday, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Check in now and then!