March 4, 2025

Divine Protection


Truly my soul waiteth upon God: from Him cometh my salvation.
He only is my Rock and my Salvation;
He is my Defense; I shall not be greatly moved…
Psalm 62: 1-2

Let me take you back to Exodus 33….

It came to pass when Moses entered went out into the tabernacle
the cloudy pillar descended and stood at the door of the tabernacle
and the Lord talked with Moses.
Verse 9 KJV

(I strongly urge you to read through the conversation between God and Moses). My concentration is on THE ROCK and SALVATION.  What is the type of Rock and Salvation being talked here?  If we combine Psalm 62 and Exodus 33, it equals Isaiah 53.

In Exodus 33 God was telling Moses that He would put Moses under a cleft (the back and the sides of the hands but the front God will cover with the arm). Let us imagine—how big is the arm of God?  Who is this Arm?  Isaiah 53 explains the Arm of God…it is JESUS.

So as long as we are in Christ Jesus we will be covered.  He is the solid Rock—nothing can harm us.  We are protected. He is our salvation.  He died for our sins only to be served when He rose again for it was for our righteousness.  Death alone was for our salvation; if He had not risen, then there would have been no righteousness being imputed for us.  He rose for our righteousness.  We should count ourselves blessed for the Blood that was shed was for our good.  We should be thanking God for His love for us. Today we walk freely for Someone paid the price and saved us; and we are defended at all angles.

Look back and think how many times we can say the Rock covered us. I see many prayer requests (and praises thereafter) in the GCH Fellowship group.  Who takes us through those times?  It is this Arm and Rock!  Let us embrace this Arm with all our hearts.  Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father but only through Him.  That is why in Exodus 33 when Moses was insisting that he wanted to see God face to face, God told him that he could not see God; that He would put Moses in a Rock (Jesus) and cover him with His Arm (same Jesus) and that He would pass by Moses and he would only see God’s back. God was protecting Moses since once Moses had seen His face he could have died for no one has ever seen the face of God.  That is why God said to Moses “you will be covered by the rock at your back and in front there will be my arm.”  We are at liberty to interact with Jesus for Him to cover and protect us completely and all around — 360 degrees.

* * * * *

Father God, we thank You for Your goodness and mercy that follows us all the days of our lives. We appreciate Your presence in our lives—the Rock and the Arm that saved us from all un-righteousness.  In Jesus name, I pray. Amen

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About Ann Mwafulirwa

Ann Mwafulirwa -- Devotions Team
Ann is from Malawi, Africa, and lives in Lilongwe City. She is the mother of 2 children ages 15 and 11. She loves music and is a Praise Team member at her church. She also enjoys reading the Bible and other spiritual books, and writing.


  1. Clella Fox says

    Ann, thank you for pulling these verses together, what a great picture! I love your statement, “We are at liberty to interact with Jesus for Him to cover and protect us completely and all around–360 degrees.” 360 degrees, yea! Praise and thanksgiving to our Lord.


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