February 22, 2025

A Free Hand


I will praise You as long as I live, and in Your name I will lift up my hands.
Psalm 63:4

As a child, I was the quiet one.  I was a shy, curly-haired, red-headed little girl who wanted to hide behind others.  If I was thrown into the spotlight, I was not comfortable there, like others. Can you relate?

In third grade, I was about to play in a piano recital. I knew the piece, “Suppose” by memory very well.  But as I stepped in front of the huge crowd, sat on the bench and my long blue skirt brushed over my black shiny shoes, fear captured me!  My hand would not move away from “middle C” on the keyboard.  I played that note over and over again. (My Mom stood to applaud, and everyone else did, too, in order to release me from my agony.  I may be the only person ever to get a standing ovation for playing one note!)  This is only one of many examples when I’d let fear overtake me where I could not move forward—not completely—for fear of mistakes or fear  of hurting someone or fear of letting someone down.  And when the fear cycle began, it easily could snowball into a cycle of bigger fears. Can you relate?

I had asked Jesus into my heart at the age of eight.  I knew I needed a Savior!  But for a long time, it was hard for me to release some of my fears…even some hidden ones.  In my twenties though, in God’s wisdom, He allowed me to come to the end of myself.  I realized in that time of complete brokenness that my focus must be on Him—faith not fears, depth in relationship with Him instead of people-pleasing and swirling circumstances.  My life dramatically changed for the better when I became very God-focused!  (I still have my moments, but I get back on track quickly.)

The freedom, comfort, guidance, and peace that He lavished on me when I needed it most increased my faith and love in my relationship with Jesus!  For many years, I have expressed myself and moved forward—especially where Jesus is concerned!   My hand is no longer like that paralyzed hand that could not move in one direction or the other during that piano recital as a child.  My hand can easily be lifted up to praise Jesus in a worship service.  (It’s just an external expression of the overflow of a thankful heart!)  My hand can write/type words (in various written formats) that praise and glorify Jesus as I share with others about His great saving love!  And with great expression, passion, and boldness, my hands have moved in grand gestures as I have taught Bible studies and directed drama or acted on the stages of churches over the years.  (I share all of this for the great glory of God!  For you see, He took me to a greater level of understanding of freedom and faith in Him and a greater awareness of His Holy Spirit working in me and God’s amazing, continuous grace…or else…those things just listed would not have happened.)

To God…ALL glory and praise! I am nothing without Him!  Oh, how I will praise Him as long as I live…please join me.

* * * * *

Dear Lord, let us be in awe of You.  Let us move forward each day—with thankful hearts— following You!  Let us give our hearts and lives completely to You to use for Your glory!  We love You, so let us praise You as long as we live, and let us lift our hands to praise You!  Let us keep our focus on You as stated in Hebrews 12:2, “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the Cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”  In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen.

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About Cheris Gaston

Cheris Gaston - Devotions Team
Cheris was born in Louisiana, and currently lives near Huntsville, Alabama. She is married to her wonderful Danny for almost 24 years, and together they have 2 children: Hannah (21) and Seth (18). She likes reading, writing, Bible studies, encouraging others, mountain scenes, college football, candles, coffee, and apple cake.


  1. Clella Fox says

    What a beautiful testimony and devotional, Cheris. Thank you for sharing. As I grow in my relationship with God, I discover the gifts He has given me and choose to use them for His glory.

  2. Thank you, Clella. You are using your gifts well, friend. Let us all remember as we step forward to serve…ALL for Him and His glory or not at all…

  3. don’t we just love it when the praises of our hearts flow out of our lips and then cause our hands and arms to be lifted to our Lord?!!? echoing your prayer today, miss cheris…endeavoring to live hebrews 12:1-4! <3

    • Yes we do, Coleen! Thank you for your Scripture reference to all 4 verses. I went and read them all to let them saturate my heart and mind this morning! 🙂

  4. Love, love, love this!!!! When you came to the “end of yourself”…you were able to get “God Focused”…that’s all he wants from each of us…our total focus! Thank you for sharing your story!

    • Thank you, Shell. God is always there to meet us where we are to restore us and to renew us…He is faithful…He is a good and great God. Again, as my focus turns toward Him…such thankfulness…words are simply not adequate at this moment…

  5. Bettye Hassell says

    Applause may be heard, again, for the beautiful way in which you describe your spiritual growth. Thank you, my daughter, for your willingness to serve our Lord in whatever capacity He asks. Mom

  6. Thank you, Momma. And I’d like to tell not only you, but the world that I love you, my Momma very dearly! When I look back over this life I have lived so far, I am overwhelmed with gratitude to my Lord and Savior for the family members and friends He has placed in my life in the very places and ways I have needed them. And to pause and think that I probably first heard the name of Jesus from your lips makes me forever grateful to you for that alone, even though there are thousands of reasons more I could say the words, “Thank you” to you, Momma. God is so good! In Christ, we are ALL so blessed by His many and intentional wonderful blessings that He gives us…Let us all live and move with a grateful heart for the freedom, love, and lives we have in Christ.

  7. Beautiful! Amen!

  8. I remember putting on mini plays (The King and I) and piano playing (and I wished so much I could afford lessons too). The Cheris I remember was yes quiet but sweet and beautiful and I wanted to be like you! I had no idea you were shy-I thought you were so brave and confident! Isn’t it funny how we see ourselves so differently than others do? I loved being around you and I remember your Mom being so gracious and lady like! My heart broke when we moved because I was leaving a good friend behind. I suppose we all wear our masks to hide what’s underneath but praise God He knows the real us and if we just allow him(as you have shared so wonderfully) to use us for HIS GLORY it all works out! Pray that I and others will allow our creator who loves us to use us as well!! MGilmore

    • Cheris Gaston says

      Precious friend, Marquitta, your friendship continues to bless me after all these years, and I thank God that I learned what a dear friendship can look like through YOU! Thank you, sweet friend! I am so thankful for the people God brings into our lives with such blessings and intentions for a bigger purpose than what we can see in the moment! Yes, let’s pray that we will ALL (shy ones, brave ones, and in-between ones) be surrendered for His purposes and for His glory! Your heart looks like a yielded one, friend! I am so thankful for you. Love you!!